HomeMy WebLinkAbout15079 GOLDEN WEST - CofO (6)M �rt MITLICATION FAR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY � � C11TY OF IR TNTLNGTON BEACH - DE�'�.ART� MINT OF BUMDUKG a SAFETY-? Y (s`4Floor -MustAprply In -Person) Business Licenser Date -# — N -cj Address- 0. o` �a C-6t _"-. S-1. 13� _ ? f . Business ;ia_me ►� t I &P-i A C � � c, K. €mac. n or.. Telephone qt f iS `t Business Type aormation Business Owner Na,-re _ M4�� ���1 �arsae .address t-ass .. C ; ry r, r ► c-G. 'r ::� (14-'5eIC- ,'SYlCity Tel. TMS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS. ]tiewly Constructed Building or �kxisti q Buil UDC CHECK ALL TRAT APPLY. :Change of Owner QLhange of Occupant CIChange of Use —, Additional Occupant lndica'e former use, if any Dees the building ;nave electricity? Yes, . N0 If ti o, are you requesting that the electricity be turner on? Yes Q. No n The building is sprutklered? Yes 0 No X Operations wall product dust/wuod shavings or similar material? Yes a 3NTO operarons will ins o!ve the repair or replacement of au0mobile parts Yes U No If %'es: Desr .be the components repaired arripplaced. oes the operation involve the use of welding or opera flame? Yes n No The business is drinking, dining or assembly c9e that will result in an occupant load ci more than 50 persons. Yes U NO ZI Tha following best describes my operation: � Offce Only QRetail Sales Zedical/DAntal URestau*antlTake �?ut,Fc od � Pare ause :1 .manufacturing/'Distribution (describe -process and end Ixoduct) Other (describe) Office Cse Only: Zoning. C._ �7 Sq Ft Occuptedt Aocc Group. Ocr Load:. _,______ Stories. / Purring Spaces: TII= Revie� . Y Aptl?aii S: _o i >,rb�.�, paid BEFORE 1Wp=ion Eutitiement rr BuildingPernut r f f Pl u-;fir Initials Bld, gli'l�dn Ghecli �ntti CofO South Coast Au Quality Management District 21865 E. Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA91765-4182 (909) 396.;3529 htrip://www.aqmdgov Air Quality PenWt Cheddtstf California Government Cade 65850.2 prohibits cities from issuing a Certificate of Occupancy to abusiness k «rithout clearance froin, the local air quality agency. This checklist will determine if you need` to obtain clearance from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (A.QMD) Companyivame: bv. a'' AQA Property Address: two--J i S i City: tin -,. Zip Code: q Z. �;,4 Contact Person: t` r A - 'Title:. A>_ Type of Business: � � �-�,�, � �--� i � Telephone; Applicant: (pr%nt name) M �,e o Signature: Will the facility have any of the :followmig equipmcnt? Yes Q No UK ; Chaforoiler Dry cleaning machine Spray Booth Printing Mess (screen/Uthographic/flexographic) Internal combustion engine (greater than SOB?) (excluding motor vehicles) Boiler/combustion equipment (greater tf a 2 million BTU/hr. maxis num input) Abrasive blagang cabinettroon Baghouse/cartridge type dust, filter/scntbber Motor fuel storage and dispensing equipment } • WiD. any of the following opuratic-as be performed? gyres i�i v Application of paints or adi:esives Etching, plating, casting, or melting of metals Molding and blending, ofliquids and/or powders Storage of acids, solvents, organic liquids or fuels Production of acids, solvents, organic liquids, or, €uel Production of fumes, dust; smoke or strong odors ® If you answered ``llio" to both questions, this checkl sties your clearance from AQ M- * If you answered "Yes" to either question, }Vu must contact AQIvII� to det�rrrttne if air quality pmiits :are requut.d, ifperoaits are needed, AQMD will assist you. in submitting permit application(ts j and.then provide you with a clearance letter, You can call AQTvID af their Small Busijncss Assistance {7fce at (800) 38L-2121. s a