HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (14)APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE Or OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HUNTINGrON BEACH (PRINT OR T"PE ONLY( DATE dress/ //`//0,0 410 '#/O /� 1j^,V (CX / aC �� District stness Name11,6/�% 11,1'.r�s Tel. Rginess Type Z&aC _ Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNERIMANAGER _\ �yame /i`%/�L/,g��� /?9a'.0 1� t�lame Vzimz,5 %/e6 ress %ome �30 Sc). 5CV2?/ is ��� lie cress 3/2� --Home Tel. I' THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: } ❑ NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. ❑ CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING ❑ CHANGE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any Occupancy Gr Div. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED303 ' i OTICE: 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a, certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspr ied,and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or j premises in orderto determine if a change maybe made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the building in different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall be paid to the city. 4, Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that building numbers must be a minimum of four (4) inches in height with one half (1/2) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the background. These T, numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street. 4c 5, Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the is National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse sid IV ,/� (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) s SUPPL/MENTAL INFORMATION ZONING OCCUPANCY GROUP PLAN CHECK NO. NO PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD PERMIT NO HEAL PT APPROVAL-,i NO. OF STORIES ADMIN. ACTION U ITIES RELEASED l; 2 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE S , I' API E BY t ATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE g TOTAL 75-039 Rev. 11190 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT i i_ a SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 1. BUSINESS Xf /`3 �h, *167 4� ,2c �,19 ADDRESS 2. Person to contact in case of emergency- 7 4F^WA9 4' Telephone number: ;39l1.29d 3. Does the building in question have electricity) Yes ❑ No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be ❑ Yes turned on? ❑ No 4. The building is sprinklered? Yes } ❑ No 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar F material? ❑ Yes' ® No i; 6. Operations will involve the repair or replacement of ❑ Yes automobile parts? No t If Yes,, (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. ( ) (b) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame? El Yes CJ No I 7. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant Toad of more than 50 persons. ❑ Yes No 8. The following best describes my operation; Office Only R Sales 1, Warehouse X Manufacturing / Distribution (describe process , and end product) I" i, j' Restaurant/Take Out Food Medical /Dental Other (describe) x f, SUPPLIMENTALINFORMA`iION i �. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Conti(lued}. Does"',the oIoer'atto'n ': Irfloly ' any `of 'the' folfowl g 'ate- 11 iafs? 