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CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 3/ --- 3% c 4 Date Address 1 i31 NiAIFd District Business Name BAGELMANIA CGFFEE H USE Tel. Business Type RESTAURJ1NT (TAKE CUT) O.;c. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNER/MANAGER YIICF.'AFL ABDELMUT a CHRISTINA GLASGCT�; Name Name Address 101 MAIN 100 Address 119 TENTH ST City HL, CA Tat. — City H F G A Nome Tel. Construction No. of Stories _ Occupant Load 34 Sprinklers CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL C ,mrnients t. MAXI14UFU 12 SEATS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This Certificate of Occupancy SHALL. BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the ? by Building Official. J� APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ' 1"11Uhi7TYTON MAQi DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) DATE i Address I! lt� 114 5 r District _ Business Name -- e` _1 �9rrtiJ 5i" Tel Business Type _ ( j` �- Occ. Group — _— BUSINESS B ILDING WNE � V BUSINESS OWN MANAGER Nam V /� Nam i �" / iiVJ41 Address Home L/S-„� ff pQ/ 4W ty. S-y� C� Address - City ! % Tel. Q -— City_ �� l Home Tel, THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. ❑ CHANGE OF OWNER GHANGEOFOCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING ❑ CHANGE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate forrrrer use, if any_ Occupancy Gr. _Div. SQUARE FT, OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIEDL NOTICE: 1. Occupancy of any buildirg is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has �:::en inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule an electrical use up' inspection in t' . "apartment of Community Development at the time this application is filed. / 3, Change of occupancy,,. .� inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make ins ection of a building 1` j premisa�s in order to determine if a change maybe made in the characterp Idmg or or przmises which would lace the buildil r of occupancy or use ofthe building p g in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall be paid to the city. 01 4, Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that building numbers must be a minimum of four (4) inches in height with one half (1/2) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color- from the background. These numbers :rust be posted on your building in a location that Y� visible from the street. 5 Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribu i er the I National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). f SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 1. BUSINESS ADDRESS 2. �I' Person to contact in case of ewer enc -- g y Telephone number: 3. Does the building in question have electricity? ,"Yes El No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be G Yes turned on? ❑ No 4. The building is sprinklered? . Yes 11 No 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar material" ❑ Yes IW-.N o 6. Operations will involve the repair or replacement of Yes :automobile parts? ,23-"No If Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. (b) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame? ❑ Yes �KNo ?. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. ❑ Yes Io 8. The following best describes my operai on,; Office Oni Warehouse. Manufacturing / Distribution (describe process and end product) SUPPLEMENTAL' INPOAM ATION (Continued) Does Ihe. 'bperation involve , any of the following materials? ©' Yes XNo if Yes, indicate quantities:„ uuantfty. ..., .. 1. Flammable liquids Class l-,4 Cass i-B Class l-C . .. r C. (''6mbu,tible ' liquids -Class 11 Class 111-A-- 6 Eombination flammable liquids -lrmmable uses CAu+'fied flammable gases 6. l= ammable fibers - loose 7, 1 iammable fibers - baled T F=amrn,abie solids 9, tJinstable materials 10. t."orrosive liquids 11. Oxidizing material gases 13. (Dxidi2incd-Material �-�solids f Irgariic peroxides- 15.__'1q'rtrornethane' ' (unstable, materials) 16, ' Ammonium nitrate 17. Ammonium mtr<at-_ compound mixtures containing more than 60% nitrate by weight ; S. Highly toxic. material and g� d p0sono,us gas 19. Smokeless .powder 20. Black sporting powder t City Huntington of Ht ngt©n beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building 536-5241 Planning 536-5271 Housing S36-5271 Government Code Section 65850.2(b) requires the City of Huntington Beach Building Division not to issue the final certificate of occupancy unless the applicant has met or is meeting the requirements of, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). The Building Division must obtain a written release from AQMD to show the applicant has complied with this law. The check list on the reverse side is designed to help the applicant and the building division to meet these requirements. 1. The applicant (the. same Pexson who applies for permits from the Building DivisiQr�) must complete the check list which can be obtained either at the Building Division or at AQMD. 2. 