HomeMy WebLinkAbout1506 Pacific Coast Hwy - CofO (9)is � r J{' CEliATE OF OCG'AICY CITY OF t�UN ftfVGYON t3�?:'t a 1"Oi f31i11 pfNG 8c C i�'�iVl 'T Y 'OtrVi~LfS'Ni1= `1' to w IIUNI NGTON 9EA64 This is to certify that the , rU tl' & SPORT -SuOP 2t 'ta i.i_ _:._ .. __ as auth607ed under BiAl lit q'Porblit"No. ' 5 -v--and is identified as �5�t� ��lC� f.0 rO�B� lit' � IYttt�� �O Address i<3nac g1 i? 1]:.Ei and `descrilyed as .'HUNr1'IN'GTON ^SDI . & _SMAT' Aaift i3 ) in the btill citW§`6wiied lry _____ 1, b_ 136-1 A' 1 _ _ _ at � r Piho g. t • 11wit 414tOyt rtaMe address t�ta 3�:h, 0 11. �S�ti►�'8 WhItilips Witte 'the proOsions of all p4rfih6rit`laws, c dd(ws, 60110a0ces anfi a6y'imp6sod c6,n`diti ihs 6r `the Ilse dascritvcd and clasOfhtil as an occbj)ahby. a iiAAXi11� iVi OCCUP I�VT LC5A1]`'`i�' i'MtTTEO 60 'I Nc rice: This`Cei`tifleMe `of "Occupancy SHALL bE pos'ted err ,a conspitiloiis place an the prep iks and shall not'tze ren5oved'excopt Al by the Bbilding;�OtittW. a Jhifi`F,.Belt s. Director of at.iildlng 8: Gonuc«�rritY'O�'�elp�rnr.��1 B '. `CERTftft TEAP, OC600 c tV bfHuhtng each_ k art lent ient of Devel6meOtServices `FOR APPLICANT TO FILL -IN (Print .-- type only) DATE �AOpli0tibh is hereby lfta'de for acer if i sate bf �Ocduo6fty:'_f6- a - De'tcMbe­BU§1we,9s Use .To,: :6- Mft, 6's JIM17 , Located e at r =r di BUsT WEt s A A 41 q PIT ''No, - , g g .74 M0.1111411111 1 TWIS `U'SW"' 'E' "61MID"IlE ttS'CR01- ­ D , AS s 14 _'0 92 6q� 715 one 5. Alt ew y, on teft*ted anqe 06 8 CH T fhg Chah,b 6f "014-hiet' Ch6`­ of, c a 'N-1,11, c1m., . ha I Change of Use Addit i ' o Occ IfOaft InditAfe' 6' -ruse rM6 f f �­66t-7B—b I S�Ue T y 11 OTICE: 1 Oc-dupa-p "a '&hy­btTi,l'dib4q is% hlffi to uhtil t"b bWChas I di' been Ibob-cted 'aid a-Ce ifftate' dap'My s r i S §u e'd. V-4 e o066 b'd, for any tj ai ifi4 .2. Na'�,dl dldtM eix ce w bil s exis v he 'd _9 dy s 'Jce 'h`6' beef a d,..,ceftJf10d s6fe All A g -tcafts for 'Mc 11 .�are i� 6-q-b i dd J6 an 1 b1i cal sdmRl e e 66 ,06,VL s!"60 mt 'At, Ott) tiole -he D-i e of ftildfdg 6' eta t y plfti�tlo'n' s " 01 t 60 G 1 6, _E 'OF '0' 6t MgPtct TON FEE. A660r it is _hecess6ry to Afte dr t-det hob ma'y t h- of a b _ tfill'! �,� I r ,6 errdtb: if a cha .06 Isbs th brdet P I ­ use of .1 f the: r -of 660, ocy or --use o 4M,,fidTW9­orTrem s6s-whi"h dde ifi. he c of OlAcie the, '—ft''AW-a- ff t �d*t ;0' -i 6 1 TP -di 0 slft of the s6b,f,g�bd`p oetupandy in a di ff6r'en't.-,,. g 'Hap of , a cMpa h cys a chAge -of Occl"6y: �fhooftlon fee V ­.1-'he 0.00 shall all 'be paid, 1rd7" to t tly. - frICE 'USE ONLY) SOPKtAt TAL IV Mfidk f b d' 'PlahCheck 'No '. Sq. f t. 6 dillfh� 'Oc&OpMd' Group , it i y , r6U'P— Perm No. d "A -dci�filr: 'Occ'd�t�10'dld Adifffi. ActTun es No'. 'k' - P No. �f St6r'l* Parking 1 h'g SpAtes Heal th Dept . Ap0r�6val -ut , i I 'ties Released ..:,APPP.OVED- BY 7 MTV' X CERTIFICATE OF OMPA:NCY FEE !6. 00 , A cCHANGE.OF-'OCCUP* &Y,& .USE INSPE'CUON FEE TOTAL v /''% 1