HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (4)E CERTIFICATErOF'000ANCY Ho B-� CITY OF HUNTINGTOhi REACHDate DEPARTMENT OF n VELOPMENT SERVICES HUNtIkGiC)'V ►[ACH Address _ _ _ _ 15133. Triton Un%t, 1.1. 3 � __ _____ �__ District — 1 Business PiameC(IS,11()14 DLSIC114 L:RAFTf3_ � _ -- — _— Tel. Business Type LIGHT 7r.'I I,RY Mf'G. �� ___� �—_ Occ. GroupIt.-L2____- . BUlIbiNG OWNErh BUSINES-, 0WNt- f,fANAGER THE TIMEEP CORP Name Ann Mr.��.lov Name __ _ --_ r.te . } 03% f loMess_. 220 t`it BIV(I . Oz'n Jt>4at3f?t Ave.AVM r__ ,._ Address _l�l.� - 314 :� 1 - Oranq!� e1937�54Y3�0 '_Home Tel .t Construction No. of Stories- Occupant Load_ -Notice: DEPARTM NT OF DEVE*LOPMtNT'S-RVICES l 7hi$4ertiticate of Occupancy SHALL'BE posted in a conspicuous place on eXCeptby l the oriises and shail'not be removed by the 13011ding Official. -.__....._. C)€_.�lE I_C7f''i4ENT =_.i=rVICES a f M o APPLICATION FOR tthll FICATE OFOCCUPANCY 0. CITY OF H I UNy1N0,ToN BEACH DEPARTMENT OFbEVtLOPMr.NTSEAVICr_S (PRINT on TYPE: ONLY) Aildress Je17—.0,Af 11)1je 113 Busines I S a"M-6 In L v Businest Type ___,kL0_Ln_JLf w e.- Lr2 r��_h1jff_6-_- BUILDING 0VjNER r 00 A° /o Address City Ti S SEW6ULb1l3EDFSCR­lBE0AS: DATE 'bisteict , Tel. I)CC. Glo'up BUSINESS 0WNFR!?.4AqAcr:R Name Home._' A cl d r ass ;V_-?./ -OE''. r City Howie NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG, CHANGE OF OWNER T CHANGE'0_F OCCUPANT Ekist'JING"OtDING CHANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former usc. if an(-fi cupancyGr. SQUARE FT. OF (301LOING, TO SE OCCUPIED—_ 'NOTIC'E: I. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license witsnotbe issued distil the building has been inspected and a certificate of bcctlp6ncy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been Inspe c, ed and certified safe. All af;i(icants for OCCUPW16y in an.eAls-064 building are required'to schr-dule an elec'tricat' 'fuse upl in-pection in the Department of Develb*ent Services at the tinle1his a lica- tl6n is'fil8d. 3. Change Of Occupancy or -use inspectiolyfee. Whenever it is necessary to`'mhke inspection of d*bulld- ing or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the ch6ra6ter of occupancyor use Of the building or premises whic,11 wojjl(I place -the building in,) differerit"'division'61' the rime group of Occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, ange J 6 f a change 6f'ocrupancy inspection e 0 shall be paid� t6 the city. 4. H66tington BeadKTIre Co'do Section 10.268'requires that building nlihibers must be a mi-hinibm A of four (4) inches in height with' one half (Yz) inch stroke, and of a contravinLi color froill- the back- ground. Thee numbus must be posted on your buildifig in a`16catic(I t1lit k,isible from the street. 5. Hul'166gt6n Beach Fire Code Section 10.861 requires fire extinqW01-eir -.Iefec:tion ar&-diste-t6utloin per the Natio'bal 'Fire Pro-tection Association pamohlet 101see'revonse side). SUPP( EMENTAL IN(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)FORMATION ZONING�4i OCCUPANCY GROUP PLAN CH[_'CK NO. No. PARKING SPACES. OCCUPANT LOAD PERMIT NO. 11 EA LTH 'DEPT. APPROVAL '140, OF STORIES ADMIN. ACTION UflILITIES'AELEASM CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PEE S APPROVED BY DA 'E CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $ 75-03 9 A E V, qp _— �� ► CERffFi•t✓ATE-OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF WNTINGTON SEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES-- IiUNTvicTON 1SrAM ,t Address 1 ' Business Narne_------.— ` —_-______ _ �._ = ___� = �Qi��' ___ ___ _ Tel. BtisinessType __ __ V__�_,.---_ _�� _ �_____�:� ,� ___ _________-._ __ ___ Ctcc. Group BUILDING CWNEH �� OWNERI MANAGE}i _ Name Name i Address ._v_ ___ ___.._. _._ _.--.-----__v__ __..__.__ Pidress_..__ _______ Tel. City Tel. `1l'o ThkCeitifirate of Occupancy DEPARTMENT Of btVCI.OPMENT SERVICES t SMALL BE posted In a'ortispicuous;ilace on i the prey ikes and shall not be remov?d except by the Bultding Official. _._ APPLICATION FOR CERTirzicATE'OF OCCUPANCY c ity'or HUNTI GTON ac-Ac" DEPARtMENT'OF'bFVtLOPMtNit'ttilVi(;ES HtNnW,T0-N SIAM WAINT'OR *PE 0Iit-Y) 6A:,rE Address District 0 \4 0 tic Aj e- Businw Narn�- Business Type 11_ t A-_jL Occ. Gro'bp BUAI-D'INO OWNER OWNEWMANAUR -7 Z Narne Narhe Address Address City Tel.---- City - e 7 T 1. T1419 USE WO"U"L6 BE DES0113ED AS: NEWLY CON'S-YAUCTED IJILDG. CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF. ouciPANI EXISTING bUfLONG I,.ANGE OF USE IN' 9NAL OCCUPANT C AbDiz-- Indicate former use, if any Occuipancy Gr. NOTICE: 1. 0c60pancy of any building is prohibft�d and a—bmihoss license will not be issued u6i'll the,buildin'g has been inspected and. a cert(ficate of occupancy, Is issued. 2. No electrical service Will.'bd'e0cased'for any existing' buildl6q,,diftil the service has'be6n,169pe'Cled and certified safe. All applicalits for occupa'ncy In an existing building are'"reqUir0d t4 ' J sthe ' Jule 6n electrical 'fuse up' lnsbetti611- in `the "Department of Develb-ph'16ht Services' at the ti-.he this ADplica- tion-is filed. 3. Cha­jiqe' of . occupancy; or-, 0 se inspe'd I t I lorjfee. Whineverlt is necessaryAdiffiake"Inisl I Yee tjorn of 3 b6ild- --;- Ing or p`r*9'm'%`es'In order to exter' 1he if a"chb p may be made in the character of -6660TYancy'oe use of buildl6q%or -premises which would'016ce- fhe b0fidifig'in 6'diff6reht, di0i s-ijoin of the some grod" V V1460y- S 'e feeof 30'00 $In'pC 10 of occupancy or In a different qr-oUp-?bf-occu'p;aAcy, a 6h 'Jnge'o oc C Id to the shall be pa city. 4. I4tjnA1W*dh`Beach Fire Code Section 10.2Wr640 re th'a"t litilld'in'gfo—ftbers must be a minle6ur" '(Y2) Inc' stroke, and of abo-'6trastin"'g; dolot f t6th'the back. of four M'ihthes� in -'height With one half h, .rotund. I rodhd.l TNete'numhd`rs4Wtest be 'posted 6n yo-ur'b'U'lidi6g, in a* location th-.6t,"I's v1isible'frbrri:ihe street,5. Mhtfhbto'ih'Beach Fire . Code Secti6n 10.301 re-061res flee! ektib'du, isher sJection And'distrib0tf6h per the National Fire Proftectlo''n Association parnp6let 10 (see reverse side). 