HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (58){ jj CEATI CATE'OF OCCUPANCY Fc►.2s txnry _� .9''4 CITY OF HUNTINGTON 6EACH , �4 DEPARTMENT-0F`OEVEt_OPMENT SERVICES f HUNttyGYOY UAIM I Address _ _ 15.131 `IritOn _LailC�_Qisfrict _ _ :___ f3uesiness`tVante. Y733S CH 511 . £•. SM19-TAI %%iU5�------ Business Type CAR SATM Occ. Group t ___tj—_� ! 9UILDIhG'bWNEii_ BUSINESS OWNERWANAGER Name R_REEF _ Name P, It . Welggellhk Address 3435 Wilshire B' Ivd . _ y _ Home 3 ,4 2 Court�eldo Cir. . Address. ---- City ins n cic1e5 -� 7�4;G0-9364 Tel. __ City ._ ilantinglon B iiC:i1 _Nome Tel Z �'• Construction - No.'of Stogies—_. _ Occupant Loa(t _SprinkIered i Notrce: E This Certlficate'of Occupariey DEP1`,RiMt 1 T OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL 13E'pasted in i conspicuous place'on the premises and shall not be remdved except the 3uildina Official: by y _.._._ _-._.-___.__.___ A001LICATION FOR :C0*n*f1FIcATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF OU NGTbN BEAm T' t)t0AAt'MEN­T OF UDEML0,PMENT SERVICES ___��/� 11UNT14CION 11ACH (PhiNt"16A TYPE ONLY) D�T ec, ui District tridt Address __j _L3_1 IT 0 lr_- (_1�1_ , Tel. 86sinesi Name Bijs I iness'(ype C4 Occ.Group— BUILDING OWNER OWNERWANAGER Name Name . . . . ...... 7 I [hL_'( I Address Address-!L chy Tel. fAlS USE W60LD BE'DESdhiBED AS: NEWLY'CONSTRJUC TED BLDG. CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING CHANGE OF USE At)6!TIO'NAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any Occupancy Gr. Div.' NOTICE: 1. `Occtipancy,of any bUIIdIKq..Is'0rofiIbIted and a business license will niovbe' Issued until the bulli!160 ,has` been Wpect6d and a certificate of 6ctd pa'Acy'Is issued. 2. No eleqtObl, service WhI be:released-for any existing bbildflin"g—until 'the service roas,bedn intioected and, tortifled'safe... All applican- ts'for occupancy in an existid'o-btlildI66 are r0bit6d'to sched0le an le' e _In n* the time this apollca- C' trical 'fuse I ' the Depirtment of Develoorneht. Services at t1oh" filed. 3. Change -df,occupianby-or Use Into'd6tio"Wfee. Whenever it-ishecessarylo, make Inspec* flioW6f ab6ifld- In, or'0rP_,mI*,es* in'dirder to'de-..'errnine if a charige may be,made- IhAhe'6 hbraci'ter 61"occcipancy-br use of the b ulldIAg or premises which would mace the" lJ61181h In a�dlfferent division of'the same I ro d 9 p Of OCc(J0,a'h'_^y'ot in 4 different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ 660 shall be p6id to"thecity. W A'h* . 4. i'fl9ft'0n-4) l3ijach Fire Code Section OA8 - re*0UIres that � b-6141ding -n Umb0'rs'm ust.be a minimum n Im" of four (4) inches in° heidht with one half (72) inch stroke, and of a contrastingColor from the back- grouh .d. Theseniirhb8rs rw.lst t)a posted on'your bul It I IWO In 6 lociotio-n'th-at is visible from the street. 5. Hitnti6gton Beach Fire Code Section 10.301'requires fire extin'OURlier selection and distiNufloin I per the Natfnal Fi 1-c Protection Association OaMphlet 10 (see revers SIOA).- I0:A- k (FOR oFFicE,usE ONLY) SUPPOEWENTAL INFORMATION O. NO, PARKING SPACES SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING PLAN MirCK N OCCUPANCY GROUP PER MIT NO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL OCCIPANT * LOAD A' DMIN. ACTION UTILITIES AELEMED No. OF STORIES CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE APPROVED BY DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE TOTAL. $ U ors - f4111C_IkUI- /I J 1 11-OrM i-41111141-1q, �; . __ ­_ p .1 [V!� III .�:iccikjl. lz� 75 039 9EV. f� V r -a4 C R TICICATE OO'OCcl1PANCY j CITY OF HUNTiNGTON BENCH DEP ifi lUlf NT OF DEVELOPMENT ViCE5 Cate IiUWTititlh�t BfACF! Address Business Name Ois"trict-.-�___ 8usiliess'Type - _ _ -- --- _., __---.