HomeMy WebLinkAbout15182 Transistor Ln - CofO (2)r., o .• T_., _ electrical 'ruse up Impt:cLw-1 III ll -------- - lion is'•fiieii. g Change �df{o+ tYpitr ay =br'use in�peetioi��fee. WhOdVa-1 is neiressary to rT1aka'°inSpeCti' rtif a nN i`sesin order,to detcri�ine'if achange'oiay lie• made in the careeter ofoct;iipai ey oY use ae ii iltli�ig tsr=prtii uses which Would`p'lace Ni -IIn ldh a di fererit'divisfi�ri rif'the sa+i e i' itlp -of occupancy orlp a differ�nti`�r`oblj'bf bocdliaricy, a ' harY�� dfoci ft�aiticy insp�ectiow, ee e# $30.0 shall b-e paid q tine iity,, 4. Huntinljtari` i3eai.i l�irg :Code Section fb`08 r6qu' kes`that `i uilciirtig-tl'om 'ers`Ii ut "be a rriirTit " i 'of fo:r�(}>i�i`ehe5`:iri hltlt wtih tstie i•alf t%) inch stroke, anti of a cnntrastirig cnlor`frc�i'it the ba�:k gruuiid, tiese t irrlbers riitist ire hosted yin ya it iJtti!ili�ig iri a`locatian that is visible ffom'the street. `5. Hcii i�l�ff6h-Bea6h Fire` Code Sedith 1C: 01 r�gtiires fire e ti �g sisher'seibctiorl° arici distiH)ittiian Eger the i�lational Firs Prote­tlan�AssociaUoWoarrgihlet 10 1seeWi`cverse side SUPPLEMENTAL ENTAt 1N' FORMAt(Oht SQUAf�E FT, OF sUli.OtNG t � PLAN CtIC:CK IVG.._._._.____.._ __.. _ ._ NO. PARKIN. ________._ ___.____. CPT APPstUvAI f'FHMIT NQ. .._._ - _ ' AC3ON' AC-rlON _ ._: M:ALTt{ U— UTtLi7iC F.4S S PE . Cp1pe UCCI.IPANTLOAM _._ .. ___.xs. _._.__ _.. _... NO. OF STOMts Fri- C,FftI'lFICh,TF C?f" t�CCC1PEINCY S APPROVE6 BY CHANGF'OF,U Ut'Aidt;Y FEE DATE C; s-, TOTAL j 7sosaarv. i� ��i u1'P41�1i' ai`i'irI :$ ) Ywpm