HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (140){ ' CERTIFICATE nP OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON ttFACH 81i r tLJAr 19R__ • ` DEPARTME-NT Or DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Date t+uNrjafrov HAM t ` Address _ _ i 3 `1`C)_Y_ colt T,e+ ;c E �. c; .____�__.___ _ . _ __.� _ _ District__.._r_ _ _ _ ,___ ! Business Name Businesi Type _ _ 'i�= �;G7i _ ____.__._ ____ ___. __. Ocr.. Group�__�+' i BUILDING OWNER _SUSINF.SS OWNEWMANAGER 3?ui3a iubiteasa kf2acfT. Name 1,me ,_Te_ipt_ C; to _ _, �� _� riort;e _ Address 7 19 Placentia— Address --- g City _1;nctt �u: Cad £, Tel. -- — City _ Z't�.3t ti t•YsM= Cnl.iE. Norhe Tel fi_y 2 i a j Constriiotion _.._____._._No: of'Stbries___:_.._.._____._..-Occupant Load _ � � _ Sprinkiered N& ce: a thisCOrtificate of Occupancy bEPARTMENT OF bFVEt_OPMEf4T SERVECES SOAL IIE posted in a conspicuo is place on the premises and sbatf -trot be roar wed except f by`the Building Cf#icial. by i iC)t:;Vtr'i...C;f7Mfi#*iT iF.=RVtCEzS___----_..__.._._.__—_-_-___ APPLICATION FOR CERtflfliCATE'OF OCCOPANCY my"O `i bOIN(3TON t'EACH t*PARTMENT OF bEVECOPMENT SERVICES IPRINT'OR TYPE ONLY) I�-Lt.�...�.� fi l C#" ._._.. e Business Name __� _��..,_.. rn _C�: Business Type AUII.olfm OOWN'En Name _ctSP is1tS`%_1�f>t•ti��- - Address City �. ._� t � � _ ,__ ?4. _ _.__ ._._ Tel. tl4iS USE WO LD BEOEtCRIBEO AS: --- e?s �..�_ HATE District Orc. Group.___bL 13w USSINESS OWNEr'MIANAGER Address City zZ.Z L� NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. r CHANGE OF OWNER � CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING � � CHANGE OFUSE F ] ADDITIONAL OCCt1PANT Indicate former use, it any ____-__._ _ _ Orr rpancy Gr. _._. _. _ Div, h �_� f7 SQUAhE _ FT. OF BUILDING TO 13E OCCUPIED- _...-__._-_ NOTICE: f. Occuf ancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the b6iIdirig has been inspected and a certificate 'af occupancy is issuer. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service'has been inspected and'certiffed safe. All applicants for occupancy In an exivling building arer6ouired to kheddile, an electrical 'fuse up' inspection'in the DePartmeni of Development Services at the°time this applica tion is filed. C. Change of .occupancy or use intpecti6l fav 4l/i enever it is necessary to make inspecEidfi of :i'kiufid ing' or oremises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the tauiiding or. premises which would )dace the buildih� in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different gro:jp of accupincy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of �t! J' shall be paid to thecity. 4. Huti104ton'Beach Fire Code Section 10,268 rerluires that buiidirg nullifiers must be a minimum of four (4) inches -in height with orie"half N) inch stroke, and of a contrasting'color`from`the back- ground. These numbers must be posted rj+i your building in a location that is visible frd n-4he street. 5. H(Oillngton Baach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribUtion per the National Fire Protection Association plLimphlet 10`(see reverse side). (FOR'OFFICE_USE ONLY) /' - _. -115, SttPPLEMENTAI: INFOftMAT10N ZONING OCCUPANCY GROUP __.,_.__._. ) PL04 CHECK NO. ____ ___.._..___ ___ NO. PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD ____-_._.__ ___ �_ —_ _____ _ PE f.MIT NO. ___.�_______._ .____.�HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL NO. OF STORIES ___��___—____ _ �_ADMiN. ACTION _____.