___ _ Tel.._ ,t� Q Occ. Group- [ (il/, ANArER Name -- -_ _. Name Address Address__�� Tel. City Tel. Construktion— _No: 0! Stbriei_ _____Occujont Loaf(___ _______Sprinkferett No tire: - -ThisC"Micate 4_6rcupancv GCPARTIMENT OF dEVELC'Pf11Ei IT SERVICES SHALL 13E posted in a cwSpicrovs place on tile, 'ptetolses and shall not be removed except by the f3Uilding Official. by 11 ' Business Name 1360nnoTvpu ' ' APPLICATION E F1 CA E OF OCCUPANCY �IK0 0EP&��E0TOPZjGM6PIVIENT sErivICES Name . ` Addrma________-_- City THIS USE BE DESCRIBED : F7 NEWLY COmSfHUCTF0BLDG. �|ST} | BUILDING Indicate former useif any _ �1_^���~����~/ ��� �7 DATE Ab:�:Rry — ) - --- —'- -----'--'— Address ���� _ CityTei F—1 CifANGEOF��^*/E' H�NGE/`F[���UPAN. L-J `~``'^ ^ ~ ~ ' CHANGC OF USE (—1 ADDITIONAL ^'~~T ~~'~'` ~^ICE: 1 Occupancy of any bJ01I(dIhg is, (Jr6lilblted and a business license will not'be issued tintil the bull . dih'* has been inspected abd a ceetifidate 'Of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be releasedJor any' ekkil h!ybbilding until the service has bee'n inspected andcortifled safe. All applicants for occupancy in'an existing bbildin'g -are. re.4uIr6d to sc.hedu'16 an electrical 'fuFe up' li.sp6ctllon i0ho Department of Development Services at the tione'this applica- 3. 'Cl4rige ot occupancy b r use inspect1drilee. Whenever it Is necessary td,'Make inspection of abtJild- ingtor premises in order to detetmine'lf a 'change may be rnade in he character Of Ord0pancy or use of occupancy or in b'd if Went grob of occubaficy, a'dharf( shall -be paid to the city. rif four (4) inches in'height with one half (Yz) inch stroke, and of a,contrasting color from tho'back- ground. These numbers hiust 1,eposted on your building in a location'that is visible from the street. 0 sec'tl v, 10.301 requires fire exti n4U!§her selection and 'distribution per the National Fire Protection Association parnphlet 10 (sce reverse side),. (FOR'0FF|CEUSEONLV) SmPpLEMETAL|NFORK4ATION SOUARE FT. OF BUILDING -64��7:�.---_, PLAN CHUCK NO NO.PARKIN(}SPACES.- OCCUPANCY GROUP _p[RM|TN0. _ --- _ HE/\iTf4DEPT.APPR8VAL OCCUPANTLOAV_- - -_---_-'^_._-_�__-/\DM!�.ACT(ON ��� UTILITIES RELEASED -------- ^ NO. OFSTOR|FS CERT|F|CATEOFOCCUPANCY FEE APPR0VEUDY D/J[ CHANGE OF OCCi)PANCY F[F TOTAi 7sn39nsv �1 CERl`IFIC•ATE OF 66WU NNCy CIT Y OF fJUNTiNGfON HEACtf DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ,` � Date MINTWGitNJ NAM r, Address ... _._ District____- V Business Business Type ._-- - -- __...._- __ .._. __`d'►__. _. _____ ___._,__ _.__._- Occ. Group E?ttit:DING OtVNEI? OWNERlA7APv't1GFR Name dame Address _ _Addw-Ss Tel. _ :M.._ _ . ` city-- Canstruction.__ of Stories_, _ �Occujx:int Load.__...._. Notke: This Ce►tificare of Orrupancy DEPARTMENT Of UEVE{-C7P[i4ENT SERVICES SHAD [, BE posted in a conspicuous Place of) the (;remises and shill not be removed except by the Building Otflcie„ ify .._....__ ._ ...._...... _ I Cifx of Nunt`ii §t6n Beach iFOR APPLICANT TO i'�ILL IN APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCt1F MCY Uepa+,tment of Development SI-rvices . (Print or type only' DATE AW1 ficAtion "is hereby made for a C 'rti f i Cate of Occupancy for a: scribe Uirs ine5';' Use To be Inown a41 - Z-) <`' h ;of Busines )/VorfIoAll Ijt (` Located at /,S-/`3 : , IL6_ i 1_ ur i n es —Add—res s Name: BUSI JRSS OW R Residence-Addrqss i Phone No. - Business:/"L Residence: r/03, ame:OWNER ---Adfte s s pity dip pho5e o. TNYS USF WOULO'BE DF.SCRIOED AS: fp Newly Constructed Building [~] Existing Building Indicate former use if any z i 3 Change of Owner (� Change of'Use Change of OcOu(aar�t � jAdditional Occupant _ Occu an� Gr. Div.���w Occupancy of any building is prohibited -and a business license will not be issu until the building has been inspected and a Certificate of Occupancy is fistbed. No electrical service will be released for any ekisting building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupanc+, in an existing building are required to schedule an`electrical '`fuse up" ib§oectior► in the Department of Bui';dihq and Community Development at the time this application is filed. CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY CR USE INSPECTION FEE. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order.to determine if a change may be aide in the character of occupane,., or use of the building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the City. (FOR OFF r (:c' USF ONLY ) SUPPLEM.i=NTAL INFOR}fit TioN ' ,St}. ft. of building_._. Plat) Check No.�� �..�_.-.._�._._.__.__._..___......_ Occupancy Group ...' . C'_.__. Per,mi t: No. ._.-.__ _ ._.___-..___— Occtipar,t Load Ad►irin. Action No. of Stories No. Parking SpaeesP___._ Heth Dept. Approval- . u l Utilities Relcased - f-PPRMF 17` _ _-- G'itT E: CCRTIf ICATt, Of OCG�lPA3tf,Y F Ef: �6.t?Q CHANU OF OCCUPANCY OR USE I NSOECTION FCE -_- ({75-039) TOTAL -M