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15209 Springdale St - CofO (9)
F i r 1 M aJ CEFi"�I1 IGATE'6E OCC�JP-A CY ! ... C1'TY OF li jhflNGT. 6N StACN `a M"C919j3te i 3- 9 V 2 ' t5EPA1itAAENT OF DEVELOPMPNT SERVICES .ate r " HtiHlur'6tPN tcfACli a .._____ ].5209 .S.I»ingda'l G 3 t°;i AY (Y3f,>f?'tP.!'TiR C[gI7J I;i: Business Name 7`e1.71�"TiK3!i-3`'>3.L Business `type C Q'!VtJTI R SALES & �3i?RVICi, (6�itc�Lt°.' 3P A O1tI�X p � ,2 _ �_..___ �_ Occ."Grou 13UILONG OWNtR F3USINESS O4YNEk!MANAGEfi %N ine IltuiC neji:On i.0 k I i nCllz£tt r j_aj ParkRonald >",ivqdl P. O. BUZZ C-19560 Homo Address �__ 34€36 rela Homo — _ a ! City.._-3lxdine - t3:5"3220 City _ _ %atacr I3r+t�c°h, Cf�1 908 2 1i•{ 3L-6315 f Tel. t C646iictii n �:__ _No.` of Stories_.____ -Occupant Lnacf__ __.-__ �� J Snrinkiered f �Noficp: 7hls Ce`rtlficata of Occupancy 'Of P1#'t 11hi'NT 40F OFVELOpMENT SEE5 'sHAt L* BE -posted in'a conspicuo401,ace `on i j the premises and sbalfiiot be're*moved except fay the Building Official. W - APPLICATI 01''k FOR C-taT , WICATE OF bc;WPANGY CITYJ01�'14ONTINdio"104:13EA61 'DEP 'NT r- DEVEOPMEN' khtmp- 0 L T SF RVICES HUNTINGTOY HAC11 (PRINT bR*Typr,0NLy) DATE Address 01SItflct [Business Name 4i kcOcc.* GroupBusiness Type Olt blNg, 6VNER Nam ftlki�L,�Ilsb'i0j- -A V-Name e k Address City Tel. T I h I S US E W&L 6o E b t §C hi'll Bl D as: NEWLY CONSTAUCTIFI) BLDG. CIHANGIE OF OWNER NT CHAWir OF OCCUPA EXISTING BlACHANGE OF USE ADr)"ITIONAL OCCUPANT `_-6fNG cc(jpancy Gr, _ l6didate former use, if any 0 V AN, 0 OcWparicy'6f any bulkinglsprohibited a J)e1s§U'ed1!6t0`the- H*hltod and b'dild b ties been' lhsliect6d an&,jcertificate of -otbilildhcy is issued. 2. 1\16Aediwc�l service, will -"bb1eleas6d`for 'a'ny existing' -building U*h*(I.ItNd service has, been-Insp6died b' A 'd4t sch6d '16ah ah&c6rtif led safe.. All,�a'P'011cdhts for ow6piancy1h an existing ffli'diri'gare'req re 6 0, Me&elcal 'fuse up' inspecAl6n, ln'the,De0a'r'tm6fit of'Dev6l6pment Ser`v"Ices at - me this a 1I tide is filed. use ln,�,pectl f 3. or 061 ee. Wli6'ndVdr it is -necessary o'ma e- nspoct16h"bf a Wild- -ma —, 'h �6ter "fbectili'gh I y brJuse lhg-'or, ordth tes in or or' -b made the 'd 'jr 0 d ' 10 determine a chdrigemay e e c "O'Hhe w6ulaI)lapeAhe I'Xjilding'In a'diff6reim'divisibri.of the sailne'-gMbp WOW -0- Otc-Wises w46h' 'of,dc'60086by or in a. differoccuoi6cy, a chifrfge of -6cfta* ricy fin§066tion4de of 00' pr shall be paid to tine city. 4. t1ghthif4 qh,Beach Tire Code Section :10.2084&fUlres be a -tWh1Mft- 6 f f6b r M-Inblies, in -height kith o'ne'half '(%) inch stroke, 'afid'bf a d6fitrastino -color*dhVthe':b6C'k- 6r6'6.ffd. Tlieso:nurbers' nidst be posted on yobe b4ildih in a location that is visible from the street. 