'f Nos if Yes, indicdtd-4uantitiesr._. Quantity SViateriai 1. itammable liquids Class I -A Class I-B ---- ,' Class l-C �. Combustible liquids Class !l " Class 111-A 3. Combination flammable liquids 4. Flammable gases 5, Liquefied flammable gases i` 6. Flammable fibers - loose l 7. Flammable fibers - baled i 8. Flammable solids is g. Unstable materials {, 10. Corrosive liquids 11. Oxidizing material - gases 12. Oxidizing material - liquids 13. Oxidizing material - solids 14. Organic peroxides 15. Nitromethane (unstable materials) 16, Ammonium nitrate 17. Ammonium nitra, ^ompound mixtures it containing more an 60% nitrate i by weight 18. Highly toxic material and poisonous gas 19. 5Smokeless powder >. 20. Black sporting powder z k I ove information is hereby certify than the ab true and correct to ' th bes knowledge. R /�- 0 /= [ate Signature 4 h F E M !j SOUTH COAST AIR QL7ALITY biANAGEMEIIT DISTRICT, ' (Nonresidential Buildings only)/ / Location of Subject- Property: �, `i/ .37�'"// Property Owner Name: ,_.i�E,lc� /�/!�f/� phone r� � , �ri_nt ;ame of. the Person preparingthis form in 1 Signature : ` person Or applying The person preparing acing this form must be the sa questions regarding c.rmits. Please answer the Eollovring q building p' arO�osed ccr,upanc.y of t:he subject;�f,Si1�:nTUMtd:Tr i'QiJ n0 NQ`I° KNOt7 rtlt r t I >'f ! t)d7 MARK I N 'I'lll? ltC�hS{) PI?R?•it"i l']NG I: k •j. i.. t•!t) F t: V 1 DuLti Your {rrc:)li,.;, usc: any oil int,r;,},}1 c OmTnr:;!.i C,ngines clrr rt, r !ban 50 processing Arc f l,' 11'. v i! cir coatings'? t , cn clr: c,! snurlcc:`? i } I)aCS your f ac r 1 , -'t cs 2;nr, l :y itl:` r.)i sc)1 i�iti a you,' I ); , Uoc,s , . or r:eC]trirn any n)r ;y{.} in { your < {� 1. r,v rr)n (. ;. ; „tc In") },r„ +ar,t' Lott: u r hd4 l ��cl Oven i.e. ho�]er, ,urn�rcc.s, _._ i.e. raked groater than 2,000,nao fITU/itR7 Nandie or: st:c,•r, sOlvc"nts tar Your [ac.iIiI,y 6 Dees y i/ motor. Euel'• Do you use or store any acids? � g Doyou use any chemica] {,roc:ess"? 10. Do you use any so]venLS for clean ]]. Are you a dry cleaner, r:c:<;t.aur,:)G ~•,tilt ) c.harlDroilei , body shop' gaso].i,te station, printer, or [)art enp rer) ;2, Is the subjerL building to aLnd 000hiic)lh)in on(! t ; thousand fl, ) PROPERTY LINE TO PROt'E"It'I`t LINE. Glznnl.::� IC•-1.7.. r f d "NO" in all columns, you do not need i.n an T,ir Quality permit at this Lime. if- you have marked, any questions you have marke the "YES" Column you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Manage District located at: 27.865 E • Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4132 Please call: Plan Check 714) 396-2000 (136od-2) City ,of Huntin.gto nbeach a. 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA92648 ' '� ..1j DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,.-,'�,`�, .:cam-w=r :�t•: Building Division 536.5241 Piann;ng Division 536.5271 Government Code Section 65850.2(b) requires the City of Hunting Lon Beach Building Division not to issue the final certificate of occupancy unless the applicant has met or is meeting the r.equiremeni,s Of the SouLh Coast Air Quality Management District (AnMl'1) The Cui].dinq Division must obtain a vrr iLten elease from hQt-i(1 to shoe Lhe appl ic.Ernt: has complied with t 1)1 s 7 a�: The (;heck lisl, on the reverse aide is desi.c� d to help Lhe applrcant: and tiu in) il-ling clivision Ln ment Lhesc rrgtrirerncitt:s. } hhc. applicant. (trhe a(iGr1U 0L)p_1_a4�__.lr-._tit rmil's ,Cram 11�0 Utii1�7i1iy Di,vaS9��) mu cornplc t.r. t:h(check list which Can het obLain,etl tither at Lhe Btliltliny Drvisinn or at AC�VtI`�. i. 2. if rll box('; in l;he li st are r_heckcicl "ncr Lnr Ilui ldinq r List rr; the r:e:c.aSe. 1)i v i s ion car; ,w r.pt. tlrc, char ,; k 3. if there are any "yes" an5%rers in thre list, the applicant I must; ::ontacL ar-r AQMD engi1)Cer }ay ca1.lir.g (714) 396--2.,000 Lo find Out Whethcr air. permits are -required EOr the proposed Coiiz;l ru(;ti.