HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 Pacific Coast Hwy - CofO (6)Ap, C A , T E-OF 6CCOPAJ dy CITY fl!)NT IN-GTON StACH Date DEPARTWNT OF DEVELOPMENTSERVICIES 1,70 pacific Coast HWY Ad,drdss T IIWY MPORI Tel. 6"usz,(h,0,s s 'N� OACIFIC C 0 AS OTj-KSIIIAG 11 4RVICE TIE PAIR Geddl) v TMPORIIP 0E buil.if6ss TOe Joel. Sajortillo & jana Poviler brie jerr MID 11 y !'­ 7 Hg,� 0th St A' fe6s ,q 1?332' Cedar St. ----------- 939 1-- ►es tillin s j, City—, Teih. ffilrit�inqton Beach . "' a f Load— n Uons CpARTiiT M' T St R Vidt8 f Of M0 Olt Certificate SF�ALL 1'1� p 6d' fvatonsp cu6 s,,p ace,on Oft Is'et a6d'ili6ll nb fb+e-'-r6M0ved except the by byA6 90 0 SFRVICES 1 t APPLICATIUI' POWCERT�IF CAT"E 0F OCCl1PAN Y - CITY OF HUN'�1 4d t ON BEACH ff b-PARTW�ENT'OF DEVEi aPMENT SE11VICES t+VNTIM1ISUA MACei (PRINT OR TYPO QNI.Y) DATE District 8usihess Nan1e'/ r —�, ty/_.a _ 'l Tel. E3uslriess Type r 1 BUSINESS OWNER MANAG& BU11_6iNG OWNER - Nle _. 1`_t'1�' _ C` r�.. ? j __ `` a Adrss Atldress y �_� ;,C1 { __?_r�L,r.! fy? onie T: 1. L Cftl�(-4-�►���-----s �- __ q THISE 'rYVI.E`'DESCiIIECt AS: NEiIVLYCONS'i`FUC`fEv i3l DG. CHANGE OF OW4JER CMANGE'OFtSCCIJt'A'NT EX1�1'ilfG°BICl51NG CHAiVGE Oi='USE C' A0 I fi�NAL.00CUPA T jl 7 Indicate foi iY"tsi:;'`if any,'<—?_�� k �...,.., K.,_� Occupancy Gr::Oiv. SQUARE FT. OF BUit DING TO BE OCC0PIED-_ NOTICE: 1. Oc6upabcy of any buildirigzls prOhihited and a bus-iriMl ess`license l' iUbe`issuod tifitil the*0ilciif5i has'li5een inspected and a 66f164te of Oiccup irkcy is issued. 2. No electrical service ,will'b'e releWsed for any existing;bUIId,I g`iintii -the service _has been Yinsperted antl certified 'safe. All 3'004ican`ts for occul)ali`cy in an exi* hlr `t�uiidii c� car@ ri c lieu to sctie ie an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the DeN rtt-ieot of Development' Services at'tife time this si lica- `tion is filed. 3. Change of occupancy 'or use inspertioin fee. Whenever it is necessary to make' inspectIdIn— f a build- ing'or premises in order'to riete�rrriin if a change may be' &ibde in the,character Ol"occu ancy,or`use of 'the htlildirig'or �t"err is .s which whvilri lace'the bt lldltwin a' different ciivisr n of the same'grotfp of occt�paic�� Or in a dlfferent group -Of occupancy, a change cif Occtipency`irispectiol'fee"df r sh6111"be pald to`the city, u t 4. Huiitirii t n E3each dire Ci tfe Section 24:' bg.."requires �tha't°bb'HdIhg,nun bers niust-be a minima of fditr { i inches ri lielght' ith:One half`('/�) inch stro!<e, and of a cntit rasting,d6lor'froM the !lack• grotintl. These numbers must be -posted on o-Ur briiloing in a'locatron{tliat'is Visiblefrom the street, l-iiflFgtan " f3eacl� Fire Cocio Sectiori 1 p::301 requires fire ttxtiiriguisher selection acid distPiEtti6% per the r,lational Fire Prcteotio'h Associa`fioii pirriphlet i0`�{see rdVer a side). (F6A,:0P0ICE;USE ONLY) -F NATION 7.ONING SUPPLEMENTAL 1 ,IFOR OCCUPANCY GROup __/7_ ___._.____-._..�- PLAN CHECK. NO. _'NUJ. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD ___/_{.� __�___._ __..�:.----- PERI1IIiT NO �__ �� �.___.� :_ HEALTH DEPT. API'ROVA NO. O! STORIES ADMIN. ACTION _..____�_ __ ___ _ UTILITIES RELEASED --- — �.1',%_�- 1_ CERTIFIGATE OF OCCUPANCY' FEE ,gpPRQVEb` (3Y t�ATC uHANGE OF USI= OR OCC(JPANCY FEE $ TOTAL x 76-039 REV. t f elf I t e r i�l'4T SlaRVI °t �,