HomeMy WebLinkAbout15236 Transistor Ln - CofO (5)1 "h';' z �z;��j� ta��•.^.�y e.��,.�,-�.nx�y��.r�-<c +fir-r;;rs-sn�....r +. ;•-: ,. .;;:,�r- ..,>- ..-, ��r . - ., - C�G.a�� f: t�'����' �_,�G�-1�:z-► ,,,�'2c'�c��� .�.�s-z, ...�..-t�..�a�czr-c.�.a�. a G /i APPLICATI4N`Ft3R C�`RTf�ICAT (3i~'OCCCIPANCY CITY OF NUNtIltieGTON PEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ _ "' t •' `• _ It4wtV:GtON ttACi1 tPRINt OA TYPE'CNLY1 _ _ GATE r dd e'ss . �t r_3` � H t Ste} 0�" 1--��.., e.. � � �, '.n o s �-� - . __ _ �._ __._ 0106.t Lt3urtnest'Neme R _ e�,e.�i-�+titt.rc.�,� _ �t?Y,�tc+�S_ 1h�- u _ _______ Tal. $ Hess Type C2Y c Ei'f' .. t .4�'► �� �t�. � "_! O 4r_Jk1_hAw.e_.Occ. Grain �,_ _ _%�,r! BUILDING OWNFR BUSINESS 0WN RIMANAGf.R Name _ fi.n lrrs'C�ct�1 ��✓�.r;rrr`�»_ ��t{t'.... Name'v'fTk -__ w " i-fCti�� rJt y>D r Cli,) "i t'�C JWomu Atfdre,s .. Z4. _.._______.. _._. _ _ ____.. `Address __. City I?fYiiJfr"T`v_� ,14 Tel. --____.----Hoe TT"QI.. _. TN1S USE WOUL[7 R!` `D"-*I A19ED AS: El NEWLY C&STRUCTEO SLOG. 0 CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OVOCCUPANT EXISTING tslllLbt'NG GRANGE OF USE , -ADDIl HONAL OCCUPANT tndi'ate foriite; use3, 1 any _____.__ __. _.._..�, __ __- Qcc,pancy Gr. __ _.- _-, Div. St�UAFif: FT.'OF QUILD!!4G TO FiE~ OCrUf?iEC 70 7__....�_ ._____. _ N6*11*6 :: I. accUl ancy of any' building is prohlbited and a business license will not he issued until the building, itas been Woected and a cert flcate"of occupancy"is issued. 2. No elect'rival service will- be released for any existing buildilig until the service has been inspected and certifie s skfe. All applicants for,occupancy in an arerequired to schedule an eiectiicel 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at the'time this app lica ti5rt is`filfid. 3. Change of "occupancy or itse iiispectlon'fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a build- -or'. premiss in or7.lar to cieteYmine it a change may be mane in the character of occu ancy`or use of ilie t ull'dl g or premises which would Mace the building in a different division of the sarne'group of occupaney or! in a'cdifferent group of occupancy, a change of occuparcy inspectl6n fee of shall be. paid to the city. j1 4. Huntington Beach Fire Cwle Section 10.108 requires that b0ilding numbers must be a InlntmUm a. of f6004i Inches in height with one half ('I2) inch stroke, and of a contrastihij colorfrotb1llPtack- ground. These numbers must be hosted on your buildmi in a location that is visible from the street. 5. HOM(tfoton `Beach Fire Code Sectirw 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the (National Fire Protection Associrition pamphlet'10 (see reverse side -!. 2_ (FOR orFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INEORMAT(ON ZONING OCCUPANCY'GROUP _._ _� �_ r��.Z-� _r __._.-. PLAN CHECK NO. ____: _ __._ NO. MAKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD PERMIT NO. .__ __ ..-__ —__--- HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL NO: OF STORIES _w __ __-___ . __ _ ___ ADMiN. ACTION __ ____ .