HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (87)s. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ' CiTY OF HUNTINGZTON BEACH , DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES HUNW GION trtn[rr ,P'aI aT nq TYPE ONi.r1 DATE Address �• ��� � ,<i ri'�z'�_.-.f.�`���_..�r _ District — Business Name Business TypeT'! kCcc Gi our BUILDih1G OWNER BUSINESS-OWNcR-MAFaT,GSR VIZ Name Blame Home City C,iy L rule �+ C e4 Home Te / THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS NEWLYCONSTRUCTED BLDG El CHANGE CF 'NNER r�--�CHANGE OF OCCUPANT CAiSTING BUILDING CHA;-X;E OF U$ L t ADDITIONAL~ OCCUPANT Indicate tormnr'use, if anu „� � � _ � �.f f,+ w� ar�cy Or —Div. SQUARE. FT. O, : BUILDUNQ TO BE OC'CUMECr—0- ) p' NOTICE: 3 Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy i5 ssued. i 2 No electrical service will be released for any er isting butlding until the service has been inspected and t cer"ifi d safe.AP applicants for ficcuparJ y in a` ` istiric ouildiog, are required to SCIi$%{Lfle an el ctrical { 'fuse tip' iiispecta n in the Departrr ert oa Devoicipariie nt services at the time this application is filed. <. 3 Change of occupancy or up,9:nspection fee. Wher,ew3, J is necessary to mare inspection of a building or premises in order to det:o mine if a change may do made ir. tre character of :occupancy or use of the buitdin;q or prerii ises which �vouLd place the building in a differenf division of the sarw- group of occupancy Or in a different group of o=iP ricy. a cnarige of occupancy inspection fee of S shall be paid to the city. a Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 4 OJ 208 reGLAr0r, that building numbers mustbe e a minimum of four l (4) inches in height with One half r'.: a i inert Strout~, acid of a conirasling color from the background. These numbers must be posted on your building -m a location ,r;at is visitlle from the street. 5. Huntington Reach Fire Code Section 10.301, requires fig extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire Protection t' ssociatloo pamphlet 10 (8t?ey reverse side), SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONINGr r � _.:. PLAN Ci 1E ? N � i O PAR KtN#a SP PkES CC CU€'AruCY Gi Up _ _ _ W OCCUPANT LOAD w — __..a _ PE:Rf iiT NO _ IEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL NO OF STORIES -- ADMIN A: TIr?N aTILITtES RELEASED r - i, ERTtFICATEL C-F OCCUPANCY PEE APPROVAL} BY DATE CHA.N`-F OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE TOTAL,