HomeMy WebLinkAbout15238 Transistor Ln - CofO (5)7-1-17 77 a—'tiFICATE'6'P O0iOANOV %f ,x #�4 CITY OF'NUNTIN&ON BEAC}f ftt Date owl DEPAHTMENT OF DEVELdhMI"N7 SERVICES lll�ti�tGTON iEACN Address 1523.8 `T`>wlit'tsi otoY _ _ — DlStfiCt____ A# i1Rs.'i2:i tyt?:C:EI. St3C. �' Tel.t.g+*;n.ti`)�? E3tsiness Narrte Business Typ3 HEATING & AIR�'�F Occ. Group BIIIt DING OWNER BUSINESS OWNER/MANdGER Name _ Name .Name 7. Wendy Ci.r, Address Address - - City�_ � - - --- - TeL _ CRY' minttngton Beach Hofn'e Ts S46 -4324 Cor,-Ouction No: of Stories Occup "t Lead_.. _ 19 Spdhkle'red - -- ko'dee: This'C_brrifica4e of"Occupancy DEPARtMEN1''bFbEVEL60MMT SERVICES SHALL dE po tdd in a conmoicuous place on the premises and. shall not �be'remored except! � � by tha SuildingOfilclal. by ______ -_ • Cat= Vr:.t_.OPI' I Nl' SERVICES . D4 .. 'APP L 1 CAT'l 61T, Fd Pit F CATE OF'OCCUPANCY 011 1 UNTI NO N . BEACH 1 010 E ­7 - F) 6PMENT S AVIbES 14UNTINGION PAM (PAJNT0R-'fYPE ONLY) DATE Address Dliirkt Tel. 1 14 - �k qc,,- +1 el c� Busiriess Tyke C_C%►1\10 lai: A t Occ."Gr6up BUILDING OV104rP BUSINESS OWNERMANAGER 'N Name ime Home Address Address 'AL City city -AAkh-c�11-V-1 _0 I.V —L24- T1_1IS1U_,SE­_W,:0,@L6 BE'DE§614186 As: NEWLY C&.St`hbdttb iftbG. 0CHA NGEbF OWNER OCCUPANT R CHANGE'OF 0 0C rg--EkISTjNG BUILDING CHANGE OF IJSE AOMTIONAL OCCUPAN*r Indicate former use if anv Gr. souARE FT. OF BUILDING TO'BE 0CGUPIED___A_fL':L�' ' i NOTICE: 1 0c cupancy oarty' building is prohibited and a business license'VVIII no b is ued until'the bttildirig has bee a cert'IfIedto'6f-ocrupanvy is issued. t 2. No electrical. service will' released for any existing building i `6AW the service hasbeen inspected, and-certftled safe. All applicants for occupancy In an exisfln'4,b1JildIhq are required to schedule an bledtrldal 'fuse -up' inspection in the Departinent of Development Services at the time this applica- ti6n is fil6d. C 1. e 0 inspection o 3. Change'& occupancy or �u$6�msp6 ti6it fee. Wh'riever it is necessary to make Inspe tio : f a.bdild in'9�br premises in -order td'd6terriflne if a (1;hznge mfn ay beade in the tharac ter of occa'oahcy or use of the'huilding rn or premises Whith would place building in a dffferent'diVi§idn of the sao'&OUP c _�dy or in a different group occupancy, a chan e of occupancy inspection fee of S____ Of 06 9 9 sllal[IJ6 - p6i&to the city, trust 4. Hui b`h'q't_'o­'n­ Ba6ah Fire' Corle'Sectldn 10.208 req0ires that:buildin'q numbers 'nu be a,minimuhl : of f6br (4) inches in Night with one half ('1'2) inch stroke, and of a contrasting Colorfrdfwthe bock- Odund, These numbers Must be oosted on your building In ;i location that is visible from the strobt. 5. 9 'H(intin `t6n'Beac'h Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire ekting`uisher selection arid"distribUtion per the National Fire Protection Association parn'Ohlet 10 (see reverse side). Lao - A. ­,47 S 0 P P L E M 0 N T A L 'I N F WRW A T fbN . fFOR:OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONING OCCUPANCY 6ROUP —2 - PLAN CHECK NO. NO., PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD HEALtHDEPT.APPROVAL NO, OF STO'41ES _----_----'ADMIN. ACTION