HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (18)CENTIFICAT' E OF OCCUPANry CITY OF HUNTIN&O' N SFACil DEPAFITh4ENT OF OEVELOPMI NT SERVICES Date t HtmnNcmv Of ACIJ 'Address leri.t c-in 7atcic�s f,:ttiwq 1.(: Business Name—__ t.i�:tr 17 I 2i41C`s"5, :1tG Ii ?dY 'f _(ATTIJ) Tel. Business Type _ __ 111701 .'"W7`mLs Occ. Gco'up_ BUILDING OWNEH € 4 — 6USINESS OWNEWMANAGER C;olua Pttsjhi�irls P.Irk �- ?tom°I,�' T:tl . Name Name __Ifrxx��n ttt3l _ Acidness 3435 tr 11sli1ra nlv,x. , i c'bC HdMe 70t1 'r�nt>'-a3 Avg, — Address _ _ _ ' Cit.; L. A, 90010 � - — — --- -- _Tel. __�.�. Cicy 1 E3� ttc1�=,?' 1' Noma TeL_�.(~?' t i i Constfuctior,_^ No: of St6ries_—._._ Occupant Load.--__._l._--yprmkteied. i Notico: f This Certificate bt Occupancy DEPAR-rmtNT O' F OFVi L`C PMtNT SERVICES t } SMALL HE posted ina conspicuousplac:e on A the prunises an:: shall not be removed except , i by.the13i.lildingOfficial. by U�VI~l.lal7tAltAtT $Ei2VtGi=S '� z ff I 'JAM APPLICATION Pon'M T-110IC-ATE OF OCClj,PANCv "IT" f' !`1UWf0'16*6N8EACIf DEPART61itNtpdFBEVEL OPMtNTSERVICES WAINT OR TYPE ONLY) DATE Address Tritph Lane Sui W Dh - filct Business Name NQME&''�CTel. U Business Type 'Occ.: Group 1301.6046 OWNER BUSINESS OWNEPIMANAGUR Name Bolsit Bus."Lness PR rk Name Home Address 3435 Wilshire Blvd,-"2 Addross.-I-Q-4 central Ave City L.A. Tel. City Se4jc Tel. THIS USE WOOLD'AF DESC61k I) AS: E NEWLY CONSTRUCTED gLrjG. F CHANGE OF OWNER i CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTI ' Nr, BUILIANG CHANGE OF USE C ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any 3ccupency Gr, Div. 7- SQUARE FT. 0BUILDING TO BE OCCU PIE D NOTICE: 1. 2. 5. -bt Occupancy of any building is prohibited iind a bi-isiness !ic6ns6 Will not b0 e issued 6til the i. ildl n has been inspected and a rert1ficate7of occupancy is issued. No 6lec"trid6l service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants occupancy in an ekittl I nj'_ building required to sch6dule bri p are r e electrical 'fuse ul-)' inspection in the . Department of Development Services at th'e time this'ap6lica- t lori is filed. ClOnge of -occupancy or use inspectioif fee. Whenever it is n'ecessary to make 1n§jjecfl6h°,of a bbild- in'g'or premises in order to -determine if a change may be made in the character of"ciccupancy,91ir - use of the building or promises Which would place the building in aAiffe'_rent divW66"of the same ijroup of f -occupancy or in a different grdUp of'oecup6ricy, a change of occopancy 'inspection fee of $ shall _be' paid to the city. 110,1141601on. Beach Fire Co . tie Section lb.m re-qufres that building,numbdrs'r-nust be a4nlhl6iIJh1 of four (4) inches in height with one half (1,17) inch stroke, and 61''a contrasting c a 6161"frorn'the bkk. ground. These riumb6smust be posted on your bulldMq in a location' that is visible from 'the Weat. :HtAhIn'gtc,n*Beach Fire Code 0V,3ction,A0.301,"requires fire ektinguisher selection and'disitrilSkI6 per the National Fire Protection Av<ociatlon pax.6hlet-10 (see reverse side). ZONING NO, PARKING SPACES HEALTH DEPT ' APPROVAL ------- r__ LIT 0TIEs RELEASED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE. APPROVED BY AliATI?SCHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE EE TOTAL $ 75-b39 R F V. (FOR OFFICE USE OMLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INF ATION OC'.U_PANCY GROUP PLAN CHECK NO. OCCUPANT LOAD VERKMT NO. NO. OF STORIES ADMIN. ACTIW' CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAM ,Y CITY OF HUNTiNGTON BEACH DEPARTMEPIT OF'DEVEL PMENT SERVI�;ES t�u�vrrvtrav et �t'+r District____.