________ _. _ 0TILIYIES RELEASED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE - - APPROVED BY QATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL—___- 76 039 REV, s;.. ~r . pL4 CEAfIEICATE OF OCCt.1PANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON REACH s DEPARTA'1E:NT OF DFVELOPMENT SERVICES Late Ilt:OONG104 SIAM Address Tel. Business Type Oct.. Grouj�—Y_ _ _ _ . Ei'01I.t71NG OWNER_ � �� OWNERIMANAGER Name Name City______—____.___.__—_�_..._._____....____._.___ City Construction_—.___....____No. of Stories___. Notice: This Certificate of occupancy Or-PARTMEIVT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ _ SHALL Br pr sted.In a conspicuous place on the premises and sh:,it rot be renlovPtl exceflt ity the Boildintg Official. 7J] 4 . U T I L I T Y RELEASE USE %1?a.4 ���.u�. •�' EXISTING B L 6, T,,., 0 NEW BOfLOINO POWER POLE, TEMP. WORK WITH POWER 1. Plb"ibing inspectoir Cl'ear DATE 2. Electrical Inspector'Clear DATE UTILITY RELEASE AuTiloRIZED BY LkND USh DATE ELECTRIC UTILITY COMPANY NOTIFIED D AT E I 'Va ie APPLICATIOU-P611 CERT1fICATE or- nCCUPANCY CiTY OF HUNVINGTON DEAClt DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPEViMT SEFIVFCf S r+uNnxc►tx+ SIAM (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) Andress _I f _ ti'Fc ! C°' Q,�-A 'j_I-`_- 7 __�.. Bu3)ness Name Business Type _i.us-t`1 DATE District Occ: Group WILDING OWNER-OWNERMANAGER Name Name t�ddress _._________. ____ _._..._.__..____.___—_ ----__ __.___._ Address ..l�'_�._...'_ City City _`a.i��_._. ___� �' 4..__ �� '>� Tel. THIS 11SE WOM.0 13E DESCRIBE-0 As: Lj NEWLY CONSTRUCTED.BLDG. �j CiIANGF OF OWNCR ~ ^ � CHANGE or OCCUPANT UNSTING BUILDING CHANGE OF USE ADPmONAL OCCUPANT r1 lnd's..;aie former use, if any _._..__ _.._.__._ ___-_..`__.__ _. .Occupancy Gr. ____L�.`1_..f)iv. . Z _:.__-----------_�___.__-- NOTICE: 1. Occup..ncy of ar,y building is proh,hited and a business license will "not be :.sued until the Building has been Inspected arid a certificate nt ov,upancy is lss'06d. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing "building until the service has been inspected anti certified safe. All appllci nts far occupancy in an existing building are'regUired to schedule an electrical `fuse up` inspection in the Department of Development Services at the time this applica- tion, is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or tiso inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to' mane inspection Of a h+lild- ing or peariiises in order'to determine if a chatyge may be mane in the character of occupancy Or use of the building or pramises Midi :could rilace the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy cr in a different group of occupancy, a chanhe of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shaltbe paid to the city. 4. Fft ntingto)t Beach Fire Cade Section 10.208 requires that buildin9`h0i—n4ers must be a minimum of four "nj inches in height with one half ('lei inch stroke, and of a contrasting colcr from the bacic- ground. These otjmbers must be pasted on VOW building in a locati6n that is visible from the street. 5. -Huntington Beach Fite Code Section 10.301 requires fire extingbisher F-elec.;0n :,yid distribution per the National Fire Protection Ascoriation'pamphlet 10 {see reveres si}de}. ` (FOR 01 rlr:E USE ONLY) SUPPLEN-11:NTAL iNF'OPMATiON SQUARE F 1' OF PLAN CHECK W". NO. PARKING SPAC US ...____ OCC(JPANCY t)P0i,i� r'r f'FEiMti ti0. 1)FAt.7}1 t) F3i. r1PPfit3V11r Or`..;UE'/�fiY'F LOAD.... ,'.._ .. r�t.)i�91N. /1s',i`iOt3tiTll_I1lP; RH_ ;AStta _. _ _. NO. OF STORIES _... __� _....... ..