HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (92)• VV7W& CER`t'IFICATE"OF'6CC1PANCY CITY Or HONTING"TON HEW I i', 4ly _ . 983 bEPARTMFNT OF bEVFLOPMENT SE.AVICES Date t it Address .151.91T Triton Lane, yUnit: 1.09 _ -- _ Disttict.-_ — ,hl. LEGANY T):Ci)P)'O]",C1CfY i Te1. , 99-4444 :. f311I►t TO DIS`3`F'�Si3tJT011f3 Occ. Grouc� _ )�� � Eiusiitiess Type ___ ----.___ _ _.. i fBUILDING OWNER E3'.SINESS OWNEWMANAGER t ' Nnmc Name Michael Wol ft3_ Address .�_ _ �_'_ _ Home sy 6181, `H�?f�RI7Addre__ i City fIuriL-nclt�orl3n;tctl _----_Nt;me 7et8�"`5 CUnstfU( tl0n _.__ __No. of Stories___ _,.___.__._Occupant LnatE_ ___ -_Sprinkle f Notice: This Cortificate of occupancy OEPARTMFNT OF 0FVELOPMENT SSR 6ES SHALE. B posted in a consplcuous place on i the premises and shall not fxr removed except bV the Building Official. by __--_--_.._.___ ... _ -.. ___._ ,T_ 0 Al rruwu�.r,rr�w rrxrrr APPLICATION FOR CERTiFICA'i'I': OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF 11UNTINGTON 11LACII DEPANTMENT OF DGVELOPMiiNT SERVIC LS WiAINT OR TYPE: ONLY) DATE %Address _ �.� _�-% •� ``! %~`.._'�_—_r!t!%/�%_._ _.'`l=�?�.__`w_!.____. .. District �X�tjslness Name Tel 3usiness Type'Ctcc. arcfup.. __-•---_._. _. BUiLDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNEs`WAANAGXR Name ania Address '�{Ome __.__._....__._.___________._._--------_—._______,._...___.____._..___._._ City _ y f .l . ____._. s ..,.. _ Tel. Cit " .�_.f __.._....._ .__� ..__.__ _r- ThI-lf US'a YItJOLD nE t)ESCfiIBF0 AS: NEWLY CONSTRUPTED BLDC. { . CHANGE OF owt#n (�� CHANGE OF OCCUPANT L ] EXISTING Built -DING r_ _� CHANGE= OF (1St_: ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate formeruss,!fany ___ ___._.____.._.....__._.._.____. __ ____—_.._...____.Occupancy Div. SOL)ARE FT. OF BUILlSINU TO RF OCCUPIED_X_%e?,__ 1. Occupancy of any F itdirig is lirohihiter_i an, a bu ins ss license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be `releases! for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certifl6d safe. All applicants for occuparvy in an existing ouilding are re.,tlired to schedule an electricel 'fuse up':inspecitit)n its tho Department of D2velorm)ant Services at the tune this applica- tion -is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use Iiosleection fore. Whenever it is necessary to maka inspection of a build- inei or premises in order to determine if .a change may be n-tade in the character of occupancy or use of 'the building -or premises which would plm a the building in a different division of the sarne proilp ci occupancy or i,t a different group of occtiPancy, a '.:hange of occ:tp.Sncy inspection fee of sh: if be paid to`the elty, I. t•itititington Boach Fire Codo Soctiorr 10.208 requires that building ntiil'Ybers rT',ust be a rnininium. of four` M inches inImightwith one half ("z) i►ech Stroke, and -of a contrasting cofc,, frc,m the back- erOLInd. These nurnhers must be pasted on your building in a`locatinn'that is visible fry;-, the strr;et. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Coda Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and 'distribution per the National Fire Protection Association pFniphlet 10 (see reverse; side). (FOR OFFICE USE OWY) SUPPLEMENTAtZONING OCCUPANCY GROUT' ...1) 7..... _ _ PLAN ('BECK NO, _ NO. PARKW6, .PACES ._... _...... __.... __. OCCUPANT LOAt) .__ }" _ ._. _. .._ PtfiPJiiT tJC}. _. _ __ _ _ _ tIEAi_'1'ti DF'•-'1'. APPRC)VAL�,_ NO. OF STO'SOES ____. .-- _. _ _... _ .. _ _ _. ADMIN.1lCTInN ......_ ._. . UTILITIES RE-,.r:ASt:t) !, i •' ,'•'' FE E APPROVED BY DA'r E CfiANCic OF= U,;E OR OC(,t)PAN(:Y l7EE TOTAL, 76-039 Rev. j' s Bxuic., CERTIFICATE Or. OCCUPANCY CITY Of: 14UNTINGTON BEACI-1 DE-PAATMENT G� CWV� . pP�liFNT SFFiVt S Date H111;tNGr Address . _.. _. District___ Business 'rypc _. _ _ . _. f - __ w . __ Tel, Occ. Group _§q!LVING OWNER Name Andress _.._.. __. City . ._ ..... . _ . _ . Tel. 'onsConstruction__.No, of Stones City - ---�--�--.._. _.-..__._---.--.:..Or-r:utaa�nt Notice: Tnis C©rtificate of Octapancy nEPAnTtIENT OF (}FVFL(JP'Mr-NI' SFRVSCf S S14ALL dE posted illa consl)icuous place rnl the promises and shall n(,t Ile �einc>veci r�xcepi i ' by tilt,, Hijiltiirttl Official. by _.._.._...._:____ I 7 M fit 1INCTONMO). APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE C+OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGtON OVACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES WRINT OR TYPE MINI DATE Address 0 /Q District Business Narne —LAX Business Type CPAP Tel. Occ. G roup t1tjWbING_6_vyi-,aR C'ANER/MAMAGER Nan)© Na AW an 10 Address Address City Tel..--..--- City TkIS'LAM W0601-811-,66S6.ftDAS-. NEWLY CONS TRUCTrb'bLOG. CHANGE OF-OWNEP r X*lS'T ING% 96.101od CHANGE OF USE Indicate for(ner use, if any NOTICE: 1. 2. 3. cf 4. Occupancy Gr. CHANGE 6FbCCUPANT B ADDItIONAC OCCUPANT IV. 7 �- accupancy'of any building is illr6filbitod! 6n'I a -business license will'h- ot be, is-u:?d:unt:Il `ihe­bt)lld in _..has been Int066todand ce,tifl,keof - q r ca occupancy is lssu6d, -NO eleddc8l service will be released . for any ej<i§ii'h'g 6011difig,olhili the service has "been finsp666�d and certified -safe. All aPjjli'C'jhts'for'bd0,4pb' y in aneklitlhh`b"l 0`0 Akdhig are ,reofj red to ScVledule an electrical' "fuse inspectldti�,Ih1hb De'piaftrnbh-tof Development Services at the 6 1 me this aooillC a- ti 'on NJ' i'led. hange of occupancy -or use inspebtl6iifee ., fte­66ver It is' necessary 'td make insocc t16'64 a 6 Ild- ingorpremises in'�order todetermine 'ifachangemay be hidde -in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises whi6h would place the buildifi-g , In a cifff6re"rit division -of the same group olfloccupancy or in a different group of Occupancy, a cha'ng--3-o'*f,occu'pfh`y insp C 16' shall , 'be' pAld to't he city. C e t h-feebf $30.00 11dh,t(h6t6n!l36acW Fire cadd''Sdetioin 10.208'requIres -that b1i'it-Min"j, -n . tiMbdrs'fritist be a'rhihMiifhj of foUr'(4) inches , inhelOt with -one-half (Y,) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color fro"hithe back- ,gr6drid. These numbers must be posted'on your building In 6 location that is visible from the street. M'iM0,6h" 86 bh Fire Col e sedtion 0.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire P.rotectio'n Association pamphlet 10'(see reverse_side1­2 (FOR OFFICE IJSF: ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFO14MAtlb'N SQUAREFT. OFBUILDINGS PLAN CHECK NO. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANCY GROUP PERMIT NO. OCCUPANT LOAD ADMIN. ACTION AL NO. OF STORIE 7-J, --- li�--.)-,--!.-.-tf.RTIF-I,CATr--ot:occtipANcyr-r:E(- APPROVED BT DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE S TOTAL 76-039 REV. C AA CERfl0-1CATE OF`OCCOPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERS Date HUNTNCI Nd MACH 4 Address DiistrictY 43usirie;s Na°me_ Tel. Business Type_. 'Occ. Group BI.jIIbwc, O-WNEIA OWNER MANAGER lame _�...-.----- �__Name----- Address Address—,--' Tel. Tel. Corlst"ruction_-_—__-_-No, of Stories.___ This Certificate of Occupancy DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and sFi l#'nut be retnovW except by the Buujing Official. 0 off 11WINGION SIAM APPLICATIONTOR. CERTIVICATE OF OCCUPANCY BEACH CITY GTO bE 0 A*R"­`T1MeN!T?;F-'bE vE LOPM ENT SERVICES (PHINt'011 TYPE ONLY) DATE Address xl- DISMet Business Name e__ Tel. Business Type Oce, Gr6up Bul G OWNER 1 'OWN�AIMANAGER Name Natifi / A-) , 2-, city Tel.!�?�L- city *AlS'USE�.WOUW'AE'Dr::8dW(bEb 4S- 42-N: 'L-WLY CO-N'S-f U6T'FD'8LDG. W L CHANGE OF 0' NER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING i`;tail 61'k CHANGE'OF USE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT 2 Indicate 4ormer use, if any Occupancy'Gr. NOTI(CE: 1 Obdu`p'a'n6_'y 'of any bbildin'g is pr6hi-bite'e'd and a business licen're will"M be issued U61W -the bU[ld(A'g has been Inspected and aoccupancyitIfItAtd-bf occupancy is issued. 2. No eletittl0l service will, be',released for any existing Wild hg1iritillthe servim'ftas been , inspected and certified safe. All applicantsor occupancy j rddle—din'' f ancy in an existing' 0'' building w-reoi-ihed'tb schi ele lakeic6l 'fuse up' inspection In -the Depaftinient of Develoorriefit Services at the - time this ap'pllda- 'tion Is Wed. 3. Change of'oectiparicy Or use Inspectiori'fee. Whenever It is necessary to -make lnspedtl6ffof a build- ing or ipreM`Ises in order to deteft'hIne-if achange may be made in"the Character bif"dc'60paticy'or use of the- building or premises which would olace"th6 Wilding in a different division'o"f the same' grodp •­Wbcetfoancy or in a different group of occupancy, a chanqe of occupancy inspectionJeeol 0 P $W00 shill be paid to the city. 4. lid"htift6ton Beach Fird, Codo Section 10.208 rdodires that Wilding ntiftors niu3t be a rnlnioi`ft of four'(4) inches in height vAth one half (IM inch'stroke, and of a contrasting color from the back- grodfild. These numbers thust'be posted on your bdildihi in, a location that is Visible frohi* the street. 5. Huriiih6ton'Beach' Fire Code Sedtion I , 0.301 requires fire exiin'ul her selection and'distrilbutldn per the National Fire Protection Association j)amphlet I 0'(see,'revel sQ I side).,,,,/ (POR'OFFICEUSE ONLY) SUPPIAMENTAL INFORMATION so'uARE FT. OF BUILMNG PLAN CHECK NO. NO. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANCY GROUP PERM!TNO, HEALTH D5PT. APPROV4 OCCUPANT LOAD - ADMIN. ACTION Util-i-l"IES REL17 ASED NO. 0 CE RTIFICATE'OFOCCUPANCYFFE APPROVED BY .DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UPANCY FEE S ------ P, TOTAL '75.039 REV.