0 e-f S7/ (Fos or-Plft'USt ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAt. INFORMATION SQUARE FT. OF. BUI'LDIN15- PLAN CKCK NO. PARKING -SPACES OCCUPANCY GROUP PERMIT 1,10. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL ' OCCUPANT LOAD ADMIN. ACTION if ITIESr,RELEASr- D NO.OE STORKS CERTIFICATE OF O(,CWANCY F I: E a __ ___4/�_ � :� .._� ___APPROVED BY DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ 75-031) REV, 0I'V[I-0(11M[:M1' s[Tvir'Es H�? CERTIFICATE OF'OCCOPANCY CITY OF IIUNTINGTON BEAC14 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SEE C ES Dote Htih il'tiGrOV BfACh ON Address_____..___.__ ____.- __.___.__:..__ _.___-__._..._. _. .�j - p___ _.._._-_---- ----- .:_.__ Business ,ranee_ . .... __ .: _____ . _ .. .._'_._... . ..... .... . _.. ,_. _ ._..- , . _......_»__._-._.__ : Tel. __..._. - - _- Misin(m TvIv __.._____----- _. BUILDING OWNER '�J� � OWNS-I'MiANAGER _ Name_______.________._._.__.__._-___.. �__..-.._ _..._ Name Address Address__..._. i. City of Stories»__...._..Occupant t_oad_. Notice: UIS Gortificate_ of Occupancy DUARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on tiie prerillses and shalt not be removed except by ttie Building Official, by r CITY -CIF 'HtINTiNdT(ON BEA H Wow 536.5241 •�' 0V IRTMENT.OF DEIIEIOPMENT SERVICES C-} IIVSP�CTiON' aEPO�T . i_C6hl' Ec l6N-NbTICE CJ Cii ii ilncj f, Electrical U Plarnwng PERMIT NO. JOB ADW SS Si wit! i;e f!e<:es;s3r3� tv r��itsiy c;;i;��t:rt';.r.111 tar re-iisss3t�ct�rn� 5:4;n �f L7tt� 7117 r U "I L I T`Y R El E A S E ADA CL- ISTING BULLDTNG POWER POLE TEMP. WORK WITtI 'POWEP. 1. PhitfibinE Inspe�t_or. Clenr � DATA: 2. la�#:ral- Ingpect+r Clcnr DATE UTlUTY RELEASE AUTNORIZRD BY LAND USE DATE GAS RLECTRIC UTILITY COMPANY NOTIriEt) DATE I j j/j IA (#7'.',-0 11 ) =~ ' APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ''! -`'�--=- 'ATIVIERV`CEG ~Z (PRINT ORTYPE ONLY) / DATE °^ T0lJ �~ � �/iT ' '' '''' -'~ ' ' Address District Business Name~] /" > �� [ d� �� \- � �/. w r; _______________--_____� Tel, /J �. �� I Bo�num TVpe �-l__l.��c�r }*/» "» nrr I.��__-�°^�.� YOnc «3rhup WILDING OWNPA6WNFh1MANA6ER-_- ` Name Name Address Addtess ' 0.44 Tel. ~+' - ^^mnnL'D`bsDE ^-MSQ'AS: NEWLY �l CHANGE �� C�-NGE�JFOCCUP�\NT L� ' ~'^ |_J ^~~ k�J ''~ a ^ X|8MN8 ~-`^~' NG CHANGE- OF USE �� ADCA�L iQNAOCCUPANT L_J L_) ----------------- --'— ' � ��/110��9fias been inspected 3nd a certificate,bf Occupancy is Issued. (FOR (3FF;22USEONLY) rOVPFLEK8ENTALINF#RNA\T(C)N y r' SUUAREF-[0FBU|'in(MG '____`/�/ _. PiANCUECKNK _ _ -_'_. MO. PARKING SPACES _�____-___�_ OCCUPANCYGOUY____- PER��!TkQ� HEALTHDEPT.xPPRMVAL -'''<��-����'_ OCCUPANlLDAD--__--_ -__��.����' - -_ .- '_--_- /\0��/N.ACT}OM - -�---_- UT!L|T)ESRFLEASEO- -/ -- NU.OF ^ �|FS "' /cERT|F|CAT[OFOCCUPANCYFE[ APPROVED BY DAT� CHANGE UF0CCUPANrYFE[ S / ?