HomeMy WebLinkAbout15321 Transistor Ln - CofO (4)This is to certify that the COATWICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTIN6-TON AE-AIbH 41 DEPARTMENT'6'F BU- LOING & COMMUNITY :DMI-OPME T Steel Distributor (warehouse) -2=22-79 Mte as au 'thorizod 2.05-59—anti isioentIfiedas 15321 Transistor Lane, Huntington California and dpsciibed as SUWIIT STEEL r INC. -(T.' R. Fourmoilt) in the building Owned by ApplohM gMtruction at 5482 Busifiessr 'Huntington Beach, name address complies with the provisions of all 'perthlb-n't IaWs, codes, ordinances and any ln''Vos6d c-onditions for tfie use described and classified as an —21-1-- occ0pah6y. hIAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD PERMI . TT I ED lvmice. This CoitIficato of OCO'pallcy SHALL f E j)0$t0d it, il C011SI)iCLIOUS *place on the promises and SI)alj not be removed except t�YAIIV Hililding Official. — -3W#W%0WmW=. 6; 1 olim F.'Bell tons n trector of Fluil(ling & Corvitnutilly 0ev4I()prnent By APPl ICAV NFOR CFRT-IF1CATE OF WOPANCY 3 City! lof Nth tan Beach _-- De' artolght Of iId� hg & Cohn u �ve1o`06ht. FOR APPLICANT �'� fiiGi. �N �Pri�it or type ah1y} tIAYC App1 ication ` i s hereby made for a "Certi f i+cate of Occupancy far a -�-f' t -� .-- Occnc Gr. Oiv.ua" p Descriibe Business Use To be kn wrl as _ «�-a -, , %— - •�� Name of Hslh6ss t Located at Bus f h6ss-'A`a Tess �fro /ci , , ,,, 12 /041 ame:BUSINESS OWNER - d r? res Ctyence � P 0116 e`'Na, gusilless: y' .. ,,/ �. ,�.3..._. PesidelJep: T r4.- z �&x:4 g� -tt: e:zo, fiama Addrots ty p a ne- w o TIi S USE WOULDRE DE. CR I Fib' AS: Newly 6' strUa'ted B'ui 1 d ilhg [ Chahi e 'of Owner ] Ch6iige ;of occt pa t Eki s ti h`g B�� 1 dig ='Cha'hge Of Use Addi ti oria 1 Uccupaf i't S indicate former use if any Occupdhdy: Gr. giv. 4 0TIC E: is (Scctipa rcy of y ing is prat ae a is� iess ice se W�`w 1 no heisstidd until the b' i-1'dirig `has been ih§D6Cted and a Certifia to of Ott paf ey is issued. 2. No el'bctri cal servi be wi 11 be rel eased for. ahy, 6 x i st ft bVi,.l diw g until `ytlin servi ce `has beef ihspecteda6d certi f dd safe. Al 1 6$1 i cahts for occupcy 'an eki sii n"g bt�i l ii izg are recj t`i red to sch'eddl a an elect i cal 'Muse tl " in }pectioh ih the Department of Bufl'Af g and Community D6616 on`t at the°`flMe this app111cati°oh As filed. i 3. CHA""GE OF OCCUPANCY 'dot USE INGPECTIoN i=FE. 4i `ei�ever it is necessary `t;a make i% pEctio 'bf a .b�uiT1•diYig or premises in} oMO-r to detd Mmihe if a clia"age 'r Ay be made in the character of oecup6hty or use `of the Vt1iIdi"h tr premises kki'dh d -plAbe the b61°14ing in a Mffs, Mt divi'sian tof,, the sane grWo ..df '6ccup6fiby .,.ti: p p y ; g p� y F p cr -in a different grotl of occu anc , a chin a of occu anc ins ectioh'fee of °.��. $30.00 shall be paid to the City. A7 4 a x � (FOR OFFICE USE: ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Sq. ft. of builCi'hg _ Plan Check Na Occupancy Group Permit No. 4 occupant load t Admin. Ac,—ion -- No. Of Stori elm No Parking Spaces'_' Health Dept. Approval �-- ' -- -- b.Uti l i ti es Rel eased _a '�;�?_ PR VED B DA CRTIFICRTE OF QCCUP NCY FEE $ 6,00 CHAME OF OCCUPANCY 'OR USE INSPECTION FEE TOTAL t=75-039 j ___