___._ Business Name-_.__LL_ Business Type �: ' ":-r ;'y' ,; •%� x f_t' _'?�^�€ ---__—,___ .__._____._____._z_.___ Om Grou n _ :2-.L..-_- t 13 lLWgING OWNER -- OWI:cR1MANAGER _ s Name----- -- Name _` :'' r i;_�•;: Address Address fil Tel. City Coristr'tictian, No. of Stories __ _ _Occupant t_oatt--_--! ____ Sprinklerecl _.-- — Notice. This C6rt6fis&te of Occii anc # p Y DEPAP`t".ANT OF'OEVEWPMENT SERVICES SHAt L BE posted in a conspicuous place on the'premises and shuil not be` iem0ved except by the Btilldinif Official. by -.. _._ p iSTI'L-ITY R E L E A S E .f f r F f S' 1k BUILDING NEW BUILDING POWER POLE TEMP. WORK WITH POWER `.. Plumbing Inspector Clear DATE 2. ,jcctrft, A Inspector Clear DATE UTILITY RELEASE AUTHORIZRD BY LAND USE DATE GAS UTILITY COMPANY NOTIFIED s i Nj USE na _ �'�,C��'- C'' •..�-L-'� _ ADDRESS (05-007) � � . ' ° ^ ' ~ APPLICA TION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OC C PANCY � CI TY m '� ' --Bm� -'-'--`-^'~~^ l0NDEVELOPMENT 0E��MEN���F �������S (PH/Nr0qTYPE ONLY)DATE ----' --- ' `' -~'-~ Business [�|th'hu1 � �no���nm �- a Tel. __-______---------' / '8u$'n�o 4� r ~ ''`~ Ooc. Group / ' 7T7 OWNEWMANAGER�------ 0ame -A _'- ' Address _-__ __-___-- Address City_-_-___-----'-----___-'Tel. _________ {Jq/ 1�0-1_ 6//116--f. 5-����.���. �� ^~ Is �/QEm��/B[ DE ' `U` | 13/\S: / NEWLY CONSTRUCTED ELM. F-i CHANCE OFO$VN^R 'CHANGE OF OCCUPANT . NQEOFOCC8M4NT ' ' E*k3r'V�BUIL���G [-1 �H/\NGf /iP�SE [-7 ADDITIONAL T -- �-� LJ ~ ' "'."`�°°~°''»^Indicate former use, if any Occurancy Gr. Div. I NOttCE: 1. Occup'Ahcy 'of any building is'prohibit6d and a business li(:e*nse wi I It not be issued unfli the Wilding has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No 616661661 tervice Will be released for any existing building urltil the service has b 66h Inspected and certl'f led safe. � All apiSlicarits for Occupancy- in an exis1frid'building are reqUired to schedule an electrical �fuse tip' inspection In the Department of Develotiment Services at the time this ap'pllca- 3. Change ot occupancy or use Inspeotloin fee. Whanever it is necessary toenake inspection'Of a b0ild- i.ng-or premises in order toAptermine If a change may be.' -made in the character of occupan . cy or use of the bUildl4q Or premises Which Would place the buildihg�'In a'differ'nt division of the same group of occupancy or in a'diffefent qr6up of occupo'ncy, a change of occupancy Inspection fee of $36.00 shall be poid wthti city. 4. Hunthig on Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that buildinU-60mbers mUSt be a,mWORfM of f0*ur (4) inches in het6ht With one,haff (Y,) inch stroke, i1nd of a contras I t169 color fro - the, ba ground. These be posted on