HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (100)f 1 F' -_eA°TIFICA'TC QE OCQUPANGYJj 1 t.. IeJk"?tT� s Y.'r`J£it i�kti:fi�i t,t.t:"t6;t , t� BEA01 �iw...fi t�$: �'i'dR'�'�.�...+-�..—�*-%`.+�^*,h,++.• ..+..s,ze.+6.,...- .....w.rw,.,»... -, e4 a� MEN", SMvIwEt f i APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF CCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH w JNW4croN sE" DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES pF VNT01TYPLONLY3 DATE Address -•---,....�/..��.�--Ls-I.L._�:�.District Business Larne. _ �/%(����[� st Tel. s Business Type .'C' I L ?? {�2!�." f _—� Group Ufi OING OWNER BUSINESS OWNERVANAGER Name.k=-G r3 Name � c_ �4 tE Add ess - _ _ _ _ Home Address.Ll2��! '✓'i��t. � y Te€ ­ G,tq� Home Tel. Plll;f0 j THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS NEWLY G()NSTRUCTEE? Si,GC;. L CHANGE OF 0trVNEp CHANGE OF OCCUPANTKE I EXISTING BUILDNG CHANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use. it tiny ._....,,__ t4_A Jf-AC TV 4t-A SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO SE OCCUPIED MQ— � I NOTICE: 1. OccuP@nCy of any buJding is prohibited and a business licon-e will not be issued until the building has been inspected and e certificate of occupancy is issued tr 2- No electrical service will be released for a:iy existing building until PleSer�vice has been inspected and II Certified Safe. All appltCLi!1#S.:Tot occupancy in "` existing building are requiredr" Schedule,I fuss up' f o upa in Ii�e aepartreaertt ref Developrnent Servicesga€ the fiime his applicatonris filed real '. Change of occupancy or use fit fee. Whenever it is necL Ssaiji to make inspection of a building or pritilniSP., in order to determine it a change may be made. in t �,> character of occupancy or use of the building car pram ises which would place the building in a differetil civiSion Of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occi.rpt>nc . a char. d shall be paid to the city. y g' of occupancy inspection fee of - p�`� 4. Huntington Beach Fire Cade Section 1 i g Ut3 gr re th7t iulding numbers fT usI be a minimum of four D / i4t inches an height with , .tie half t } '. i inr h str ay;e ar t rsf ti numbers rriuS c contrasting GQipf rfCrT+ thehaGkg?cUnd: These t b� poi ,Edon yo,i buildtn� in a location that is visible from the street. Ifuntington`Beach Fire Code Section 1().30, req r n, fire-- extincuiSher selection and distribution -per the Nfationa,' Fire Protection Aissaciation pampf,,Iet 10 (see reverse side). r j �-t— (FOA OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ZCILILG= OCCUPANCY GROUP. OCCUPANT LOAD PLAN CHECK No --�._._,._ NO PARKING SPACES NO OF STORIES � PERMIT NO, �a. � � HEALTH DEPT, APPROVAt ---- ---ti ADMIN ACTION— UTILITIESREL.EAS"eE- CERTIFICATE ATE OF ()C< ja APPROVED BY - -�z_ L , ANC:Y FEE 5 DATE CHANCE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ �^ TOTAL � J a PTIO co not dataieh- xetetrat air>:opj*a APPLIC#<1'J{ils➢. &C?R A1CQH®!(1C EIki9EAGE i.1�:E#.iSlr(S tic Not Write Above This 411»...far Headgvortars office, Oniy ) 1. TYPE($) OF LICENSE(S) FiIE NO, To. Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control 1901 Broadway RECEIPT NO. r Sacramento, Calif. 95818 d I�pIS7R)GY?CYtNGi„CCAPI(1N)' t GE'VfIAPtitCAL , The undersigned hereby applies for f, ,; CODE licenses descr,,$ed as follows: Date u s t °«` * Issued fjtft F i 2, NAME(S) OF APPLICANT(S) Temp. Permit x f Applied i;der Sec. 24044 0 Effective Date: Effective Date+ 3. TYPE(S) OF TRANSACTION($) FEE LIC. TYPE $ l f 4. N^.me of Business 5. Location of Business --Number and Street ----- - City and Zip Cade County ^----�--�--�-------._ zai a 6. 