HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (2)_ _—_. _ . _ . f a�� ► CF hYIFICATE'OF 003CUPANCY CITY OF 14UNTINGTON BEACH t7 DEPARTMENT OF OEVELOPMENT SFR ICC."s -- -- Date HU*iTi'vtasN StACti �� Address �� ___-= _._..----_-._._ --;.-----____-- -...__ __ w District Tel.. Business Type Oc•c. Group BUILDING OW(\'!:it C1WNERIMANAGE" Narne _ ...__-.---____._._�__.__._ _ ..._..__.-_----._-._._ Name Address Tel-____ ..... . City -- :-- ..__ _:._._ ___-.----.-_----- -_-------__ flonsird0ion_._____-.Na.ofStories____._____.__Occupant Lcia(l.___._________......:_Spr�;tkferrd Notice. This Cekificatd of Occupancy DEPARTMENT OF 0EVELOPit ENT 8tAVICES SHALL 6E p6sted in a conspicuous place on ttie prOrri'ses and sliall not be removed except �)y 016-auildin6 effl6w. by (.:tf. �e'�?. r, f';f Y'i l�s'I 1• �751 `.,S tt»r,t/ r U T I L I T Y R E L E A S E USE f EXI'rSTI'NG BUILDING 'NEW 111 ILDiNG POWER POLE 'PENT'. WORK. WITH i'/0 1. Plumbing Inspector Clear DATE: u� 2. Electrical I.,lspect r Clear y riArE UtILITY RELEA=5E AUTE ORIZED /,� WWI) USE DATE GAS ELECTRIC wriLITY C0MPANY NOTIFIE.ri DATE 005-007 ) ' / w~ ^ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OFOcup—{�°� CITv ' U, fl�t UEP&MTMENT-OF 8EVELCPK ENT OPRYyiCES (pMI*T OR TYPE qmI-Y> ----'/^-� ^ Address /�} ' � / �/ '. x —'----_-----'----'--------- li�fllDiwfict Business Na,ne Busine"s Type OW NERimMAdER Nirne Address City city 11141SUSE WOULD LE OrSCRIVED AS. NE�LY{�N��RD��D DL�G. [� C M{ E 0F OWNER ' CHANGE OF O���NT EXISTING ODiLd>NG CHANGE OF USE E tDn}TiONAL OCCUPANT In6ixamformer use, ifany a --_—_—___-_—.0ccupocy Gr. has insperted and a certificat of occupancy is issued. 2. No elfttriCtil service will"be released for any existing bu 3. Change- 'of occupancy -or.use'Inspectio'n fep. Whenever it is necess-ary I to make insp'ectioin'bf if bul'Id- q or ' e iises in order to determine if a change rnay be made inthe character of Occupancybr'W6 of the btfilding or premises wit jell Would place th�,'bulldlng in a d'if f erent divisi,�n of'th same group of occupancy or in a differ6rit group of occupancy, a change Of OCCLIPWICY inspCr.tloh'feee,of $30.`60 shall be paid to the city, 4. Huntindibn Beach Fire �",ode Section 10.208- requirns that buildi 69 !ium_ bers rntist 1),3 a minim . bm o f f6ur (4) inches, in height withone half (','2) inch stroke, and of a contrasting col6r1rom the back- p 0 r building In a location tilat is visible fromthe street, 5. Hunflfh`gton Beach Fire Codo Section 10,301 requires fire eXtinguisher selection and (I i s t, ir 14 U6 t 16 n 77 .._ ' (F0ROr-hCEU�E(}N�'`) SUPPLBM�NTALiNFORMA�ON ' SOUAHE FT PLAN C||ff:KNO. _ --_—BU PARKING SPACES OCCUPANCY pnvur'�������--_--'___-'__ PERA8/TWO. ,-- �EALTH Pl[ ^ '��-------------- OCCUPANTLOAD �� -------'--' "c nrrnvvx� Np.^ F _ r� �Dh|�.�#CT|0 -- ----____.. UT|L|ri RE�EAS�D-- -------------- )�*! / ' ' �[RT}F{C`EOFOCCUPANCY FEE S APPROVED BY DATE CH/�NiE0F0CCUPCYFEF 8-r----------------------- TOTAL, r -��r�—'---�------------ 75ID39mcv. CE041 CA7E'OF OCCUpANC;' CITY OF IRAT jrmt6N t3EA611 IAIIARTMENT OF DEVEI.OPMEN'f SERVICES 'rrurriryrtnv et�ca ��. Address Business`Name_��.' _ _ _ ©' Tel. Pasi.-less Type -- _ __ _�. _- _ Ccc. Group riUII.OING°'OWIIER _ OKWNERIMAIIAGEI-i Name -- -_ _:_ �_� __Nat,ie Address Address--,__.__.__------_-----------___._._.-___—_- C't%__-� City _.-_._:... -:_:..:_... ,._—____._------- _. Tel, Co3struction�—_No, of Stories_-.______-_-, _..-_Occupant Load --------- �_._�__Sprinkiered.___------ IV666e: This Certificate of Occ_u_pan'ey iJFRA�, . •'�...:.� __..W. _..-- _--- - SHAL 6E 'poste—d in a conspfr:Us s place on thy premises and shall not be removed except by the'Bi ildfn'g Officiai. by.,__. it " APPLICATION FOR CFRTIFICATF OF OCCUPANCY 9 " UOU1 u0partment of Development lopment Services FOR APPLICAN or type only) DATE 0 - (,,:4 Application is hereby made 'For a Certificate of Occupancy for a: D�11 QC Gr _qyPAqqj. Div. Z Describe"130siness Use To be ko'bW-h as Name. aus nes. Located at-, ilu C -9 �ress Busiliess �,j Name: _ffff RES S Pg, 6 If A �R Cl Zip me:' S 0 WMEV'!�' es, tdi_n_ceNd__dLA�s —s— Cit 1P P116-ne No. Business: Residence: IVNU. ress VIIS JSEV00 8E DESCRIBED AS: 00,� 07Y07 rWj:Newl31 Constructed Bui 1 1 ding Change of Owner El Chabje of Oc(-up6ht Existing Building f Change of Use F_ _jAddltionalI Occupant Indicate f&mer use if any Oc6u n�- Gr. Div. ssuel until the bu�ldirtg has been inspected and a Certificate of occupancy is ed, ' service has been e an rel^ safe. 11 applic'ahts or occupancy fin a existing building are required to schedule an elect0cal "fuse up', ht0 A PeCti6n -ir. the Department of Building and`Community nity Devel6olvpft' t the time this application -is filed. 3. CHAAE OF OCCUPANCY OR USE INSPECTIOIN FEE. Wenever it is necessary to make inspecV,on of a bui1ding'6r promises in order to detennibe if a rharige may be'made in the character of occ-00akY or use of the building 61,'premises which would place the building in a different division of the samegroup of occupajj,cy Or in a differ*en-t group of Occupancy, a ch6nge of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the City. (FOR OFFICE USE OfILY) SUPPLEMENTAL TwORMATION ft. of buildinq Han Check no. Occupancy Perini t 11o. OccUpalit Load Admin. Acti01'1­___'____­_­_'_ flo, of No. Parking ---------- 11C<11th Ile - ----- [Ailitics Released ; -, ..--- _7_7_ (#75-039) CIRTIFV'ATE OF OCCUPANCY Ff _E 6.()0 Coil' iGt` OF OCCUPANCY OR U--j . E INSPECTION FEE -7) TOTAL I