HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (89)I %a 'CERt101CA'TE OF`OCCUPANCY _ 61TY OF fl(*T'N'dT(jN BEACH ' `� t B{ TFDFVE'OQateDEFARTArNONt lMJil'�Gi(/PJ EE 1Clf � 1 Address___ 1 I.33. ft t,zt `131si 3-1��5 Business Name C._t=• l:CL,£.i' 3't3� EFs I'Rv�j,� Tel. 7 4"F's4Ci�� Business Type _ i'ii G- COMA LENS .' ;;t.�L,11'e"tiX?;; Occ. Gratin —D--=2—,. SUiLty1PIG OWNt fi_ B(1A1NESS 6NEPJMANAGER NaiiieName C'etth(tx.ilie Cunrtinrhilm Address —_ Fiume 26 42 i'.ari,c>tt 3�IE� ---- — - Address.--..--. Tel. r CitIutlt =., t �yri ' ��{rah y ..._ .�� ��l�fElarneTeLl340—Bi'i3 Construction ._. No. of Stories _ ..._ Occubjhl Laad� 3�. Sprinkrered # Nbcice: 1 Tliis Cei'&icate of Occupancy `br:PAFi'tm' tNT'OF DEVELOP kN' T SEAV(Cir SHALL gE Ork% d in a'c( nspicuous'01ace on the"Fremises and shaif'not be removed except t by`the Bulldiri Official: ti p" y APPLICATION FOif CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY { CITY OF NUN7INGTM REACH CVARTMENT bF DIrvELOPMENT SERVICES tiWi,rctorr ItAM (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) 7DATE Address _-___'.r7 .� /X� ! -- --- -r 7 - t- District $usinesx Name _ _�_1 A/ I _r_ _` Plisiness iy ?eTel. pe �173 Occ. r, BUILDING OWNF,R BUSINESS OWNER/MANAGEn Name Home , Address __._._---�__.____. _ Address . i City _.__.._....... ____.__.____.____.___-_;.-_ Tel Citylion') e -Tel.l—�,`J 7i r TNiS`USE WOULD SE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT ' EXI5TIiVG BUICDINr, 04ANt3E OF USE t_ ADD1T1(NAL OCCUPANT Indicate`formt,r'use, if any __ __.._ _ _ _. Occur3ancy Gr. .._-----..._- Div. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO'BE OCCUPIFn_____ NOTIM. 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business ficense will not be issued°until the' Wilding has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existingbuilding'until the service htis been lnspeetl.d and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing'buildlog are-reouired.'to schedule vn electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at `the tilde this appiica- tion'is filed. I Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. W{:enever it is necessary to -mike inmpectidn`i f a build- ing or Ipremises in order'to'determine if a change maybe made in'the character'of o 6tl.bi lhby brute of the building or premises Mich Would place the buiidin-JAn a different divislon of the same g 6dr) of occllpahcy'or in a different group of occupancy, a charge'of occupancy fk{spection`fee`of $_ v I - siliall` be paid to` the City. / Hu fi"tirigton Beach File Code Section 10.208`rerft ires`Yhat b% fldirig numbers'M`iist`be a min ,IM61n of four (4) inche- in'height with one half (Mx) incli'stroke, and of a contrasting color fro'M' 'the back- ground. These nunibers must be"posted on ynur building in a location that is Visible fr6m the street. b. Htintiri6t6h ^each Fire Code ;section 10.301 re(IbIres fire extirio isher selec-'on and distrfttlnn Pet the'National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see f•eve si e). ,-- :-Leis�}�^ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPf l*� hTAL iNM` MATION ZONING OCCUPA"ICY GROUP _.__�? � �` PLAN CHf CK NO. ___.__._ NO. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD ____. � _ — _�_..._._ _ _ _ PERMIT NO. __�._.__ _ HEALTI-I DEFT. APPROVAL _ NO. OF STOFIIES _ . _.