HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (42)0 JJ CEATIFIGATE OP:Ou;CiP446Y CITY Of- IfUW NO i ON BEACH a" OEvARTMENT OFtEVEL.OPMEN ' SERVICES - Date tttWIVictON ste01 � y Address_ _ .__.. ___....__ __..... __---•_--_- ___ _.-.--_•_-- G �._---. Disfrtct Business Name__ .R) Tel' -- --- - rt . _ BucinpsS Type �� Occ. Group i BUILDING OWNER OWNEwMANAGER_ Name Name F Cay_ _.: Tel. Tel CohWuction ._--No. of Sti=ii•ies___ _Coup` nt i_oad __-__ ___.... Sprinkle',red___�_ Notice: This Certificate of ticcuparcy DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SEliftES SHALL BE • OW-d in a cans icuous P p' puce on the preitiises and shail'nof be removed except by the Buildi6§ Official. by_—_______ iiaPth#i i \1 if 5 . y *'UT\'ILI-TY R"ELEAS E USE ADMMS � -- -Zk i XIS'PIjNG 'B 'ILD`LM NEW BVILDiNG #� POKIER'dYE ! t TEMP. 40AK WITH POWER 1. Plt miffig''Inspector Clear DATE 2. Kai Xt itis i ctbr Clet�r .. �ATE tf'CYLilt ELW't AU111GRIEED EY LANDtSE OA'I'E GAS UTILITY COMPANY NOr FIED D TE 41 r� e APPLICATION FO��CERlIFICATEK����C��P����� / CITY OF 11UNTINGTON IMACH —) DEPARTh8FNTOFKjE0/E'LOPA1ENTSERVICES ,ww/Nu�.^ x�x/' ' �n|NTORTYPE ONLY) 'DATE Address District Business Name business Type 4`/ - Ocn.Gruup - �� �w=�~OWNERiMANAbOR ~~ � Nbmo '___ N,n __--1� -- Address City '__'_-_____-_______'�----_________- To . ____-___ �City _-_ /� ' . *W01 THIS NEWLY CONSTRUCTED t3L|G EXISTING BUKDING 'Indicate f6raiee use, If any [-1 (%HANGEC>FOWNER [-1 CHA'F<�^'E '`~ ' "� CH/\NdF0FOCCUPANT [-� L_� ADDITIONAL `(�CCU ` ''^`' MOM NOME., 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business lice'nse W4111 not he issued until th6 bull4ing has been Inspected and a certificate 6f,occuoan6y is issued. 2. No electrical ser4ice M11 belteleased for any existing btilldlhb-until%the sel"vicelias been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for'dccupancy in awe)tkilrig bull&g are relbired to §ch6d6le an `tibn is filed. ^�I Change ot occupancy or use in�pedfloh fee. Whdriever-it is necessary to'hiake'inspedtl6n'of a 6olid- ' of the building or Wilth wobld'plaice the building in a different div'Isl6n'Of the same - r6tip jm'6m­ises ` ' of four (4) inches in height wl'th ohe, hzilf:(M inch stroke, and of a contrastinq'color frorti the ba*ck- ' 'ground. These''hdiMers must be pt,)sted owyour building in a 100tiOn that is Visible from the street. 6. Hurfftqton Be*c" ^^.e Cuwn Section 10301 .sq""ex ,"° extinpkher selection per theN0tionnf Fire ( . � (FOR OFr.-cEWSE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOUA| E FT. OF 8W|iD/NO �__ ' mh ^��__- PL/\N('HECKNO. NO�pAM�)N[}SPACES '-__-_________ OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANT LOAD PFRM/TNO. __-'_-____ _' /\DKS)R. ACTION HE/\LTHD[PT.APPROVAL --_ Ur!L}T|ESRELEASED NO. OF - - -- -- ----- - / C[Pr|HC�TE OF OCCUPANCY FEE APPROVr-DBY DAT[ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE TOTAL \�- � ` \ ` 7�0z9ncv y '` \) \ ` ()\�Fk)y�( : ` r Ho:j Ct�R*lFfCATE OF O bl)`Afi& CITY Or 1IUNTING'TbN y� dti� Dr-PARTTMENT OF DEV{ LOF T SEPSVICES We liu. Tinftov BtACIe Address BUSinCSS N1nir Tel. eusinetsType BUILOING OWNER OWt4F-R/4tAN/k(3ER Na'rne Plante_ -- Address City --------- Tel. ___ __...__: City .-_-_ Cotistructioti ._____.---_.Nn of Stories-_____.____-_Occtjpiht Load_._ ..___ Noticer: ThWrertMcata_3f'Orcuriainey DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SFV'ICFS SHALL BE p60eu in a Conspicuous'place on the pr6ibises and shall not t:n removed except by the BUitdlhgOfficial. by t APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE. OF OCCUPANCY City of Nuhtington Beach Deparin�ent: of eve-lopment Services FOR APPLICANT TO FILE. IN (Print or type only) DATE_ Application is hereby made for a Certificate of Occupancy for a: � AL v rtj to jvt RI i5 . �. r_ _ `Occupancy: Gr. Describe Bar *lifiess Use To ' be Mo, hi as _,� �-� f , Fame of _ Bis ness F Located at I ! 31 `7-ai rr- ,U C- iYi e �..�,.4"tr / `s I k'uss Address �1of'rq ai'(. i s ct ei. � • r_ y J G �"IL., Name: P I ESS OWNER NER esi ` ence Address city zip Phone No. - Business: _ � _ Residence: _�'_VG�.`ZLl_.,_L? _ ��t.S'_`1�+�-C7�t/itc, t ;,,�'Ift �,�'S�f �ame:`U'f t ____,ddre ss i tyzip ---phone o. THIS USE Wd D'BE DESRI9rD AS: Newly ConstrUcted 1330lding C t Change -of Owner L_ ] Change of Occupan t �j Existing Building �_ Change of Use Additional Occupaf t Indicate former use if any X Occupanc Gr. Div. —1.� Occupancy of any ui r3ing zs p�r`oi�iibited-attd abti-sTh—ess license will not e jssued�` until the bdi-lding has been inspected and a CertifFicate of Occupancy is i sued. 2. NO' electrical service w011 be released for any existi6g-huildirg until the service has been inspected and certifi�ad safe. All applicants for 'occupancy in an exist ng,building are required to schedule an M ectrical "fuse up" i nspe'cti on in the Departmthi t of Building aid Community De- vel opm M t at the tiMe this application is filed. U .. 3. COANdE OF OCGUPA1�Cif `QR USE INSPUT;11ON FEE. Whenever At is necessary' to make inspection of a boil-ditig `or premises in order to determine if a change mayy be mane in the-charat.;ter of occupancy or use of the bIilding or.,premises itiich would 'pl ace the bui Iding A n a different di vi s ion 'of the same group of occupancy or 'in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy i s'poction fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the "ity. --� (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Sq. ft. of building ,,' J Plan Check No. Occupancy Permit No. Occupant Load Admin. Action No. of Stories __. -. m_ .._. _ _ No. Parking Spaces Health Dept. Approval._ _._ . Utilities ReleasedPFIF CERTI F ICATE OF CCCUPANCY FCC � _ 6_r00_ CHANGE OF -OCCUPANCY OR (,!Sr--MpI:Cnm FEF TOTAL