*..._. _._. ' • ` `� '' " 1 C;t=Fi E 1F=fClsT'i: Of: +:}C,`C:I.IPAP,!C;Y F'i'-C-. APPROVED BY ttA F C;lIANGF OF n(.C't!PAN(1Y FVF ( TOTAL S y 1 FF L4 1JI CtATIRMTE•OF 66CUPl3NCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVb-OPMENT SERVICESDate "UNTINGrar MACH Address Business Nante_�«_____ Tel. Business Type------. - _- - <`' E3U(t:DiNG OWNER OWNER MANAGER Name NHfTSE7 Address _ _ - Address ------ Tei.._._. - - City Tel. Can t,truction._____ _._..._-No. of Stories_..._.-..__..__._ .C„cupant Loan_:.SptlnHered_-..-__-.._._____.�.._,`____-._._________ Notice: This Certificate of_Occunancy UCPARTMENT OF i)'E ELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL BE. posted in a conspicuous placC nr) the prermises and shall not be` removed except by the Building'Ofiirrai, I'Y--------_ _ If I .....,,.,.►- - - - - -.ram.— - r.�► w+raw.wi.�rrrs+.a� �►�t�►,�.... •.;+wr�c�rMrreo'w�1.11�a��.di�Mslll+r�.; ►if�l�ii:i: � ._.!'�1:`id'i 3f11_Ji►�' e \ A00L.ICAtl0N r-owgFRTIFICATI OF OCCUPANCY *� Ar CITY QE NUNl'ttVOON REACiI DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES rl ?.l F3Q t+tt*tia:tit>v erAof (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) AATF Address ___j5131 _TTnj t n Su ito 114 Nuri�ti`i " tog ' n Beach_, C 92646 District _ — Business Name Tel. _ Business Type Occ. Grou,) t ram- ri tizk_ BUILDING OWNER OV' 40/MANAGER tvame $olsa Rus`iness. Park 1Va►ne 1tarta uiriht�C>�-_ Aiit!`ress 2g 5G Pecs hi 11 AytiS'Ie `. Address City ___ CostMesa, Ca. Tel. 5.4Q' 11�05 Clty ..__ fttYft,t�t�=B2a�eh; -.Ca __-- --- -ter. £_3 Tt IS USc WOULDDI3E'DESCRIBEt) A,S: �l •.-�V j % �� r,�"4�•Lc`v`/.j:&�/%fs--r,l..�,1 /f r^7 7 - NEWLY CONSTRUCTED EiLOG. CHANGE OF OWNER L j CiAANGE OF OCCUPANT �� I XIS I iNG RIii L DING CHANGE OF USE ADt)iTIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate f6tiner use, if any ____ _.__ _ _{)ccitpancy Gr. __.___.___.__...__ Div. i bYICE: 1. Occupancy of any building is proh-1-b1tedtand a business license wili,not be issued Urifii'the'buiiding has been inspected anti a certificate bi f'occupancy`Is issued. 2. No electrical seirvice Will'bo released for any &Xlsting,hullcii6p until the service has-been inspected acid ceriifibd safe. .All applicants for occupancy in an exrsting bUildintq are regrair'ed'to schedule an electrical lose Up' inspection in the Departhieht'of bevelopment Services at :he timd-this applica- tion is flied. 3. Change of cccupancy or toe irispobtion fee. Whenever it is necessary to make in§pectloh-6f a build- ing or premises in order to deteribine'if a change may be•made ih"We chtiracter of occupancy or use of the buiiding'or pren ises�which wddld puree the build(66'Ir a' different division of the same group of bccupancy or in a different g'roUp'of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspectlon fee of $36._60 shall be priid to the City. Q. HdrWhbtoh Beach, Fire t6de Section 10.208 rcrliiires that'titiilding riulribers must"be a m1hilWUm of four (4) inches in height with cine half'V/2) inch stioke, and`of a contrasting color from`the back- ground. These ntiryibers must he posted on you, building in a location that is visible from the `street. i 5. Htirit%ton Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 re lees 'fire extinguist er selection and dlsiribution per the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 {see reverse � r, (POWOFF=ICE USE'ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL iNFORMATiON SoUAf'tE= F7. OF EiUILDiNG ),j' _PLAN CHECK N0. ____.__ IdU. PARKING SFACE:S .__._._____._ OCCUPANCY GROUP--�__ `OCGUPANT LOAD jj��_� PERMIT NO. _ _---___..__._.__.. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL- _____-- ____.._ _ .____.._ ADMiN. ACTION .._.____. UTILITIES RELEASED NO. OF STORKS CERTIFiCATE OF OCCUPANCY i LE $ APPROVED BY . DATE cviANGE: OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $ 75-039(Irv.