HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (63)f APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 3'17`RZ- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HUNTINGTON BEACH 1ARIN7 OR TYPE ONLY) DATE Address /5�3I Tri�a�/ L�Fr'f� f/NrT /o! / If•13. C/¢ q�64 _ District Business Name TeIZI91175_`r Business Type Occ Group UILDING OWNER BUSINESS VAXWOAIMANAGER t Name Name t ffo�Yl F��i.+s�rtth Home AwW3009 F,�✓e7.4 Sf' Address_~ 4- Address 09 � � Tel __ City AM � Nome Tel. # .City "/?j THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: ❑ NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. ❑ CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT ® ❑ CHANGE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING 1 Indicate former use, if any ----Occupancy Gr Div 80p SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED { SUPPLEMENTAL iNFORMATION s i. BUSINESS ADDRESS 2. Person to contact in case of emergency Telephone number: Zf art 3,4S7 N"YesNo 3. Does the building in question have electricity? (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be Yes No turned on? ;. 4. The building is sprinklered7 Ltd' Yes ❑ No t.' 5. Operations will produce dust /wood shavings or similar p es r material? [�'N0 6. OperaErons will involve the repair or replacement of 0 Yes , �o uY i automobile parts?N s t i if Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. L — (p) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame?� �x } 7. The bushic- s is drinking, dining or assembly use that will p Yes i -result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. M-No �. 8. The following best describes my operation; 1, Office Only 757Ta Retail Sales i Warehouse to Tv Manufacturing / Distribution (describe process and end product) rNbryi �lorfry s-,s,%atJt f%r-------------- Restaurant /Take Out Food Medical / Dental Other (describe) t f SUPPUMENTAL INN RMATION � a SOUTH COAST AIR QUALI 9uildin only) SkGmMNT DISTRICT (Nonresidential 9 '®r ,: :' ibj ec t Property:% Location o,, - t �QeF 11/ g'}�one Property Owner Name: naturz 1 x Ila= of the Person preparixng this form in P tint and ssg tSignature: 2'---��-' applying f o r Name:.._.- arson this form must bpolloWiarg questions regarding I The Person preparing ect building. If YOU DO NOT KNOW building ;permits. Please answer the i` of the sub? M COLUM: your props-3sed occupancy 4 THE ANSWEil To A QUESTION MARK IN THE YES YST AQN FERX7L*1`TI CHECl(L YES NO ! } ✓ internal combustion inter4 facility use any ------ '""_-- 1. Does Your rester than 50-HP? blending, or engines g involve miming, mints 2, Does Your facility adhesives, P solvents, processing jinx smoke7 or coatings7 create any dusts or / 3, Does your facility refine any liquids or solids w 4 , Does Your facility ___---- or reclaim any metals? our facility 'Plate or coat anything? 5, Does Y have any combustion equipment , YOU facility baking ovens, 6 Does Y aces, broiler, R? --" ---�- i.e. boiler, furn etc.) rated greater than 2,000,0t#0 HTU/Fi YOU facility handle or st�sz® solvents or 7 , Does y rotor fual7 acids? 8, Do you use or store any roCeSsr ----- 9. Do You use any chemical p ----- clean- ou any solvents for use wi / 10. Do Y cleaner, restaurant th a ✓ 11. Are You a dxybody shop, gasoline station, /- charbcoiler> art coatOr? printer, or p located within one 12. is the subject building ----� thousand (1,000) feet of any school? PROPERTY LINzn. TO PROPERTY LIND. ou do not need an Air � a in all columns, Y ueStions in .NO If you have marked you ht Air Quality marked any $ auali.tY permit at ouimtime. ustcontactthe South Coas the "YES Column Y Management District located fit: 21865 E. Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 Please call:. Plan Check (714) 395-2000 11360d-2) f �.� City of Huntington Beach y— 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 52648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building �'_6-52.41 ; Planning 53&-52e71 Housing 536-5271 Government Code Section 65850.2(b) requires the City of Huntington Beach Building Division not to issue the final certificate of occupancy unless the applicant has met or is meeting the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District t (AQMD). The Building Division must obtain a written release from AQMD to show the applicant has complied with this law. The check 1 list on the reverse side is designed to help the applicant and the building division to meet these requirements. 1. The applicant (tie same person who appli.r permits from es fo the Building Division) must complete the checic list which can be obtained either at the Building Division or at AQMD. 2. If all boxes in the list are checked "no", the Building } Division can accept the check list as the release. , 3 If ti,sre are any "yes" answers in the list, the applicant must contact an AQMD engineer by calling ('714) 395-2000_e find out whether air permits are required for the proposed ; construction project, are not required, the applicant will obtain 4. If air permits ; t a written release from AQMD. 5. If air permits are required, the applicant must submit the necessary permit applications before the release can be issued. Because of the time it may take for AQMD to qo through the above procedures, the applicant is advised to contact AQ immediately after 'applying for Building permits. r (1360D) ' k