1f Premises tic rAl enses, - $ Is es Show TYp'= of License 7, Are Premises Insf'µ +? a :. , . City Limits? s' B. Mailing Address (If different from 5)—Number and Strt et rtmpyrrarq,i 9. Have you ever been convicted a felony? a ilo- Have you ever violated any of the rIs ,ons of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act or regulatic, or the Department per- ; laining to the Acts 11, fXplato a "YES" answer to items 9 or 10 on an attachment which shall be deemed port of this appficatfon. 12. Applicant. agrees (a) that any manager employed in on sale licensed premises will have off the qualifications of a liceftsee, and (b) that he will not y gjate or Cause or permit to be violated anyA� i the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. 1 13. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of 1 •` - -- •.__ :..._gate_:. _ �w ] _ » __r Under PenaltY of prriucy tech parson whose crgnaturt ..appears bola , rard,rrs and nays F He is she applicant, ar ant of she aPp7ttant »-» -M' alficer of the alo"I't n). torporahan, named in the foregoing aPPticlllian, d„lr iruth7rtsrd to m]kc this pq l;kah s ar an link ur; < going aPP1aKalion and. knows the rantanls thrraaf pnd:lhar arch .and ai( a' the P as an .rsbahr,,if, 2` .'bat he has .rend 11ra rere. or opplicanit. has any direct ar mdiratt ntas•.est rn the frntem<ntx to tarn made art eroa, t5a{ na rycrsan athrt. +ypn the tt e & no# nrs oe aPG ,roans buUre.t 1p be p:dueied under �ha 'icanxe:.s, fry a% ad.- t •.41 tFal the transfer oppfi(atiors or propO.rdha sft{ .s. nOr mode •o sas,sfp ihe Poymrnr et p 1aar, Lr rp Fuifts whi:h ih,r apptizatian days Pteceding the day on whi0i :he rron.te, opjp m "% made: i defraud or miare any trrddor of. tronsfetar. ;5.� that eh n it fled wdh eft Ur -an agretmant entered iaiG mor0 hen ninety -,,go l e transfer a Parrmanr or tq goo, 0' :arahlish a Gratmcnte so. ar tar rn,. "ed,tpr of transferor or to m the t)cParlat tit ppficphcn may he w.rndrpw by either the opp,i I ar ,ht. lrcensea with na rclu7line Flofstl;ly. to t 14. A;PPLiCANT SIGN HERE - _ _ -- - _ - - APPLICATION BY TRANSFEROR 15. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County af,__ ., _ Dare _ Finder penptty of perlucy. akh Prrwn whose si9nater0 6PPrarf below, r fG<. and coy. LL ! rye a rha i mnsee,.^a, an ea<to4ye affitar of rheMmr orar . name. in the fOrogpeng trontfer appl,cahgn, dutp aurhar;rcd ea makt In<s 4"nfrr appl to<ion a 09 ._ od. ott I wets in the ottatbad h<enar.'sl d.,C6b<d below and.-lo trantar sane ra the n A a Itcrnsre brhpiF 7` that hr. htr<bP makrsappf«kation. tP surrandar .farm, it sukl+ Franstrr is appro.rd by the a;rrcrar 3, rhor rha Ironsfar n Hfixar;prr npph<anr l n , tatah,o nro tdt 'p on tt+e uPPrr pcthon of th:i aPphrat;pn an 00 Itin- t •mitred Into most than rs, et days g Propstrd pli,.,ar is nut mach ep sal,s[p the payment of a TO." aY to fulFtl ? n Y x Girca,al c the day o rh:ris tFa rya +sf<r. apahcor,Prt is fled 'witlq the arapHmanr -or to gain fir: establish:q PYCft{enCe r4 of faY any cltldltaf Sr lran.terat ar t0 daFraud ar ,nlUke any C rdlar rf trartfferoY- .{ rhar fha lean{fer h t h.nr;an t.* Fsa wtogai n , applicant or it-,* lirenrec woh no rtlwiti tl t oa,hty 1.y tf ecpartmanl r Y ±,)her iFr. 16, Name(s) of Litensee(s) 17. Sipnoture(s) of License-e(s)1 t — � • license NumbPrfsi � ,.,.•-.—.�_...., v., _ � . Via., ~3 fi 1 19, Lacatran Number and Street City and Tip Code Court w_ Do Xot Write 131t7out This Line, ror Department ['sr Only s Attached: 1 Recorded orded notice, 1"'' Fiduciary papers, d » _ COPIES MAILED at W ._. _. C7ffice an. _ .1ieCeipt No. 4.fr