HomeMy WebLinkAbout123 Main St - CofO (11)dt�A t`iticArE of btCU{'A v a} CITY -OF HUiVft41jT6N' h ACN Y �t:t� NG veo"MtUMUNiTY �t e, pM � ���,��`� bT xDt� Hti;vnc�rtt�� +3:,�t:ft This is,Ao certify chat` thr= __. _�m i e � 3t i.lt�i -- 't r �Wt1 � —__ as a0th* ii c i under B011(fiirig'Nrrt'st fda, I ,►_<_ and is ideh ifitti as '`��3 �. �8 t audios. rit . A h *aricl ciescfiitaeci as in the'6 ildihq owne' f y �?�� Yx• ►�1�"Q1 ti!'�� �L.LS.�g� at 'namct ntidrer4 cOt i)lies wi ts' ttie {irovisioiis of afi! pertinent` laws, �oties; o'rryii an y art) pused Corm 1116hs � far `the use cfescr`it�e d anti clas$ ifieii as an *�2__(Sh'l t )ii�iari y. MA <WijM`OCCLlPKN' " 'L0AD'PEf MiTTED A,c We: T' ifs gbotificate cif, , dcc f» {�y ' Jatj "` F. Bef r its HA! L ESE pcisteii il� a ,c�anstiit;tto +s filace `i ri r�rreetor or auiiding & community'bevelopment ft;e?�5renlises aid shill nit `be'ictrtr���att excit�t try the E30tttilttg Off it ►al. gy-Z&_1 777 77 77777 s Y 2 t S 4 art^ �y 1 r �f, t [ r�t� �{`�.}m., n��t r" `lf��F-.�l.l\ f►�l;.A.�tY C Vit. l't'�R14*T,!'SJ. `hT1, bl? '.lC [1t'l' i . - - Sw �Cit;y °o f` 14iii} t n i tat, Beach � tics `irt i° t"mist!# �f; 110i 3.`fl l flc £� coinitiuni # bcf��lo sfic0t t. _ _ i _. _ .._ ._� _ �...._ _ _ _ .._ _ I.. FC3R Fi'L1GA T 'r() TILL �N_ (PrJ:i)tT 6r.� type orf)y) t.i;on is hereade, for. a Certificate 'of 0c,d4opancy .for "A! IA-1 De'scribe Business 'UseTO'' be known �.._._ w N�MO of B6s tic s - iftess cicircrs{� Aj-• y . , . � � { r ,/ { jr�l� �{,.J r}'.� /" ., ��; `�G� / J` j � � f-1 • /i 1 '/� F �``ef % t .;�. .�:.., Na7'e: BUILDING 01 ER Address city ri.i� T'�ione, NO. TBTS U1 WOULD B � DESCRIBED AS y itewl Constructed `t3fd.l:di h �' Chan e of owner Chan(o 61. Occtipant g L. � c3 a � - � 1 Exist. ri`t Pui:tclincl Chailrycy cif' Use Additional E7c C',U pant. Indicate form use A.f any: C�'t:G%7 �2t ,�'' cr-a �.lt'.� c::�'.�L.'' • ,e. NAii (,,,: B -SS '0WNER `Re 61 Piddr s.� City � d # Phone No. -- Bu�iriess Residence SMOA NOTF. 06dupaiioy of ahy bbilding i.s prohibited Aid a bt#sanz�:;r, l'�cense will no 'be ", ° 'issued: ufitit the bfUldif has `been inspected and a cn)-tificcat:e of occu anc;� 5 1 t �' �.,.` CUI is s issued. ..� No elect rical service will' be xele#sea for aria existing, building' tifit i.l, the '�� j.---fir t�ry ce has been itis ecf ec3 at d certified safe :All applicahts for oc:c upailscy F .-y in aid e:tisti ig bt��:ld ncJ are reriui.red to schedule an electrical, "fuse C . section iiithe Department of-Buil.di.ng aril CommUh1ty 'Development at. Lhe time` this a' 11,catidn is filed. 3. CHAMGE r'`<�CCU'MNC �t6R USE TNSPEC:TtoN r'EE. Vhenever it- is"necessary to make x.nspecti a'rr of a but l di.hg or ``riremi.ses ? tY circler to det'e mine i f a "charge; may be made "in the 611hracter of occupancy or Ose of "the 'buii'di:ng or I remis6s r4fl� aY�icth would place `Ehe'Uuz.ldingin `a clif`oret: di.visi:or� of the: same <rotP of �f occupancy or in a different groin of occupancy, a change .of occupancy fnsp cticin- foe of $25°.00 shall he paid to: the city 8UPPLE'MENTAL i Nr'C7RMA tON sq:, ft. 6f`'bOil.dib rn (� -in Check�Ic�. A P—t- CCctpancy Gro�if>rmi.t: 't10 .;IL ccupan t Load / JI Admin.: Action ,-- 1 .0 of:-StbratesYTZ) PIv. Isarking S 'aces - `-` Health ire t . Approval :. `ER C TI FICA'i'L OF OCCUPM4CY- j GH NGE OFt7GCL1t1CY _OR U E ° 1 N8P�G'Tl"C7N' I E'E =r► �: