HomeMy WebLinkAbout15241 Transistor Ln - CofO (10)NOTICE, f 1, 00cupancy of any building is prohibited and 'a business license will notbe issuW until the building has been ' J j SUI�Y'Ll MIIE.�NTAIL 'Iffll7G�Qk E7ti:9TIO N ,.. (Qfig �µqp yy��q� �aoa yq�, �q�/�ggaa��yy:gy'����ggg }}j� p ppg� '+"�r�f'!-!' t" 1.BUSINESS%��r=ss ['t - �. Person to 'contact iri case of emergency Telephone number: Telephone y.5 Does he bWidltig ins questiAn ,have electricity'? � was �*1 fi No '. (a) ff l•lo, are you requesting that the electricity, be ❑ Yes{ turned on?' L No 4.- l O ring lered`? The bu.ldin;g s k ❑ No 5. Operations ruvill produce dust t Wood shavings ter sfrn. a.,, �. material'?.❑Yes r o ' l Aerations v�till invafue .the repair or replacement of C7 Yes x automobile r parts? i If Yes: {aj Describe . thq , components, repaired or replaced. l t (b) Does'the operation involve the use of an open . f(am.e'? C Yew LL7. The, lusfrtess is drinking, dining or assembly' use that will result in an. occupan load of more than 50 persons. No. l ,' $f Ti he foiiovang. best, describes my. operation;., 6fflce Only Retail; Sales Varehause . llanufiagturin / Distribution describe g process and end product} i' Restadran�,Take Out Food Medtc`ak 1 Dental �tl�e�(describ�} if 1 i } ., iL ^UPl'LrlElViIiVFQEit1kA IN a.. i SUPP .WFET IWO (Car tr uad) . . ,. Does the op iattor'. rinVol e yof tho toil6 ir��: af�ri8l�? C3 Yes:'' " if es; -7in mat� c�ua�trt��s. a l ilt t r4 Quant"tt . 10mrrlabl CiquIds -- COmbustlble liquids t " class Jf J Combination flammW . llgt -Idp'. . ! 'P y Irnablec"'�,xr++'a i t fied flc� pmable gages a �7a guy tri able fi.�TCxr§ lC o$0 7, :... F1 ble €i ers b led .` Unstable atarrals' 10 Qorrosive l!quids E _ 'Ox di int -magri l &ses E d Ing [X3s�teri�l _ liq�lti`€5 € ldlZ.l�g mat r# lid '•" �k CTiYt c E3x Sta nitrate i, A inmohlum . nitrate cornpourtd. t t�rtta rslrtc r1ore than 0% 'nitrate by veight ------------ l-l;hi�rr Material,and s ih,-"atpipp4s ,gears' - 7� ; mo,kaleapo der Q. Bl ,, rdIngo der I 'hereby ertlfy. that the -a riforma-tion is true.' arid, cCrrfeCt to the best of khowlsdge. agnatct ®ate r th Coast r AIR-Qu ALITYMANAGEMENT DISTRICT } 2fl 65 E. Copley Drive, D,amond 5,ir, CA 91 i 65-418?, (909) 396-2000 1` t ' �'7 g �+ r�(f �n��g g� AM QUALITY FERNU ClIEC I.B IST : for nonresidential buildings gnly Company Id--, t Location oflOraperty: OA Gi?�t'�i Zip ode:_ " tY= ,Contd t Person: - G1 F't� r-� _'Title- - i ��'�� Telephone Number: , c` t� ti ' Fax Number; � ' 2 f2 7 s: Type of IndustrylBusiness: r " permit, you. must complete'this checklist. If you have any To apply far a nonresidential bui?dizn� . questions about completing this checklist, please call (800) 38&2,12l. x yE NO 1.' Wail the facility have as charbroiler? 2, . Will, any internal combustion engine with greater thane 50 hoxsepovver ., operate at eh facility (excluding motor vehicles)? [ [ 3. Wily operat orta at the facility involve mixing, blending, or prgcessiag of solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? 4M Will dust or oke' be generated af, the facility? 51 Will refg of any liquids or solids be 'dome at the facility? L dame facility? j f: Will`adyplating or, coating ofmaterials be at the [ L 7. Wild any coxnbustien equipmerxt rated greater than 2,000,000 BW/hr be operated at the faciasty? g. Will 'any acids solvents, or motor fuel be used or stored: at the facility? q. Wilt any organic liquids or gases be reacted or produced? t'`+ l 0, Will any ovens be'used todry or core products at the facility? IL, Wall any +Cl~ C (Freon} recycling machines operateat Applicant: _'t`' _ signature: (Print'name clearly) l fyou have marked "No" in aal l the boxes, an air quality` permit Is not .needed at this time, and this checklist is your written release. If y'cru marked `'YES" in any of the boxes, you must contact t1i,e ;South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). Please read therequirements on the back of the checklist (800)388 �1QQITIi7hAt St,3Pl LF Ei T INFORMATION