'If all boxes in the list are checked "no", the Building Division can accept the check list as the release. 3. If there are any "yes" answers in the list, the applicant must contact an AQMD engineer by calling (714) 396-.2000 to find out whether air permits are required for the proposed construction project. 4. If air permits are not required, the applicant will obtain a writt en relea se se fro m AQMD. 5. If air permits are required, the applicant must submit the necessary permit applications before the release can be issued. Because of the time it may take for AQMD to go through the above Procedures, the applicant is advised to contact AQMD immediately after applying for Building permits. 4 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (Nonresidential Buildings Only) . Location of Subject P,operty:/��M!� 1i Property Owner. .Name.: l �T-R D V y X Phone. Name of the Person repaying this form in pri.ri d signature a Name; t �- l 05 V(Q W S-gnatu,,.e: Tha person preparing this form must be the same person applying for building permits. Please answer the following questions regarding your proposed occupancy of the subject building. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION MARK IN THE "YES" COLUMN: AQMD PERMITTING CHECKLIST YES NO 1. Does your facility use any internal combustion engines greater than 50-HP? f/ 2. Does your facility involve mixing, blending, or processing any solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? 3. Does your facility create any dusts or smoke? � 4. Does your facility refine any liquids or solids or reclaim any metals? +✓� 5. Does your facility plate or coat anything? 6. Does your facility have any combustion equipment i.e. boiler furnaces, broiler, baking ovens, etc.) rated greater than 2,000,000 BTUtHR? _ts Does your facility handle or store solvents or motor fuel?' 8. Do you use or store any, acids?' 9. Do you use any chemical process?�- 10•. Do you use any solvents for clean-up? 11. Are you a dry cleaner, restaurant with a charbroiler, body shop, gasoline station, printer, or part coater? 12. Is -the subject building located within one thoasand (1,000) feet of any school? PROPERTY LINE TO PROPERTY LINE.. GRADES K-12. If you have marked "NO" in all columns, you do not need an Air Quality permit a- this time. If you have marked any questions in the "YES" Column you mist contact the South Coast Air Quality Management District located at: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACHc /f Date Address 101 t�iAl ty 41 1 ', District Business Name bAGLLFAi IA CCE F L;E: hC USE Tel. Businoss Type hE.STP.URA%T (TI-1,L GUT) _ Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS CWNER/MANAGER N ICE EEL ABLUMUi7 Name GE.FI-TINA GLA,,,GGV Name Home Address 161 EAU Address 11`% TEN Efi '_`T Home City HL + CA Tel. City E E - C A TeL Construction No, of Stories Occupant Load _` 4 Sprinklers CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL This Certificate of Occupancy SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Building Official. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT by�-'f r foJJ INLTON 6FACH Address Business Name Business Type - APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY; A ►,� 6-��rr )/t usc, District Te; Occ Group L�MANAGER DATE NamV- a r1 lHome �� /C f �%%'A'y �._ t %dCi Addresses' Address Q , ' City- Tel City tl Home TeL _ THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG ❑ CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT 4 EXISTING BUILDING ❑ CHANGE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use. if any Occupancy Gr Dig' SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING G TO BE OCCUPIED )' NOTICE: 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and i ` certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existi^g building are required to schedule an electrical it fuse up' inspection in the Department of Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or r �-j premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall { be paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that building numbers must be a minimum of four (4) inches in height with one half (Yz) In,;;1 stroke, and of a contrasting color from the background. These numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribu i er the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see raverse side). (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONING SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION R OCCUPANCY GROUP— PLAN CHECKWO — — NO PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD PERMIT NO — L HEALTH DEFT APPROVAL NO. OF STORIES ADMIN ACTION J1 iLITiER RELEASED WPR40Vi3 r,,CERTiFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE DATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE S— TO+ AL S- 75-039 RW. 11190 i t C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 1. BUSINESS ADDRESS�������� 2. Person to contact in case of emergency Telephone number: PrYes 3. Does the building in question have electricity? ❑ No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be ❑ Yes ❑ r turned on? No I 4. The building is sprinklered? ,Yes ❑ No I 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar El Yes i material? .IFr-No b6. Operations will involve the repair or replacement of ❑Yes .1`No automobile parts? i If Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. l (b) Ooes the operation involve the use of an open flame? ❑Yes No 7. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will L7 Yes result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. 0 8. The following best describes my -operation; Office O__ nth Warehouse Manufacturing/ Distribution (describe process and end product) Restaurant / Take Out Food -- - Other (describe) SUPPLIMENTAL INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Continued) Does the operation involve any of the fol!jvi:;;,j XNo TVYes, nd,cate quantities: Maierial Cuantity _ Fl irnrnable liquids Class I -A Class 1-B Class I-C 2. ornbusttbl. liquids Class It Cass ill -A 3 `-ji-yibination fiarnmable liquids I�lar�n nable gases 5 Li uelie a fiarnma t)le gases 6. Flaj,mmaNe f;t�ers - loose :ararm� 111 fibers baled lai°nmabie s� li3s e; Unstable mate --ass ryror,Give !iquidt 11. Oxidizing material - ga,-es 12. Oxidizing mated& liquids 13. Oxidizing materia° _ solids 147 6rganic pert, iJes _ 15, rt W ^Mtrometh .ie(Unstable materials) 16. Ammor;W—N nitrate 17.! Arn-Moniurn nitrate compound mixtures i containing more than 60% nitrate by weight 13. Highly toxic material and poisonous gas - --- -- ��— — 20. Black sporting powder I he' eby certify that the above information is true and correct t t e best of mV owledge. 3 �- n 0 gnature Data. J� City i o f Huntington Beach � � 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building SW5241 Planning 536-5271 Housing 536-5271 i Government Code Section 65850.2(b) requires the City of Huntington Beach Building Division not to issue the final certificate of occupancy unless the applicant has met or is meeting the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). The Building Division must obtain a written release from AQMD to show the applicant has complied with this law. The heck list on the reverse side is designed to help the: applicant a ' the building_ division to meet these requirements. 1. The applicant (the same person who applies for permits from the Building Division) must complete the check list which can be obtained either at the Building Division or at AQMD. 2. `If all boxes in the list are checked "no", the Building Division can accept the check list as the release. 3. If there are any "yes" answers in the list, the applicant mist contact an AQMD engineer by calling (714) 396-2000 to find out whether air permits are required for the proposed construction project. 4. If air permits are not required, the applicant will obtain a written release from AQMD. 5. If air permits are required, the applicant must submit the necessary permit applications before the release can be issued. Because of the time it may take for AQMD to go through the above procedures, the applicant is advised to contact AQMD immediately after applying for Building permits. - -- SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (Nonresidential Buildings Only) Location of Subject Property:/V/ }if6J J _ 26?� 1 11 Property Owner Name: /M" : Z%R a P/�`'� P� U Name of the Person /�-repar`ing this form in pri ` nd signature Name: 4, c.Cl p L--�Z `y -(Q"� Signature s The person preparing this form must be the same person applying for building permits. Please answer the following questions regarding your proposed occupancy of the subject building. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION MARK IN THE "YES" COLUMN: AQMD PERMITTING CHECKLIST 1. Does your facility use any internal combustion / engines greater than 50-HP? [/ 2. Does your facility involve mixing, blending, or processing any solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? (/ 3. Does your facility create any dusts or smoke? 4. Does your facility refine any liquids or solids �. or reclaim any metals? 5. Does your facility plate or coat anything? 6. Does your facility, have any combustion equipment i.e. boiler, furnaces, broiler, baking ovens, etc.) rated greater than 2,000,000 BTU/HR? I 7: Does your facility handle or store solvents or motor fuel? 8. Du you use or store any acids? 1� 9. Do you use any chemical process? 10. Do you use any solvents for clean-up? _ 11. Are you a dry cleaner, restaurant with a charbroiler, body shop, gasoline station, / z printer, or part coater? 12. Is -the subject building located within on.e thousand (1,000) feet of any school? PROPERTY LINE TO PROPERTY LINE. GRADES K-12. If you have marked "NO" in all columns, you do not need an Air Quality permit at this time. If you have marked any questions in the "YES" Column you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Management District located at: 21865 E. Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 Please call: Plan Check (714) 396-2000 (1360D.-2)