(n project:. if 11 If El r permits are not Gyuiicc), lie ap( >l icanl• will obtain a 4,ritten release from nQhtU }y 5, 1r air permits are required', the 'applicant inu,L :yularnil. t.hc: neGessar.y pei-miC aI)pIi.Cati0ns berore the rele'ise can 1.u: issued.` of the time iL may Lake [or ,AQI�113 to go through tlrt,, above Because p1.Ocedur.es, L•he applicant i.s advised to ConLat:t nQrv1) rnunr(iaLrly ' rL't:ur apr)lyi.ng Col.-Iiuil(ling Pe -emits. M I t, c (1360D) rt l _ RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION FOR CL (`3`f Floor — Must Apply In-Perven) Business License Address lc [ 8�1 —Mt ;xs Business Name tz Telephone Business Tvve �1 rrer ;FitEi ertc�;. 0111.act Inforrrtatrt�it �usineg ,Qvriter awe Natne Add;ss r ,..., Florae Address City -►� A wj. _ � ��.��� City ��� �• ���. � �: ����� TII C l'§i 'W!J ULD DE D'BS CRIBEM AS, New;y C.oastmeled Building or 8EXisting Building CIIECK ALL THAT APPLY: C2(7haw!e df 0vvner C ha)ige of Occul ant UC bange f l,:rse ClAdd tional tccupant indicate ;Rvi'i e trsi�, i and Does the building have electricity? Yes If Nox are you regtiesting that th); elecuichy be tumed uio Ves ':] No The buildirg is sltri klered`l Yes Nt00 )peration.� v61I ��i ?tduct dt s6voo s21"rivingv Or :"irailar I21aleriall Yes N70.0 laer"Itions x ill in olvv The repair or re lat eroeui crlTitmctiaaob le }Marts ices NN 'cs: Des,. rite the e�riatpon ttts i� 1? iz°e�i or re lacc t#. I'l.e t siaaess i4, kiri king- dWIT or assets°altlr use dot will result in anoccupant load of m(ov than 50 Persons, Yes "Ehe xq)xiCjkvmg lg;°,at describes my aperai9ion., ts';s; 4'letall dalesedicai:easaZesiatirrttaaloe Out Food tars lipase I„ttat tt k a;*rt4> i titihi7ti stt fdeseribe process and end product) 4 i. �., w�.....�.-�ww::,*,....,..-x.r..�:.,.wax+....m.+.+.:«., ..-.-�+.....:..-way+.-.�......•..,..c.w.,+«*..�-++ — .,...—.r.+..,.. � 70 OtPer zics rill;:, V'se- yy. �..�..�...�,.�..w.:..�.�.,...__.,�-....,.�,�.�...�.�.�..�...,..-..--.�....�.�_.,...r.�.„.K...;,.�...��..��,,...,....,�._.,�.�.,��..:�.-µ-w--i t rF,.f'S"�rrx Jl t4� Sq Ft occupied.' Oco Group, Oce Load 0: st'xws. � Parking SPaces: _ TIF Roview: W N Aizat Pya��tyy�i ;. y ^pp 4 E4 Sln;i fit? F4 �h»Lt r ,�'�oi%t at .,«y-•.,::w...««,...,....:.: Fntj1jeir Ant, 4. # k MIMU9 gy k3'x `! .� # `��0 #i i Cl COM i ,��...v�w,-mr ^�:�r•,... ..»,,.�s+w-,.Mw.r a�a.,�*,-,-,..»...w....,.�..a...,.s:+�:.p�s«.,.K..4«.,s+w�,«..,a� `";uc.w. ;;.�, - r�.Tw.»,. �/iv.... ♦+'4^ u+:`.av+rirr'focrc°aaxw!t'13RF+r.N4 9*»+r,4�"am�X^'+a"�WfYaaBro-v...-.y.-�: 77.�# APPLICATION FOR CER.TMICATE OF OCCUPANCY CIT 1 OF HC1NTINGTONT BEACH - DEPARTIVIENT OF BUJ'i..DI.N-G & SA.F�'TY i (3"' F loor*— APO Appljr In -Person) Btus tress License ,,4; ate; �J2-,..lj�a near n� = ssnt t ini+ rn7 t?a� uga€nqs, w mr Address, � ? a� .� Rome Address City �t 3 MCA Tel, - . 3L. city Tel. 0;k*ewly Construmd Building or 813xisfing Buji ua CRECK ALL THAT A.i'PLY Off."Ilangeof0wner C'i ange of Occupant CIChangoofUse OAdditional Occupant iJocs rite: b<sll.tir��; list cleetrie its° 'es OD I f No, are you requestingthat the clectricity be turned W. yes 0 Nr0 x The buildlt g ,*�::�,prizzklere4? Ias 0 \t01j Ci txion; r3 ,YI prodmet dusVNVAXc d sh-- ings or simil ir° material? Ws -D �co (Jilzialioni will ulvoh, tY3� iC ,ii: � R� t� j�l ii; 3t�G'i 1 tfaEii k.ii loll pa0 Ye'S �o' It :;" % The evi:"kI) new w lvpll wee$, i9, 3 tl,a = rntiti r involvethe use; ol'w4ding r open fiame°l Yescl No Q 'File busrifless is drinkmg, , dit ing r assaR-ibly use tint will result in an. occupant load (if more tfran 50 Perso#ts. `Yei ,..j NO The i01lo. ing bcv dme y �a ribes ml�c�mion: 11 Office . ;, 0RemiI Sales Q.MedieaMental 0Restauranttrake Oct l.7a0a `varvltmse J:(doscribe p,oc-tssand end product) Of Y _ I P .t$13E-K.JkF I' as 1`4 ' i�L CofO p y y:«r.