HomeMy WebLinkAbout15248 Transistor Ln - CofOr a tj• APPLICATION FOR CER IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 0424L% o t HuvnricroN e[aai-VIA (—I j DATE :(PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) I (f ­7© Address `0rE✓ !VY l/i��i' " Dist*' �- Business Name _J_1Y �� d11 �t �I�(ld'✓ 1YtG� � Tet, G cf "10_' �IZO Business type t� �U1 ��' Occ, Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNS, ANAGER _ Name `% A a' e Name 1161,YItfs_�'ii�1i oY o Home�- Address�� +-56— Addreswt c CityeL_=i[y 3� Lome Tel �� Aft t'�ia;-f�feUv`t3� THIS USE WOULD E DESCRIBED AS: CONSTRUCT�D aLAteDia CHANGE OF OWNER r'1ANGE OF OCCUPANT t Ski EXISTING BUILDING❑ CHANGE OF USE , ElADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any, '"j Occupancy Gr, Div. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED r NOTICE: 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a cF.3i`ricate Of occupancy is issuea. 2. No electrical seraiice will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required't1) schedule an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of,Community Development at the time this application is filed, 3. Change of occupancy or use inspectionfee, Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order to determine ifachange may be made in she characterof occupancy cruse of tho building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupar,cy or in different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall be paid to the city. z 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10,208 requires that building numbers must bea, minirrum of four(4) i inches in height with one half (1/2) Inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the background "These f Numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5. H; ntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selectionand distribution per the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). i TRAFFIC IIAPAC F_ f DArE PAID , s. AtUlGst3NY,' VELA NAME (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONING Z z OCCUPANCY GROUP PLAN CHECK NO NO PARKING SPACES i OCCUPANT LOAD � PERMIT NO HEALTH DEPT APPROVAL NO. OF STORIES' �— ADMIN, ACTION UTILITIES RELEASED — I —3 ;2t)0 ERTIPICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE � P f APPROV Y DATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $ `s 75-039 Rev:1107 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 1. BUSINESS 'ADDRESS'L 4=.5C1 9Z& YN 2. Person to contact in case of emergency Telephone number: '7l �0-�j7i7i(% 3. Does the buildirrg in questionhave electricity? Yes ❑ No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be ❑ Yes turned on? ❑ No 4. The building Js sprinklered :' �1 Yes ❑ No 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar material? Yes No N o 6. Operations will ' involve the repair or replacement of Yes automobile parts? No If Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. D Yes (b) floes the operation involve the use of an open 'flame? No 7. The business is drinking, dining or, assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. ❑ Yes k No 8. The f best describes my, operation; Office' Only t Re al es 3 Warehouse Manufacturing / Distribution (describe process and end produbt) f t Restaurant / Take Out Food Medical / Dental Other; (describe) , 8UpPLEMNTAL INFO.RMATION,