HomeMy WebLinkAbout15131 Triton Ln - CofO (137)APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY fn CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELI)PMENT � 5e " ,N11W tart TYPE C%WY, 6ATf.... BuStnes.5 hrzrre L .£ t tp � ✓ � ,jj �t , el5e�hs�i`�,�,;4.•--- �4`tias ti� Occ G. NA inNG,'WNFTi kHfJNINE"S <.'a4"rh}iLPJ.4 . Ad4Fa=�[ k AddresS_._.._� .�_._.�.._v._ _ ._�_._ _ :._, _ A.tr� rr,, _�,rs�t;. a'v'C'M?t'isr�i+�.`tc,,. ��f�_• City *Jm (, tn_ 7 rb .. Ht;rrt �Tet i�r 43t7 THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: CHANGE 9 s-CCUPANT � EXISTING BUitDJF r :F . DI ^.,,SAL :+CCtJIPAN t tdi a4„ tormof Use' . an SOUARE FF c F It1 C)iP(�:i �7 t 'i: ,.: i r, _ q0 NOTICE. 1 f34cupartcyotany bui:dirt +,S rofaibited tt business rd a license 9 p s, will not be issued until the building hasb��een , inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issuer. a No electrical service will be released for :any exist=nq building unlit the service has been inspected and certified safe All applicants for occupancy in an existing buildrncp are required to schedule an electrical `fuse up' inspection in the Department of Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or -use inspection fee. Vbft mover it is neck?.^,nary to make inspection of a building or t r,� premises in order to de lerrriane if a change may be made in the rharacter of occupancy or use of the building or premises which wot=l.d ptaca the building =n a different division o; the sarrie group of occupancy or in a rr different group of occupancy, a change of occupaiic tee of a shall { ri ✓ ,. be paid to thv city _... . i 4. Huntington Beach Fire Cade Section 10.208 re':parires that building numbers must be a rnrn-murrt of four (4) inches in height with one half V`0 mch stroke, and of a contrasting color from ttte background. These � numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5 Huntinaton 'Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 rertuire,, ;ire extinguisher selection and distribution per the i National Fire Protection Association f`srrtphlet tq (see reverse side). t e, (FOR 05FICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION �r OEJ`,.? RA4 "'y Gp .JT`_ Or.:C"UPAhIT �C,tAD ! • �i�t dui '_ tits r +, tat: .,f iFt vWP NO Or, 5TCRiFs t 1 int+ESY c,at.sn«; .,,s COti�l�,tSNITN ESE.°Et.fs i v I� r -a €1 F SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 4 1. BUSINESS ADDRESS Ja_ t'3a�_i'f:fG;a f 2. Person to contact in case of emergency;, ,C''-A-/-/, Telephone number 3. Does the building in question have electricity? XY.s ONO a, If No, are you requesting that the electricity be OYes turned on? ONO F 4. The building is sprinklered? ices S. O No operations will proaace dust/wood shavings or similar M, material? Oyes a 6. Operations will invotve the repair or replacement or JYes ' automobile parts? No if yes: w (a) Describe the components repaired or. replaced, ' (b) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame?: OYes NO t 7, The business is drinking, dining, or assembly use that will result in an Occupant load of more: than 50 persons. r'JYes 0 8. The fallowing best describes my operatiin; Office Only Retail Sales '"Ware�oG�se�, `ia"nuacturing/Distribution (describe process and end product) Restaurant 7Take out Foo Medical/Dental Other (describe) (0562D) E1219J'86} i� 7 , �I SUPPLEME TLAZ, :'.r MAT 4€ (Continued) Does the operation involve any of the following materi,ls? OYes Mo If Yes, indicate quanta ties: Material Quantity 1. Flammable liquids Class I -A - Class 1-i, Class T-C 2. Combustible liquids Class 11 Clasa III -A F 3. Combination flammable liauids ! 4. -Flammable gases S. Li cquefi,wd flammable case. 6. Flammab]e fi.bera loo8e 7. Flammable fibers baled 8. Fla.mmable solids 9. Unstable materials 10. corrosive licrui.ds ' 11.-oxidizing material - gases ' 12. Oxidizing material liquids _ e 13. Oxidizing material w- so id. , 14. organic peroxides 15. Nitromethane (unstable :nat-erials) ` 16. Ammonium nitrate- ' 17 Ammonium nitrate compound mixtures containing more than 60nitrate by ,weight--- 18. Highly toxic material and poisonous gas 19. Smokeless wrier 20. 'Black sporting ,2owder I hereby certify that the above information is true _ + correct to the best of my knowledge'. Signature �� DaIte (0562D) (12/8/86)