%__ _ - ADMIN. ACTION U ILITIES RELEASED t r-4 1 1 At CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE" APi'k,OVED BY DATE ' CHANGE OF USE OR 'OCcuf ANCY FEE $ TOTAL- — — 75.00 REV. 0 r 1 At .CiTYOF IIUNTiN OCCUPq j rw.riir otoV Burt, DEPART" tt)'Vtat EtdT OFt)� .... Address ' _ OP tf3 V10ES Date Business Name BusFrtess Type District_, gtlli ht(dG 01YME ` ' ` _ _ Tel. Name - -_ R -_ Group Adcrress i-"" _~ � - ._ _ �_ oivry fziti�ANa - City - - `_ -- - Name - GEi2 i C �� Address._ onstruction -- Tel. City N�tire: -_..�'_.--�Na: of Stn►ies_ ____-----__ � (�r. ____.;.- __-•_...`._ __�.�_____-� cupant !`oad-_, -_ '` "---- Tel Thi ;;ptir;ktered__ =` Certificate of p SHA _ c�+an�cy ! L "posted in a roes the prrmises and p►cuo jilace on - 1)VPAfi1-44,f NT' p� t7 shall not be removed except hY the $tliltlin EVEl:OPA9SN7 SF Of -RVIt;ts -___....,.- I 0— A APPLICATION'FOR'd. E`R'(WICATE OF occupAwy 0 . CITY'& OtiWi4atcN rjEACH to DEPARTMENT OF ()EV'tLOPMENT SERVICES #iuktNtirgrr SIM-11 (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) _. �� /4Y,/L(- I C) I DATE Address Dktdct Ate"Bus�Jn'm Name Tel. siness Type Occ. GroupA_ -A. BUIMNc, owtiER OWNER/MANAGER y Name Name Address 'r Address ot e City 4x Tel. ----. City Tel. S2 -i' 1'MS"0SE WOULDB9_'bESCitII3ED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTiED IfLDG. CHANGE OF OWNER CMANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING CHANGE OF USE E] ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any --.------------Occupancy Gr. NbtiCE: 1. Occupancy of any building`Is prohibited and a business license i;Q['fibt bg issued dhill!'the'lJbildirig has been Insplected acid certificate of Oc6bpafty isissu6d. 2. No 6led"tHcal service will be released -for any existinhg`!)Ulldfi Ain'!I the service has`been'lng'ed 6 d p t and certified safe. All apoll'66hts for citcUpairic'y'In an existing building are I oquired to schedule an electrical 'fuse -up' inspection in the Depaet'm646t--Of'D*e-velopfnLsnt Services at the time this apoll6a-. tion is filed. Of h n ri"66 i'id- 3. Change of"Od6opAridy�or use' inspedtion'fee. W e' Over It is necessary to make inspection Ing or pr(t Mses in order r der wd6ternilne if a '6h'Ahge tiiay be made in the ch3radter'70f'bcc'uJ0An'6' -or use y of the bu'ildihg or: premis'es whic"h wo6ld'. olace the'-Wild1bg in a d(f ferent'diVIslo'n-:-,*,6f -the same 6' bbp " 'oc'6upa*hcy or n a e' ret q Upancy, a change ri§06c'Ai6n1ee'r)f $L� of Idiffn. iroup '0 f oc:c, hoe "toccupandy'I shall be paid td the city. HOM161t6h" Reath Fire * Code Section 10,208 requires that bijildiho"ritimbers m-ustbe a mirilhitfiin of four 4).'�inehes in'heig'ht with 6he half (1/2) inch stf6ke, 3hd,bf a coritrasting'c'o-lo'r from the back- grour.d. these hdm�bdrs must !)-4�losted o'n your-h6ildifiq'In a location that Is visible "f f6fii ``the street. 5. Hutiti'lioon -Beach Fire, Code Section 10.301 requires Jim -extinguisher selection and distribution 76 S per the National Fire Pr6tectioh Association pamphlet 1-01see rae er d6). (FOR -OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 4. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING PLAN r-HECKNIO. NV. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANCY GROUP PERMIT NO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL g OCCUPANT LOAD Ami'N. ACTION UTILITIES RELEASED NO.'OF STORIES CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE 83 APPROVED BY DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY Fr-E $ TOTAL $ M039 REV.