you(- building1n a location th't is visit - a )le from the stre6 5. Huhtin6toll Beach Firn Code Section '10.301 'requires fire extinguisher selection and-distri6iftion per the Nati6hal Fire'Protection Association pamohlet 10 (see reverse side). ilA - , /.I . (F0ROFFICE USE ONLY) IMFORMATION m� -7 ' SO\�AREFT. oFRU}L[Y| �_��--�_/_/__-_-P|'ANCHFCKN0. --'-- -- ' NO. PARKING ------------ OCCUPANCY GROUP ��� -___���=�----�______- PEO01|TND. _-_- H[A|THDEPT APPROVA� UCCUPAmTLOAD---_1 ADMIN.-ACTION _.----.-- ' UT/LT|ESRE'E�SE[) — - --' -- NO. OF�n[O | / / . � / �� /] ` CERTlF/C��rO�UCCUPAN�Y��� � APPROVED BY DATE CUANGE0FOCCUPANCY F[C S ---- --�-- -------r ��' TOTAL /6039IIFV /> f `. �r ' , C'A IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF NUNTIN06N FIEAOI Date DEPARTMENT OF`DEVELOPMENI S'EI[5 rrur.,nticYo�v ar.atrr V District_.___— _-------__. Address ar BusinessNama.___v_ _____w-._. _____.__ :________.__ __.___....__. _ ________..._. Tel. Business TypeOcc. Group._____.___._ k OWNE"IMANAGEt2 �# BUILDING OWNER Name Name Address Tei.._.... _ _..._.__.. CR ----_- Tel. City_Y_�__._....__._.__.._._._.__-_--_----_----.__.. Y .---._-___.___..___.--.----.- _-___ Nvtrre: This Certificate of Occitpzncy DEPARTMENT OF`DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL BE posted in a conspicucitss place on the premises and snail not be removed except by-_- _... by the Building Ufficiai. .._.. __- _..---..._,_...__ ' . APPLICA,rIONTOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ' . 14/N7\ � DEPARTMENT OF DEVE-LOPK0E&/TSERw'ICES """'"°"°"~" (PRINT OmTYPE ONLY) BATE / *nv.p� xt �� `'- Business Name - Oc�Group __ ' � ` ' BUILDING OWNER OzNsWMAu�r . Noo�« | (T ue7-l�/�� Address �__�_______��______� /�es` - -^ - � city Td._-____ City is UsEvdftbraEf3E�mqn80AS: NEWLY RU��GD��D�� Fl CHA�0EOF E� Fl CHANGE CHANGE ^~ ~-'`~' ' ' |_J ~^~` L-] '- ~ EXISTING i3biLbING CHANGE OF USE A66 fT/CN/L OCCUPAN� ` L_| � Indicate YfNrh�*eUse, It any _____-__--__-____-_'_______-_--_'_____.Oxounnony G/. NOTICE: I Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a busino;s license will tint be iss.two until the buMcling has been pe zed and a certificlite of occupancy is ismied. 2. No electrical service.,will be"released for aoy existing lbuildinU ijbiii the service, has been Inspected ' electrical 'fuse up' inspectibn In the Department of DvveJ-jph)ent Services at the tirne this applica- ' Ing or promises In, order to determine if a chanp niay'oe inade in the charactor of occopanc, or use 4. Huntineton I Reach -Firo Code Section 10.2 . 08 require0hat bull - din( 'Ifliourn of four (4) inches in height With one half'N;?) Inch stroke, and of a co0tranIng colot frornthe back- ground. These 0nibers must be posted on your btjllclinq in a location that is visible from the street. 5, 1-10ritirigton Beach Piro' Code Section 10.301 r6(101res ilre, ' ox'(1111,01sher selection and distributi6n Nationalpor the _ Fire Pir- --tion-_Association--_-_,_,-- - ._-' Trsl sil (F` | OFFICE'USEf)NLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION J/ SQUARE FT OF 8011.1)ING niAN CH[CK W(). -- -- - __ ' NA. PARKINGSPACES _-- .... _'_ 0CCUPANCY GROUP.... -- ' -- _ _-_-- PERnM N0. .