___UTI ITIES RELf ASED � { ex .v_sr<1�'t�,•-- y(t = } ! '�` ri CLRTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ APPROVED"RY BATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL. : ��f I ��� I•�-��l i. ti�. L, � tf Y./�.- 1 ■l Vl4.l.i a,i*.. � S .V ....._._. _._........- _....._._._.�__... 75 03$ REV. L Ad Jj _t1*OF 6660PANCY MATJ APPLICATION Fd"tl-h CITY Of Q 41040101CATE !0N EACH 9 29/80 'DE P"I(MEMT'604)EVEL61iM. ENT SERVICES 'DATE (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) ". 15236 TransiSLOr line, Mint n on,Bbach, Calif Business N , thie Church & Dbji'dh tic Tel, R0016hsales office Business Type al Occ;. roup BUILDING OW . N . E R (iViN E 8 /MANAQ*ff—) k6n-tirig'-tbn Beach Industrial Park Vie, e, 91J/X Name Name Address 17550 Gillette Ca. Address T 1. li-vine, C z, 11, v-1-n e—, 6 a IL if City Ity --- --- -- -,-- � I r "ChIBED AS. vo LIX 'NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. 'CHANGE OF -b%Wt 11 CHANGE OI OCCUPANT EXlSf'I'hG'6Ul'L DJNG CHANGE OF USE A 60ITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicato former Use, ifany _.-Occupancy Gr. NO;TICE: 1 Oc6u`pa*ncV of any building is p'cii 161ted and a.bbsiness license will -tibitbe'issued UM114he build1hg has beenInspected a -Ad a cerilficaite Sf 'OctV06hey is issued.. ni i�ice' be6n inspected 2. No electrilcal seMce WIIVb0:I"aIeas0.d for any existing bUildinig-aii fil,the sery p and certified safe. Ali apolicafitsfor occupancy In b 'existing ljtjildihg are'roji lr(,.d to sqhOL-Ile an, electrical 'fuse tip" -at DeVelopMebt Services at`the time this applica- t1ohislildd. owfee. eneverit'is necessary to make irlspec oWof a 1) 3. Change of occupancy or use ' Inipedd uIld- ing or prem cc n"deder to deitid Ine'llf a cht6ge may be -made inAd ai4aaer occupancy 'or use 6hw­ I ` h � 66A'W�6'11h a,dif forent'divisi- h-: f the same grodp of the, bijildinig or pre'rnises Wil would 01ace't e 0 of ccup6n,cy or in different -group of occUpaticy, a ch6hg --Of occupancy l Ihsoeciion fee of O p sh,311 be"PaIdIto thcclty. 4. HbhtflWoton 'Beach . Fire Co , do &jbtlioh 101.2 b8�`rd-ql)lees that 6-tilldin—g-nurn 11 be ' rs -mffst- be a, MIhfiMM h in f ebi-n`the back - of f6br (4)-ihches iin"116iq t W1th-'6fi6'hM 2 �6h stroke, arid'of a coMfa§t i1q:6161br f p-offted tin y6urJAIldifi§ In a 1666tla that is street. _ yetgrdLi 6d, Thcse� nuibbers must be h visible frolm-ihe s r ` ' . wt6h'86acIf FIre Coda Sebtl& 10'361 r'equim 0ee 'eXtirig6kher s6lb�n and Aii'lb tl6n pzer the Nati6n8l'F1re*Pr6tect1On Asso'cia'tioti•-patr.ohle*,"1'0'' (see "S 4e). Ae, y (FOR 0 1 Fi:lCE U'SE'ONLY) Mk,itmEOAL! INFORM AtION _2 SQUARE FT.- OF BUILDING X PLAN CHECK NO. NO. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANCY GROU I P PERMIT , NO. HEALTH bcPT. APIMOVAL occupANT LOAD ADMIN. ACTION UtILItIE'S RELEASED __12) �`140. OF STIOMtS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE S �A`T E TOTAL 75-039nr.v. If 7 1111, C