UTILITIES RELEASED CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANCY FEE APPROVO-BY DATE" CHANGE Gr USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL ,s-wq mv. 7111 - - - - - - - - - - - ia r AP LICATIONTOR C'PATI (OATE OF 'OCCUPi4NCY �aw, CITY O� f�llN iN(iTON BEACH tti�i►icu1".,DEPA�`rhtENT` OF 1) VEL6PMENT SEAVICES (PR1NT Of3 TYP[ ONLY) "DATE Address _ _,��✓ �'�,t//.S%�',t, 1 Ayr ------------ bistrict �usineSs i`VoeGf. - -�- _ Tel. _? "N'cL���E7 Occ. Group 6010bNth dwNt i OWF•it:�t/MANAGeFi Name Name Address ��.�t_1 ��.ZL�; �Y�`._ _ Address City Tel.` 02 TFIIS'USE•Wd0L0 BE DESCRIBED AS: L� N11­ EWLY CONSTRUC`! ED CLbG. CHANGE OF OtNNiFR CHANGE OF'OCCOPAN7 EXIS'ftIVG [3111L0ING 1__I 'CHANGE OF°USE El ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicato' fus Frier use, if any Occupancy Gr. ..___._ .__, Div. - NOT`ICE • 1 p ~ ccupancy of arty bUiluing N prohibited and a bUsiness`license'%vill'not be issued uihtil theb4Itdi' has' bee:eInspected' and a`cer�ttficate if occupancy is issued. ng 2. No eleafrical service W11li'be`t6Ieased16r any existing FS►attdlifig until"ttie'service`'has been inspected and certified'ssfe. A1I `a 0116ants'for occupaW& ;In an ezistir q Building are`regfiir`ed°to sched to an e-ledOicai 'fuse up' ldtpedt'161t in the Department`of `beVetiS ii ij t Services at'the'tirne tti! `61i6itca- tion is filed. 3, Change"of occupancy ar`use inspec+ion`fea. Whenev6t'it is necess6ry to' make "I' �s' ti i i�of a b Ald- ing Or prettiiises in order`to deterMine`tf a 6hange rimy be made in the ha'raefer rif o-0DO'— a" 'orAtase -of`the buiidiii or premises vi►tiich Woi Id"placE the'I3i�it I ig Ih a different riivisi i, ofjthe of "accu ancyor in a dlifi `rent group`6f'dec patic�i, a ehango't f"occupancy in pectii "' of 30:00 shall be paid tbIhe''city. 4. -14d tin$toh-Beach Fire Cocle Section 10.208 rd'dbIres t)iat buiidlrl ''tii lYibers rr tlst be a rr' lnilfilum of four (d) inches In' height with one hatf„ V2) inch stroke, and iif a contrastifi 6616r frorn`the baelc- &666d, These`ritirribb. rs Mi st'be`poste ! On your buitdir�g'in a'locatiiin that- is visible #ruin th 'street. 5. Hr i'►tiflpton Beach" Me"Code Section 16.301 reyulres fire ex Inselection anii,dist"rit�tlMon per the`Nattonal Fire Protection Association pamphIdt 1 G``(see sever ide):"' SUPPLEMENTAL IP r6A1 +1ATiON (FOn OPFICE UsE e'NLY) SCIUARE PT. G OUP DtIV PLAN CHECK.NO/y6j _._. NO. PARKING SPACES _ OCCUPANCY CifiC,UP -- -.-. --- __. PERMIT NO: Alp _ _ OCCUPANT LOAD r __ • HEALTH DEPT, APPfiOVAI NO. OF STCII'tiES ADMIN. ACTION _ UTILITIES RELEASED. CEFITIFICME OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ APPROVED BY DATE: CHAGE"OF OCC`.UPANCY'FEE TOTAL 75•039' AE V. , F_ �I 10 .,_r..,s. .. .--+,« r. t"�^r. _T-.°...,.. Fa.;"-sw-..[-+ , y..;e�''..t' :�'.,r �_"`-�y-sm?mac.:. .�.r?*,-tS .6"45,`^`?...ram x.^.#.^^"^. ..'^t" ,—,r "T. ,^�i'a=^*.asc.--^,•: r>.e•;-?`...-..R}._.:-c--•r,"@£',*'E'.:"•" . -s,t.;-� .,... r........ �-.-..;,...,.-r-�...,,..ae�.+.:--•,. .<-,.�}:rsv-r-;;r,.t s.-m--r.. ..=�:-,,.s.. ...... .....a_,+ ^:E�.M.:._. ., .,x .•4"";k':Ey^.�. ., .,a s, .y,. ,.. .� ..._�.- 's'z?atns .'".3M,'.". ..;,