HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (126)rr CEk FtFICATE (71" OCC60,4NCY � tITYOF HUNTINGTON BEACH ��irit.'iie �•f, �`3�7. DEPAhTMl' t xt 6F DEVELO MENT SFhVICES Pate 1VJSitkGT04 a(AM i Address 1;i1 "a"z# c�t_?� ;�___ _�..__ _ _�_� —_ __� district Business Y..'. i"'C3t13F':tti', i,aCY____ _ _. __. ___ Tel. tttt: BU5ina55 Type V7t(;JUif I'i1iiE' cT;P.AZt?__ occ.'Group rTi -2 i - ItlILOING 011V i n f1USiNESS OWNEWANAGER I Name Volsa StisAr.cjs Park _ _ Vane Tnd O'1'vr�l�:__ Andres 2435 Wi.lu;iirq Blvd., V 330 _ _ Home 3478 windspul) s Address — _ 21.3--;3f3Cr._5745 City. W , An e.4l 3, CA 90010 __ Tel. � 'City _ MTtnt ijvjt0n Deactt _Hom. TeL£t40-0543 `Construction_ No. of St6ries._..AccupdAt-Load_._ 1 _ Sprlhklered Notice: Tfill Certificate of &bpancy DEf'AiitMENT OF pEVELOF'MENT SER1/iOES SHALL BEDposted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Building C)ff�cial. try__ UEVEw.,L►F'MEtti"T' :,Ml=2Vlt.;►=icr e APOLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF 0UNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMEN TsEAVICts tPRiNT On TYPE' ONLY) DATE A Address Ne k District Business Name Tel. i �' Business Type Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER OWNER/MANA.r_ER Name Name Address Address r City City Tel. ,rHIS_'6SE wotiLb Be brsdA IBED AS: [_] NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. [I CHANGE OF OWNER EXISTING BUILDING El CHANGE OF USE Indicate former use, it any Occupancy Gr. El CHANGE OF OCCUPANT ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Div. NOTICE: 1 Occupancy of any buifdin'g,is prohibited and a business licens I n -will not be Issued . 'On - til *thd I bulldiho' has been inspected and a certifid6te-of occupancy isIstued. 2. No ele4flcal service will'be-released for any existing 'bUlld1hg4ithil`the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing NO finig are req(lired'wsched 6 1 lo an electrical 'fuse up' Inspectidn-lh"the Depart ment,of Development Servic 1 0 at `the t! mi'd1his applica- tion is fildd. 3. Change of occ-dpancy or use, InspectibriJee. Whdhbver,it ls'necessdryto make Inspectlow6f a build- ing or, premises In order to deteth I I he If I a change m6v -be 1n1h`e"6hara6ter bf,occti.jpancy, or� use m of the Wildfag or premises which W661d'.0lAce-the'billidlily in a diffe'ten'tldivisi-6-illdfltKO same §rb'Up of Occupancy, or I in a`dlfffteht group of occupancy, 6 chalnge-oif'occupainey In't'p-ectl6nJee of $30400 shall be paid to'th6 city. 4. H(intinoton'Dod'ch,Fif6-Cotfe-Sdction 10.208 te-ltires-that buildlfig'htftbe ' I's must be a mitilffibhl of J6Ur,(4)'IhdheS_ in -' height v0t-h"one half No ln"Oocebke, and of -a contrasting color f(mi"Ibe back- grddhd. These numbers, m*u§t be posted on your bull g in a 1666floh"th6t is -visible from the street. 5. Hifiritingto'n Beach -Fire Code Section 10.301 r6 hires fire extinguisher selection anrJ-diW1btjti&h per the National Fire -Protection Association 13-iii0l'ilet:10 (see'reverse sid ka Y� -USE ONLY) SU (F3q*or-FI`C E' gAMENTAL Ii#ORMATIO'N SOUAREr-T. OF BtjfL(jlNG, -PLAN CHECK NO. _....:__.____._._--._._..__.NU. PARKING SPACES R M IT NO. HFAILTH DEPT. APPROVAL OCCUPANCY GROUP_- PE OCCUPANT LOAD ADMIN. ACTION RELEASED UT CITIES i-y-4 - ifC NO. OF�T` Rl ES, _A/ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEIK $ APPROVED BY DATE CHANCE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $ 7ZT 75-039 REV. M�-Wffi. CERTIFICATr OF ditl}?ANCY City bF HUNTINGTbN I3EF+,CIiDE-PIiRT'MENT OF DEVi LOPMENT SERVICES Date FACN Address-- _ j Business name_ - - ___-----_------------ _.__. Tel. Business Type QUIt CfING OWNER_ 0WNCR%MANACEf2 Nance Address City ------ . 1'al__ —_ City _-•-- - -_ _ _.____-.___.._______ Tel. Construction____ __No.Cf.S,toeies__--__ 111tlaad.-----. C prinkleretl Notice: This Cori ticate of Occupancy DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL BE posted ir1 a conspicuous pl, ce on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Bflifding'Official. 