�w:w.kaw„rr+`+aean..aorw+'+w�w�.ei.nu;.+w..e .'++*.ewe++.++r•—:w..s�..w:vww.».r..m� }x.�rr lr�i st�II.I 3'tarr "leeltrt T itials3"' .� l », VF South Coast Air Qua lty ainagement District 21865 E. Copley Drive Diamond )Bar, CA 91765-4182 (909) 396-3529 htpp-,//wwNv.aqmd.gov Air Quality Permit Checklist California Government Code 6500.2 prohibits cities from issuing a Cez fscate of Occupancy to a business r ivithout clearance from the localair quality agency. This checklist will, determine if you need to obtain i clearance from. the South Coast Air QuaUty Iv.Ianagern L,--t 74, a° c;t (AQ ). f Company Na-.= ►3 v ►z o C'+ . . Property Address: k5t 3 w '" rY1,Tzr►j t ►J t s'"t City, . 3, Zip Code: gL� . Contact Pcrson; Tale Type of'Business: �t +r..a rm*�-"'-a�s�f-„�►«+rTelelahorte. (j 't,� �g c P Applicant: (print name) Signatures Will the facibtyhave any of the foLoMng equipment? Yes Q No ID Charbroiler Dry cleaning machine Spxay Booth j Printing Dress (sercenAit iogzaphic/texographic) ! Interrial combustion, engine (greater than 5011P) (excluding motor vehicles) 13oilerlcombustioa equipment (greater than 2 ini. on 8TU/hr. maximum input) Abrasive tale; Ling cabimt/roora 13aghoase,/cartridge type dust filter%scrubber Motor fuel storage and dispensing equipment Will any of the following operations, tee performed? Yes Q Na Application otpaints or adhesives Etchirtg, plating, casting, or melting of metals Molding and blending of liquids and/or powders Steerage of acids, solvents, organic liquids or fuels Froducliott ofacids, solvents, organic 'Hquids, or f'uets Production of fi : s, dust, smok-. or strongodors *'If you ans-veered "Vo" to both questions, this chec'lclist s":� your elearanco from AQUD. 1 * If you, answered "Yee' to either question, you must contact AQMD to determine if air quality permits are required. Ifpermits aloe neede-d, AQMD will: assist you in subn4tting,permit applications) and then provide you with a clearance letter; You can call AONU) at their Small. Business Assistance Office,at (800) 388-271,21. a rt t: F �kPPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TY a CI T�'?t T¢J �"'BE;A.�CH - DEPARTMENT OF DVILDI O & SAFET'�x (3 :Floor - Mast Apply fnPervon) 3) Business License Date Address 1061 1 .s �„ e t a Biuiness Name Lic. At_oc,��� �� ~� Telephone -` [1-k"' C U-64, ` Business Type <�d-Waz feet Information Business Owner game te- � � _ . -e— -- --Name � .� � *� .�'a �- �?�•-w AddressPc� t"1' Marne cress rc._��z.! �'r City ►: ' yt -gvW t cxTeL 33q1_ TfUS USE, ti'VOULL SIE DESCR BED AS: � JNTew"dv Constructed Building or ZgEtisdng 13uil ling CHECK ALL TRAT APPLY- 0 Change of Owner &(Change ofOccupant 'OChange of Use UAdditidnal. Occupam Indicate former Use, if any Does the building have electricity? Yes. -INTO If No, are you, requesting that the electriciLy bt: turrie any? Yes Q No fl 'the building is sprinklered? Yes W NO Operatimts will product dust tivood shvings or similar material? Yes No Operations Nvill involve the repair or replacemeait of autdtaobib., pants 'fires 1'410I If yes: Describe the components repaired or replaced. acs th operation involve the Use of weld ing or apart flame? Yes El c? r'' 17he business is drinking,, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. Yes C No The following best describes my operation: U0ffjce-4WF- QRetall Sales Q.lvfedical/Dezntal ORestaUTanYrake Out Pood Q&Warehouse i ar?uf cturing°T7istril ttiil . (describe process and end product) a Other (descdbe) __ a l�f Ice s rx7s . Zoniog .. Sq Ft Occupied. Occ Group, Occ Loads #� Sttarit s; Parking Spaces. T T.1F Review.