5. Hu'rilifton Beadh 'Fire -Code S66iio'n 10.301 reqillres fire exftftUisfier S6166tioh and dist0batl6h per the N*Ibrial -F Ire PebtecAlon'Associatibn pamphlet 10 (see reverse (FOR OFFICE' USZ ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SOUARF F1_.OF BUILDING PLAN CHECK PARKING SPACES OCCUPANCY GROUP PERMITNO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL OCCUPANT LOAD ------- ADMIN. AC rION UTILITIES RELEASED NO. OF STORIES CUP 4/EF' CERTIFICATE OF OC AN('Y APPROVED BY DATE ctiANGr. OF OCCUPANCY FEE TOTA L /5.039 REV, Nr 'E DE IT k") 17 RV!C Name Narrte z Address _ A(fdres_----- _�_ Tel. __. ___. City Tel. Construction___ —No. of Notice: w_ _ 1_1 Cerfi#irate of o I)ancy L� -PAR OBVELnPIUtEtilT SERVICES SHAELBE 060ed in a conspiciioiis blice on the premises and shall not be removed except 4V the Butii Official. by Reorder From ART CRAFT13115Lf+2ESS FORMS - i114I 535 7957 r JJ APPLICATION FOR` CERTIFICATE OF'OCCUPAINCY t•Y OF U4Y1t E3T oA!`t3Eli H . UEPA^I�TIVIthT oFLO '.bEVEOWIi NT SERVICtS / .T U - IT, / tiUNti4GTC1N 6EACH �.•.� WhINT ORTYPr;'ONLY1 DATE - _ District C Rusirtes$ mamaIl?c'!c'�NC Business'Ty�e �!//'ti'I1//icdlal�` C'-"1fi/.aTi_ ..� BUfWiNQ OWNER OtNKlEfittt4AiVAGGSi Name !`I>' N ,fort/ .!At'N _� t! / _L��i '�f1L....�!_�.15'h..�. �Jan�n tTTx) 1VY.-A_ _ A �1 0 A.Ilic`716 ?d Address �)' S. 9' ` 6 Aff Addross City ��' 1 ���, �=,---�-- TeI.Y'�'2�'C City_! T IS (1SE€VIrt�IJLb�I l= DESCRIBED As; © NEWLY CO'NSTRUCTb) kt:DG, � C;HANGE OF -OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXl$1-ING Bt1fLf31NG: C tANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL O{:CUPAh1T lidicatforrnt)rusv, if any, llif)T CF: 1. Occupancy of any, buildi is.'`o hIliited and a business license will rtib"t bo issuad"d`btii the'bulidrh has lJeen`iiisPectecl a d=a certlficete'a# oCcitpancy is issued. 2. No 6146fricai service will`be released'for any existing"`Wltlti-b tkit isthe service has been inspectert an"d ceY ifiet! safe. J�ti ai pi(ca is far ocrt aricy iri air existlnq bi,NdIhg are regUIri to sclTedulc an electt`lcal 'fuse up' inspection `in °the Denartilient of Development St"Mces at the time'this abjSiica- tidnls'fil�d. • 3. Change -of occtiPancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it'is necessary tu'rnake inspectiowof a`nu t�l- Wg or`pr�erri?ses in drder`to deter`Mine if a eh'ange'rnay'be m6de injhe cliaractero'f occupancy or use Of"the building or premisos witiclh VV66ld Place- the`btfildiho if a different cii isiol� of the same groit P �' g' p l y, g p y p of ocri`t anc 'dr`lri a dl#fercnt toil of occu Banc a E:hari � of occt� "anc ins ectiiirti4fee of $30:CS0 shali be'oid1dthe'city 4. Hciittin tc ti' E3each Fire Cade Section -i0 203 reO'dIres that b`l ildln °n trrif�ers ntitlst`be a rriininium of four t4) ini hes in height tivit po e'h if`�'hj inch stroke, Arid of a'cdr trns I i cdior front '0 'back- grout� , 'These'nturilf�ttrs'tlitrst be' i�sted an yoEir`buIldii'i"g`In a"lacatii: '41 at is visible from the street, 5. Huntington boaah "f=ii'e `Coda Section '10. 01 requires fire extinguither selection anci Ati w fldh per the`hlational Fire-Prohectl6h Assoc ictidri"OOM10ih let `fo`(see reverse i(} iFO OOICE USEZNLjY) S(JPPL:�MENTAC INPO�M�1TlC�N SQUARE FT. OE'60-1CUiNG rf 7t',5* _____ PLAN CHECK N0. f'O. PARKING SPACES CU, OCpAl�CY (3RQUP .-__-..__.,_--._�._.- ___ POMIT No.. _ _ ._ . HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAI. OCCUPANT LOAD��'%` ADMiN. ACTION _ __.__.______._.__.. U 30TIES O EASEO NO,`OF S' T6 21E�, ee7nT-xl CERTlV(CATE'6F OCC(JpANCY i'ee AI'f RC)VCD BY DATE CH' AWE -OF OCCUPANCY FEE TOTAL YO 76-03J HFV. e