1 f. APPLICATION POWCL-Rtir-ICATE OF OCCUPANCY CItY OF tAUN TINGTOM SCA61 DEPARTIMIINT or DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) DATE Address /-6'/3/' District Business'N6rne Tel. Bus thess type Occ. Group BUILOING OWNER OWN-5WMANAGM Name Name Address City THIS USE fttkb BE DESCOIBM AS: NEWLY C 614—SiT-11 -U C T'E D 0 L 0 G fZ_J1 EXISTING BOI'LOING VAIII Indicate fornier use, If any Address .i Tel. City ------ Tel. aZ�L—_. _5 All CHANGE OF OWNFH CHANGE OF OCCUPANTXf CHANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL'OCC"UPANT OccupancyGr, NOTICE: 1. . OctUpAbcy"bf any buildin"g is prohibited and a business license will, not be issued'utAW the "building has bedh'16's'Oebted and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No clec'frical WNW will be released for any 1) existing lldl6g until the service has been � I nspected u and certified safe. All applicants for-occ'upancy in an existing building are r'equilr6d to schedule an electrical 'fuse -up' inspectioh'in the Department of Development Services at'the time this applica- ti6n is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use hispection, fee. Whenever it is necessary to "make inspection' of a Wild- ing or premises In order to determine if O'Clwige may be made inAhe charac't6r,ofoc6dandy or*Us' e rj of the Wilding -or premises Which would place the building in a different division- of the same,grdap 6f'occtjl)ari,.,;y or In a different gr oup of occupalicy, a 0hanigo of occUpincY lnspection'fee -bf $30.00 shall be piaid tolhe,city. 4. HuMihotob Beach Fire Code Section 1'0.208'redUlres'that building nfiftbrs must be a hilhifftim of four (4) inches in height with one halt ('/z) inch stroke, and of a c6htr-;astJhq, color, f roW th 6 back- y6lund. These numbers must be posted on your building in j location that is visible from the street. 5, Huntin'gt6n Beac'h Fire Code Section 10'.301 requires fire extinguOier selection acid distHbution 7 (/;�Oj per the National Fire Protect ioii'Associ at ion pamphlet 10 (see rev �Alid_`__ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SOIJARE F'f. OF BUILDING PLAN CHECK NO, 140. PARKING SPACE'S._ OCCUPANCYGROUP..... PERMIT No. HFALTH DEVI. AP0110VAL OCCUPANT LOAO AMAIN ACTION uTILITIUS -I' D NO, 01: STORIES 4 'I- RTIF -ICATE 01: OCCUPAC4 - _N1 r-1, APPROWGBY DATE T E CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FF-.E TOTAL 75-039 RUN, V ,d�t�"CAfE"OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DIMELOPMENT SERVAL _ fiats II(AINGK?N SfACrt �% District Q� t�,``• Business Name - Tel, Tel. ---,__-- business Type �_ �__. _`�_._.______--__ ___.__-_--.---.-_``t�.►'�_.____.____.____._.-----_.-__ __. Occ. Gr(,'-p- ►11!_t)ItvG Ot'JhEf; CSWNERIMANiAGER Name.. -- Address City of Stories_._________-�_Uccupant NciNc�: Th"3 Certificate of Occupancy. r?EPAfiTf SMALL BE posted in a conspicrtoiss place ort the orernises and shell not be removed except by the i3uildinn Official. 6 iit���. i�„ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCOPANCY (,'ITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH o6PARWENT oF*bEvFL0PMENT SFR"VICE-S (PAINT OR TYPE ONLY) Z,�Address Business Name 0 SL`"c' Buslnesc Type C Disirict Tel. Oce. DATE BUILyING OWNE" OWNERMIANAGER 4, Name Name Address Address t? 711 Tel. Oty M7 - ___.yl 'j TH . M U . SF WO00 BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG, CHANGE OF OWNE . R OF OCC60ANIT C144 CHANGE EXISTING BUILbINc, C14ANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicttef(Sehiertise,if any Gr, NOTICE: 1. Occupancy of any bUllding is prohibited and a1msiness license will n6t'belssued unt;l'theb61ldlrfg has been` iri^pe`dted and a cert1f Icaite`bf occupancy is,issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing Ijbil ding until. the service" has been inspected and certifie'd s6fe. All applicants for occupAncy in an exist1h: building are,reqUIr&d1to schedule an eleiteicm 'fuse Up' inspection In 'the Departnient 'of Develd'pi*fent Services at'the tim6'this a0lplica- tio . n is"filed. Aj�✓k1i 3. Change ot ocuUpancy or use inspectloil fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspoctl6hof a bdild- ing or oreMises in- order to deterrriihe lf.a'change rn2y be made inthecharacter -if ocaloancy or use of the:bUilding or premises Which would ld ljlace' the bUildIh'9 "in a d . iff 6'r6rit-divisionof the same: grdup of occuoincy'or, in a dIffereht group of occupancy, a'dh8nq'e of,occupancy -inspecti wfee'of $' 300 shall 1)6 paid to thei city. 4. *i1fihit n Beach " Fire" Code Sectidn 10.208 regbires that b(Illding -n U*fbbcrs m0st'be a mi hlfh6lb of four (4) inches in -height with one h3'lf ('12) inch stroke, and Of aboKtrastitig colorfromthe back- 1 grotin­d.` These nuf6bers must be posted 011 your building in a locaitlowthat is visible- f r6bi'the street. 5. Iqdntihgt6n Beitich Fire Code Section 10.361 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribUt 16:n per the National Fire Pr6tection'Associ6tion pamphlet'10 (see reverse side). a SUP . PLEMENTAL INP011MATION (FOR Of-FICE USE ONLY) SOIJARF FT. OF RUI I, DINIG PLAN CHf-.(,K Mo. NO. PArIKING SPACES OCCUPANCY "Er 'T NO, HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL OCCUPANT MAO ADMIN. ACTION' A -EASED "Z UTILiTtroRt- NO. OFSTORIFS . ...... .... .... MPANCY FEF CERTIFICOCCATE OF APPROVED 14Y 0A'f f- CH A t �11 G E 0 P 0 C C i I F � N, %CY F r- L TOTAL