HomeMy WebLinkAbout1120 Pacific Coast Hwy - CofO (5)APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ° CITY OF HUNTINCTON BEACH HVNIINGrOY rEAGt DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPwIENT SERVICES QATE Addtr S.; „✓„����'. f'�u".!G f+'" ��`. t� f�''..�„Y�� „�„`� �' � 'G"`� �; f� y� '""� � .f - /p CIi;Ir;ct ---•--�----�»„_,....__„_ ausiness Type 4j-,-, BUILDItY ', (,)W rP f3?}SiNLSS ��' r _ O'VVWA, ,IANAGEP Name Addrpsq -.--.--Home Tei. 'r THIS USE WOLik.D BE DESCRIIIED AS: NclrlLY CONSTRi iCTr-[) BLDG. � C iAt t€,r t_ r �f "VJ GH ,NOS OF OCCUPANT !K EXISTING BUI I)INCi L LLi t, k r d`. ��-• {{ AJr t7tTlC3hIAi, OCCUPANT indrr ato iorn £er tiSk!, If,? 'y . SOIJARE FT OF BU'i£ DINt'i T OF r7 ti —11 NOTICE: T. OC'C�, "IC cif an �Ii; i r I f, t sr I p• ;�� y .F � r �� ;rO�at}k }t i been d 3rci r C�rrrirllx on; a t'c.t?a•r r,. a will not 1a , ff,SJOJ until Ire building has R rf rrrGi�Ruxrlcv r r� tt No electrical service lJi}I `'': t41 ; c mce nay, begin inspected and All der},rtinFt `.:, r t ,rRar cy of 03,1' tm b1 ,drlinp ate req;rired to �.-chodlkle an electrical of -L)t.voj. 30.rit r , a€ to ' ilne this app#iCatlOn E5 tiled. Change of occupancy or Use inspection fee. t nr, or tjf ttlr c=£ In t,r r r: i to r i �fj .0 i*IdKE in�peClii�n of 3'�Utfdfinry , tat 7 Ina; f , lf' dt' n V" h . actor of occupancy Or U�u Of the i7tsilL"itt}t� r'r rfCt?:fill t , ..ja t f �4c0 k .-..,`'t Ln + rr z� a1 is tj; Pf( ' Of tC`t? SF?rYk : grrJup.Of OCCul ancy Or In ci d ff- art# itr.rutr.",�° h 1n},J = C?, o^� Cpa luJ in- n cti ;r, fe is Of ''J...-.....�.__. shah be pa',a I(,, the City. i 4. HurFtington Beach Eire Code Section.. rr r)',lildin g numbers Must be,, mi litrKI r! Of four _ trtt tF11',,k1P t !•lyit�hi F!3: r le> ttrjtt t t 117:^I� it, ;C? n of a t ontr3--tin:, rolo irO� tfiP background. These r�urrlbar .ilst +,r pr+,,led n you, b,t,tjirtg a a je.r frCtr> the streat a. Huntington Reach Fire Code Section Ir t, extinguisher's0ect;or; and distribution per the Naijona.I Fire Protection tk�;;i,�Ir,tiriYl p �rrrpnir i ,Ci F, g,E rever:;t� s£de1. SUPPLEMENTA'"'NFOAMATION (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) r G'GUPANi,Y aROuf.-___- — PLAN t It l.K NO NO PAR .- k ING SPACE'S — Of'CUPANT LOAD �. _ ....... E'PT APP#rC7VAL NO OF STCSTORIES.. _ __._ �_ HEALTH D 1TII-iTIFS RELW, C CERTIFICATE C)F OCC,,jjpArtC_'jY FFE � ,•�.�7 APPROVE y DATE ', eHANGE OP t)SF OR OCCtjpA JCY FEE TOTAL 9 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION I BUSINESS ADDRESS 2. Pe;son to co►ltact in, carte of emergency: r, Telephone number;sar 3. Does the building in question have electricity? a, If No, are you requesting that turned on? the electricity be ❑xes [] No 4. The building is sprinklered? ❑y 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar` material? 0Y W 6. Operations will involve the repair or replacement of automobile parts? 0Ye If yes L�INo (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. (b) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame? py C 7. The business is ,-_,.nking, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. [ONO� 8. The following best describes; my operation: Office Only ehouse Manufacturing/Distribution idescribe p_acess and end product) Restaurant Take Out Foo die l/Dental .er ,descrzbe)�-�,0, (0562,D) f12J8l861 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION(Continued) Does the operation involve any of the following materials? tfes QNo xf Yes, indicate quantities: Material. Quantity 1. Flammable liquids _Clams I -A :lass I-g Class r-C 2. Combustible liquids Class II Class III -A .3. Combination flammable liquids 4.- Flammable gases 5 Li uefied flammable cases 6. Flammable fibers loose 7. Flammable fibers baled 8. Flammable solids 9. unstable materials 10. Corrosive liquids 11. Oxidiz,ig material - gases 12. oxidiz4rgmaterial liquids' 13. Oxidizing material -- solids 14. organic peroxide 15. Nitromethane (unstable materials) 16. 'Ammonium nitrate 17.'Ammonium nitrate compound mixtures containing more than 60% nitrate by weight It. Highly toxic material and poisonous gas 19. Smokeless powder 20. Black sporting powder - i hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signat"re Date 0562-3) (12/8%86)