HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (52)R C 4c; SUPPLEMENTAL . INFORMATION (ontrhue ) 11 �+/�4'.•i� Fe itDy I$ff tY4 A'idS}ptJ r.XR4i .� of the �A'SilF1i.� 'Xi.S✓i�Le.°. No, r r< lrr €i gat uAntlt#es: a tl g %. Flammable liquids Class t#t . '0 n ustible lfq� d ., class ll Clasp t;1' Oombinatible 4- Flammable uses , Liq4efledflammable uses 6t ' Flam alale fibers ease Ftammable tibens - baled Flammable solid MJnstable materials -sive., liquids t #'` Oxldiz'ng m4forial - gases t2. xidi n aterlai lic�.i,�ids m 3�. C9xicFing ratrtat-�zllds 14. Organic peroxides �- 3� , r . Sout is f .',Coast , SIR lbALITY NAG ENT DISTRICT 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-47 82 (909) 396-90,00 .,L-3.%_3ia. lJ.t".ii.JAT3. IPE T C13-a CIMIS for nonresidential, buildings only; t� Company Name: I ocaticn of <'roperty:: 1 l r�--2i cZD �—P l C) City Zip Code: Contact Person:; ; L t-V1 � tSV1 Title; 3 Telephoane Number: _� t i ��� i � �� Fax Number: �i � �` �� � ��� ' Type of,,IndustryrBusiness:!I- k ` To a 1 fur a nonreszden4aal buildin permit, you must com lets this ehecklrst. If you have an PPy_ building. ,y P y y questions about completing this checklist, please call (800) ;388--2121. YES NO Will the facility liave a charbroler? [ [ 2. Will any internal,crmbustion engine Nvith greater than 50 horsepower r operate at the facility (excluding .motor vehicles)? (] 3. Will operations atthe facility involve mixing; blending, or processing,of solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? 4. Will dust or smoke be generated at the facility? [ ] [ 5. Will ,refining of an liquids or solids be done at the facility! g y 'q �' • � � ' l�' t = 6. Will any plating or coating of materials be done at the facility? [ 7. Will any combustion equipment rated.greater than 2,000,000 BT,U/hr be operated at the facility? [ ] [' 8. Will any acids, solvents, or motor fuel be. used or stored at the facility? . l any'.o�gani6 liquids or gases be reacted or produced? 10. Will any ovens be used to dry, or cure products. at the facility? [ 1 [ Fill any C1i G (Freon) recycling machines operate at`the facility? t Applicant: Y l krt C, ' l tXi c signature. �. (Print name cli mz'ly) If yeu.have marked "NO" inAll the boxes, an air quality permit is needed at this one, and this cheeklisg is your written release. x .. If you masked "'YES" in :any of th- boxes, you MUSt contact tine South Coast Air Quality l fauagement IDisti iet (A QMD). Please read the requirements on the back of the eheckiist. 04?) 38-2121 Y �h p #R tp �( t .9�it}iTM ISVi�ryn ijlFL7`ii�i4r}ll'