� - T0T�L S _ -- -- -'--- ---''------ '-- v ' /socnFit: v _,. CEftfWiCATE'OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEAt;Fi--- Date DEPARtMENT OF DEVELOPMrNT SCRVi'CES IIUNTINGT(A MACl1 AMress --._'_ _------------_____._— _._�__.._.—_____.. ___ ___.___�____ District ____ Business Type ��_ __��� �—, �V __._____ ____._____: ._._._.__._.-____._____ _._,___.:.-----. `OcC. Grodp�__ BUILDING OWNER OWNER/MANAGER NAi ie ---.._____ Name Address — City --_ Tel. ' O - -_ Tel.' Constri i ii6n of Stories--_ _____._Occupant Load-_ l+Icrtice: This Certificate of Occupancy 0EPAMWENVOP DEVELOPMENT SERV;CFS SHALL BE pT sted'in a con'splWous place hn the premises and shall not be r0en ved except 1iy the Buililfng Oifiiciaf, by rr APPLICATION 1-()'R CERTIFICATE Of- OCCUPANCY City'a -,H6 'tM_ V)n Bdadh en I t of BUildih' Department C&M(Mity Develbpm6 t -FOR'APPLICANTJO-FILL IN (Pr-iht,-6r type 6161�) DATE -79 i-: AM'. It- ib n i s hereby made fora Ce"tific ate ofOctiodky far Fib'641a§s repair sh'+p anserviced �)e) V�VMP­ PML- 0►' Detcribe.fts1ness -Use To be Mbk- a's Name, of Bus boss I L-6-6tiel at 15131 THWi L� We Suite 113 jT4hf'ib6't6n Beach , Cal. 92649 Rti0he's's Address 1432"Old Ri'V-6r Road FLO -1 erton al - R Res f -de—,6-*ce 7 -Add ress city Ph''he - No. - Business: Residence: .Name: 1JUILDINU-MUR ' CS �U E �-AS: ki S 'Ukb�-BE DESCAI'60_� [O"NoWly Onstructed 'bd'&ld'1Kq fiWi-6te former use if Any 92631 ,tip 714-525-2154 16'e'r.0 241- _ftdJ1i1LAvk,_16�_U MOL 110, 5 0 �. I dress city zip No. thange of Owner f ChAhge of Use Cha 0 of Occupant Occooahcy: Gr._.... Div. -' A NOTIMpancy of ahY'buildihb..1s, rb - bi tod and a business 1,1,cense'W I I KWnote issued ' Until the-,bbil`ding has been inspected and a Certificate of Occ-upthty is issued. _d � 2. No eloc't'r-icAl service will be released 'for any existing b% 06ti I the pl: 'eiftts or occur ncy ice has been inspected and certified safe. All ai a ' g are reqO u electrical U exi5ti' -ired to schedule an "f" se'uo hg-b fig and Convidhity De olbomeht at the time LU i S action in the kpartm0it of BUildi v the appl'ic6tibn is filed, y to '.0016E OVOCOONCY � OR USE E INSPECTION FEE., W116neVer it *is' hecesSaM make :in Won -:-of a `building or premises ses 'in der to determine if a change may C of the buildi` s which ..-beWde In 'the character, of occupancy use bbil , br,- 0YOMi s e 0 0 he same , group - '. f occupancy , cy ,JlobiA place -the build"iK9 in, a I different div.is'i n f t of occu or -IA a -different -gr6ttp of occbpAnty, a change of occupancy inspection, fee 6f -'paid to the City. 1::4+tt1jq 1AV.. �k . �J,; 1 5 .�O shall be fir' t�,Vkrr . (rok"OPICE USE ONLY) SUMEMEWAL JNFOAMATON SO. f . thg- .-Of buildf Plan Chdck No. L Occupa-hr-y'Group-_ 1.Permit No 717 OccUpabt Load Admin. Action No. of StoriesNo. Parking Spi—ce-S Health , be-ot. , Approval Rel Utilities 'e'asod 7fT_ APPROVFD'B CPRfI � I CATE- � 0 0 P NCY.FEE $ 6.00 C A]M - OF OR USE INSOE&Ilft' FEE H GL`OCCUPANCYTOTAL (05-039)