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15131 Triton Ln - CofO (53)
- ,. .. L� __. - - _._-_ __.-__..4 _ ... _.�_._� - - - ..._�...�.�w�__.,..�,� i-�w���1_Mwi�_Y .YriJJL-ri...•`.ird�l��_ - •••fir.-��.ai[:Yeu,.���Irr .al�lwi��iYrYWk Y�tl�LJ jai AAf'FLiI.A'i"R OR G i TlpiCAtE OF OCCUPANCY i ,t= 6tV OF «U0140066EACi+ ; Dt A4tjP E 1 r 4F. ptVFiA�'iV EkT $1111 /ICES t ,trr rr�+ctn*t tcuctf (PAINT on TYPE ONLY) DATE, Adiiress W �� �_1 _._ 't-`_ .}1 �_.:_ % . "t7ittriCt Bl:sinesi iVarri© Pi�.-� C-�'•5� ... t..�.._. !"/1`J'/ l �__-___� _ _..____---__- Tel. Busineis Tyre_L _ _ _ _ _ _ Occ. Group- f 8u1LDiNc3_OWNEA ft� 1(;v T MANAGER Name _ t Name_Joe� Mobn - 1 •� �. 2007 Y,,Cttt Mischief' f Address r� �4f ' 1.�L��'�_L�_ w j_ .... Address _._. ?�. S t �C ir`i d pity: Tel. clay . _....c - n��:},, �.--}c�r� T1, .._? } 7 fSfr U Wb�f D`EiE'bCSON113FD AS: =� N Vili.1±'CtJNSTftUCfi D LD�i. CHANGE OF OWNf~f3 `'L9 CIIAlvdE`OF C?CCtJf'AR!'C EXIS`fha(O f f�if+fG CkAWGE' -'U!s ADDITIONAL OCCtIPANT Indicata former ws+` `it an y _ _ j .�• . _� _ _ Y. �_ _ ..:.. OcCu dne Car. _ _ _ Spiv. NO 10E: 1. f�cru ency of any t��filtfiit is pr ihit ited and a° businets"iicenso will riot be issued '6114il th6bfil ding tta beera:inspe6ted dill a ccrtificaWcof occupancy is issued.. 2, Na'eie trit~ai service 'Will be> released for -any existing:building W til `ttic service has been ins ecteri and certified safe. Ali ai5plicetits fpr accupency n an existiric bUHrf1' a`re`reg sire"'it to schedule an ,. , , - i¢ctrica{ fuse up Inspec�:un in the` Uepaftment' of Q60 Opment Services at the tiiiie this cpplica tion it fiieii. 3. Chaitga `bt`oct iriartey or use.-iti#p otion fee �yVhe`never it is kcess��~f! to rriake it spe,.tian`cif a iny,nr;premisAs in nrd r``ti� ttetefrr lne: if a ehange ►tiny be`'mnde in the�eharacter cif occup ney or use of the`tj[iiiriir g"tir 'premises which wdu d place tfte`bIiiir ing in a` itfferertt division grog�p cif occb6anoy dr in a ciiffere�nt I'oi�f� of occup`aitcy, a than je of ©ccUpancy inspection lea cat 30 0L� shall be paid to the city. t g 4. H i `it s gtii Beaeh Fire Code Sdaldh 10 2 f3°re qutres'tfiat titiiidin `itumt�crs roust be a rt i it'n . : of=fii ir'(4) inches in height with one half`IYz1`inclt`stroke, and of a contrasting collar from the back- groitnd, T'hese`-numbers rriust' be posteWdIn your t uildirtig`in a Iiicattc it'that is visible from the street..: 5. Nuntii 'tb i t3each Fito 'C de; SaCtI6h 1t7.3f 1' requires tire e�tti *',s1her sAt tic nand disttib thin ptir`the National Fire Protect16nr AssOdiati6n'parr;i?htet 10 (see`reVerse side 4. �3t1� W�T�TfIN��� Ti N � (FOR'OFPICE`f1SE ONLY) 1,l SOUNAE FT.'OF Btfil ING _�_,_f �_--1-.- --_— _: PLAN CN[ CK NO. __..__._._ _._ NO: 'PARKING SPACCS--_---- - OCCUi'ANC3Y GnfjjjP PERMIT i:4. APPn-(YN7AL y _ rJCCUPANT LOAD _ ��' _ _. _: _____._ AGMIN. ACTION . ___ ;_�_._.-_-___ TILITIE _LFA51=D yy.t., __ �t ii.: t.� Asti Gt�`,%iC°rA tip, .ti �ci.• __ __-- -_ CERTIFICATE OF"OCCUPANCY FL�L APf'f O EO`8Y DATE `CHANGE OF'OCCUPANCY FEE TOTAL t .. 7a-n39nev. 41SFitVft:i�: i, ' t, .. _, _ _ _,-;r..,. _ _..... .. _ _ . .. .._._..._.._.. .. .-- _..__... .. _�._...... .�.... _�,.._wr.. ........ ..emu—__ __'_ir_aru.st.ru.e.. .�3.rr.rri�`.a. L'�`�.� �r+�1YlrYrifriYYVdy�• - -- _'1, t et ctricai` fuse d"O inspection in`tha D&0artt reht of'i)&4eitsPmeet ce a do isfiletl... !. x. 4, it: �sQ ins echo `fee. 'Whenev ii Is no?"essa+y`tt��ti'i ke ir►spectirib of a tiU 3. Chali�a ofcCUP8ncy o - p , . ,. ;ije`if"chars' a maybe rrmade'i�.ite`charactertf occ'tia�cy'br use , _ irjgscrrerties 1n �rrder tb tleterrtt - ;. { v, cif the .l+df ng car pre�`►lses h w�U;d'"fil�ee the bttiln a ���f��e�+t4 r'livis;�511 bf 't�e s�rrie gt'��in ' of°`occ�ii=y or in a Jiffere'nt`{�t`oL1j�-i�fc�C�"ltpanGy, a:�harige of i�cCupaCY irspecti�ii fee sh11 bt paid`to the ctf Y. Cone' S+ectltin 14.108' rQgttit es- that i �iitfliY �bMbers rr� t be t ii fi m ;4. 1-Atirtb Beach dire ., a�i `%f' `ci5ti lrastli� zslor fitSiYl tiye'bad k- f' fci�lr �'ii ches i,r Yfici ht wlth` cane half'(%) Inch `stroke, , } o t r., edtittd. These'rivitibers triust tie`i�osteti t)n � 6ur tiiti�diftoln a i00464 tihat is vislble frost tine trcet: Beach sire Coda Section: 10 tegtiires"fire a `t fi t"i'shet' selection grid distrf �ttinn per the h©tiorai Fire Protectidii Association pamHiiet fU"{sea a Frye si�ie�: _ j IFOLi 0PPiCE USE ONI.Yj SCIPPLEMEf+fTaL il�FtfU1A'TlC1N SO1lAriC FT: d I3 iLDl 1G w _ .E' ° '.- -_ .. PLAN CNrCK NO �__v____ NQ. Pl�fti<#i�f0 SPACES - --� �_____— _ -�.. '4EALTit of T. A°'1v1�,.- pCCt1i`ANCY GROUP _____w__._ ,.. _ -- pEN►tT NO: - l�_' OCCUPANT LOAD ADMIN. ACTION U�iL iTiES RELEASED tit' OF Sl'd01 '" - v s, Ui'AN f f� G(:C f � ii�tiCA T E`O f�Eft'i APPfiOVED�t3Y _ DATE CHANGF. OF"OCCUPAitiCY PEE TOTA t, 76.039 iiEV.