-_ — -__ - H[/\iJH [)[PT. APyROV --- OCC UPANT L0AD _ --- - _-'-_-��. ___ ABMV4, A( 11DK _'-_ __ - - -' ' UT!UT![.S NO. OF STORIES CFRT|F\CAlF OF OCCUPANItY F[E S /V4`R0Vt,:0 RY DATE CHXN(I[ O[ | CUPoCY rrF S 10TAL ,»0m9HEV , ^(i� ^ ..= s- 6. r /ar C5RINFICATE OF'OC(%UPANry CITY AF FiUNTlNGT0N BEACH_— DEPARTMEN T OF DEVELOPMENT SE aF;i irate ttuni,4c.rc,�v BtACti 1 �:. Addr-ss -----_ __,__ :�_---:_:_=t'3,�"" _ District____._.__, _ Business Name_.___..___ To). Business type ___ _ ____...___.. _ __ .. :_:_ _.._ _ _ _ _� Q-- ., __.. Occ. Group BUit_OING OWNER OWNERIMANAGER Name..�__..._.__ _:, Name ...__:-----__'�_---,-_--.______._____.___.________---___. Andress Adnross_. City_. ______..._.____. __..-----_ ._.__ Tel..___..,.__.::_.._ City Construction__..__._.._ _No: cf Stories___ ---- _____._nccunan( L,oad_. .._- �prinf NnNcv: This Certificate of gccut,a,rey DEPARTMENT OF DEVEL0PME-NT F5fIViCrS SHALL BE posted in a conspicttous Glace on !!, the -premises and shall not be removed except b} the Building Official. 6- APPLICAtYbN FOR CERTIF16TE 'OF OCCOPANCY City_'of 1-16ntisi ton Beach Department of Development Services FOR APPLICANT TO"FILL IN (Print ot, °type only) DATA _ _ Appiication "is hereoy'ma for Certificate of OcduP00y for a: Occu and Gr. pi , Des f i be Busi Hess U `r J CIA. _� . '7 "rile f U - s`11 Lr5'ca`tetl at` clue : B USI NE c 4 _ Bus tress rpss +- NER Wes-f d Re Addrpss f �_. City !a���,� i Phone `No. Business: Residence: _ r'� �e -'lZt�,� /�-•��rjl4;.`��1{-'. t�l :riz(j^ .ate Nit,,-, V W I L UTess city zip e' N,, T# S°=USE wUULQ BE DESCR'I�CD AS: Neely ConstructedAlit!ding [� Ci�ange of `Owner [� Change of Occ ip6 t Existing Buildilig ] Change of Use Additional Occupaht Indicate former use if any _ _ _ Ocapahe : Gr. DiV. :.occupancy of. any utl `r1g 7 s h o b7 t o us Hess cens w _not a ss+ue ,1 until the buildiliq�`has beer, `inspected and'a Certificate of`6ccUpahcy �s issued. )2. No electrical service will be released for any existing buildi'fig U:►itil the service has been inspected a"nd certified safe. All applicAts` for oct.Upancy in an existing building are required to schoddle an electrical "fuse up" inspection in the Capart Mnt of Bui,l ding and Comm tini ty Devol c pment at the time J - this application is filed. 1� 3. C 4�AEiCE'OF OCCUPANCY OR USE INSPLCTIJON FEE. - Whenevei�� it is necessary to make inspection of a building`or premises !.r order to dpterMihe if a change may be made in the character,of'occupancy or -use of the building or premises wKith w.ou1d place the b-U11d' ig i�n a different division of ohe same group of occupancy or in %a -different grcip of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $30:OO shall be paid to the City. (FbR_ PPLJCE USE ONLY) -A- //-`/-- 7 SUPPLMWAL INFORMATION Sq. ctfancafGbuoiidir�g ��;�_ �. a.�a����; PermithNok Na. p. Y p_� Occupant Load �._____ __�_ Admin, No. of Stories ___� �`. No. Parking Sr,aces . _.__.w__�- Health'Dept,'Approval - �- Utilities Rei easedAPPROVED BY DATE CCRTII ICATL 01 OCCUPANCY FEE _6.Ob CHANGE QF UPA QCCkCY OR USE INSPECTION FE E TOTAL� _�-.� � r'lJ) (�75-�1�9) _