- Yt N Arnt PaidS; �AM 1 7aad Ft f I ri. 3nsp ton lauild'11% P'a h 44 Ent tlernent' ,_ I i�iruUaer initiaS. �,d i',.-�,,.»..•.,�._.,......:._.«.-.... it CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EVALUATION FORM GENERAL BUILDING INFORMATION Oww mm A teu andlac stige N. Ei ergete"y cpnkad Phone nwber Z3ceerpda�Cji Gass pOmary use(s) 3 sq- Fi : occupani l��i; 7y9aa cansttti�fcian Stwlm & ktalght(M Spti Wm uaa0 Ci5kar tnr�4KISA 7] tltctsnca QtJngrtgkkerl area ClO it bout cczss4n+ctkon oklia SIRrN lncreaea OChapter 9 Area snowed;" flaxta Yaid; Atsa smparakk!n Spt4 kd1r2 For multi-skoried and mkxed toe aetaah-s aeparats work shKet or 111t ide to sketab area _ Attach work sheets by Planniti of Fire it rnvided �4� S. i t .� X 3 3 i i i 71 3: 0 r a APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY' CITY of 1ifJNTINGTON BEACH DEPACiTMENT NSF COtr MUNMY OEVELOPMENT IS.M�r,44firPKH 11*/r..lY {HtirFi-r7ilG>'"r - tFSa P,J ful 7P.,I, o �.Gf �'� I ! ��C! ��r e ,( ►��v 7 <... «. i}rrttt r i . , +- ., - ..w a .�1�:! �,GI+U• ,,;,t.�#"jtt!l r✓ «�.M,,.,.. 'C tacup..._._.a.-.-.--- f,� A ntJtttit4ltr'li'ardrr � � Ism{�r'tltrstlYlti,.i'/!'fAttfCwaFYI P��V4j. Ra'.f'f% f �y , ...�'i�n `l,� �S•Pr�tF�,C,'�aTf,� 'sd/pG yWiraSli.L1o.,.[�.�'.,� .�.s:.sJV/+.��IrS ,..«.. N +� p �.• _ 11 rf�y�.W1J.�%.(!Y_ �i%,. �i�5'r'i �s tr> �.�`Y`.�4'$��,i,'' ��F•/if�g�,,,.�,�F1,°,I�+3^+dc�.,�ttymzi.�r}'� !t rvp IS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED ASR NEWLY CON�fRt3i; 40 t1i U" t t t,Aittii r r iitrjtiifil {�^��cjwi ,. 0f upwv EYISTING BUILOihti L r,aii#'rt`st ter ;)S( L J Ai)tltiiCiNAt QC i:UPAN," lritST10E I Cacciiparicyot'anyboildoigisprohihitedand abusiness ticer{sew. 111nolbaissueduntiltha:buitdh}ghasbeen inspecled and a cerhfivile Of OCC,iflnncy is issod No alestrlcxt xrrvmcit Wiit be taiedsed lot an emisting" ui}diisq Until the rrrvica h�s tse9a ins�scirs! arid b certttied sate. All appllbar;ls tot `-oe cuparioy On Angrt+�ling tuifdtnq ate re puirad to sCheitute an eCectrici3C `fusis up" inspection in the .pepadmenrtf=Of Comi-MY ReveCbpmartl at the Ume this app iCation is; hied, , Change at odczipenc :ar use IniP:ctiAn leer�lfhknevot it is necessary to make, inspection at abuilding or z premises' in order to drictrmne ata obarigampybd :matte in the ct ar<arterpt o4cupancY otuse of the, building or premises wheth would plicia the buildc.lig An a 00erenR divisionn cil the sarlie gruup of occuparicy Orin a dittcteot gt"O of O"VP''tnCy. Z Chinge of occtipw ncy tnspgr0on lea of s 0AA be paid to the city d Huntington Beach Ftrr Cady Sactlan itl 20#t regtliras that building numbs: s must be a minimum of tout (A) inches in height with one hmll t14I inch spoke. and of A conlcosling COtot from tha background, These nurtijets must be pointed on your building in 1+ tocigtion that is visible item the street. 5 10t requ+res fire extinguish-s selection and distribution per the Nuttttngtan R•+<ch Fite Coda Section 10 y;�Cattonof Fite ratection ABsottalis}n p.imphfol 10 (st'e revelsesid (, t � (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY} SUPPL. MENTAL INFORMAPOt{ s rtr ttJt""< �w M f t?Gtrt3PANGYiiROC1p PtAt¢tIitCKits3 «„ tit) r+kfi,CltiGat;PAfC5 _ -- OCCUPANT LOAD t rttkli li td 2 » , t nt r f f AI`PItC Y !Jp ` &tQrii S n--- .•• Atit.tll'fi ACTItal^3.,,.« «« _ tt strlC.gArLfASEt7 C;Etlii tc.A1E � t�t~ttr�r}tt,�r }:t l 5 ..........�<—..�.-.. r.. A tiY A7 C►iANOC OF US( (ttOCCUPANCY I t L s Total a - T" a". 4 )me CAMhf'dlorf DEVELOPMENT },