HomeMy WebLinkAbout15162 Triton Ln - CofOs-r _---- - -------- _._____ j I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON RFACtt OtPARTMENT OF DEVI LOPMENT SERVICES �Date HVIINGION tlrJ1CN 4� Address 1 Business Nae m Business Type ._,� :_ __.. ___ _.. i _� -_:-.. -- Oce. Group BUILDING OWNER -_'—_ 04YM11Cf�/A4lltVllG�fi Nama Name . _ ____. -_ _ . • ' , Md(ess ._____.__.:___---'- _--;.__, _.._.__.____.._._—_ -------- Ci4y� Tel. __ ___._.__. _ City .__ ._. _�'_�. _.-.--- '..__� __.�': ��� Tel. Construction__Occupant Load Nofire: This Certificate of Occupancy DEPARTMENT Oi f)EVCLOPK9EfdT SEAVICI±S SHALL BE hosted in a conspicuous Place on 'ttte premises and shall riot be removed except fiytitE~`BuitdingOfficiai. t,y_....___._-.___._. _.__.. s !! F .i. 9 a -�l d - l: �o '� l- S.. f. PLICATIO FOR CERTIFICATE: OF OCCUPANCY Cit liunting't`on Beach Department of Develapine"nt Services *OR APPt:iGANT 'IO'i ILL IN (Print or type only) `DATE _l�� ' y t1�,, _198l2. App1icafl:6h is hereby made for a Certificate of 1OccUP6ncY fora: �• � CLTNTCAL LABORATORY (IVCLbb'ING 6PPICES) OcC l L6h Gr•..- Descri be - BUsibess Use - 1'�tYSICIAIvS & 8l3md# s 1,00.MT16AtT S, INC. To be k'n6*' n as ur,a phy3;.p1ans It fer6q-&e 'i,tg rafor Name of us Mess 151.62 TrIt6h T:ane, itilwtittzton 'gea6h, CA. 9261+9 (90LSA"90SINL'SS VA RK) B 0 s 11Es`—s 7wress 3 ?"1346 Vie StrFiits' ).n. Hui tin` -tor, 'Beach, CA. 0646 C6r'obrate Pres' lil6ht: Stanley 1..Ordway, , P Name: BUS E S OWNER Res de_nCe�ci^6ss---may-�i-p--- Rhone No. - E friers: (714) 842--7486 Resid6h%;o: (114) 964-6428 96L84' BUS INE`SS PARK _ &-`A 'MANAGEMENT 'C0. 5122 Bolsa HifltI,lip'tgn I3e ch, A. 9?.6_ :. 14 it 3 Address Z` ty zip THIS USE. ''NMLb`; E3E: I)MkIBIO AS: xxx Ne�,il Constrlicted 8ui ld`i ig [ Change of Owner] Charge of Ocet pant Cry y (� [:xisti'ng tluilding 1 Change of 9se Additional t)ccupalit Occu` ante Gr. Div. Indicate '6o 0_-r use if any _ __�� __ _ __ �_� �lccuparicy of any u ng s prb 1 to anci� a bu messcenS"i r►t issued uhtil the buildin0 `has been inspected and a Certificate of OccUliarcy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing. bbil'ding until the _ seM ce has been i r►spacted arid'' certified safe, A) `1 appl i cants for occupancy In an,existing building ,are required to schedule an electrical "fuse 'up" iitspei t;ion 'in the, Dapai^tment of Building and Community �DE:velo`pment at the time this application is filed. s � . CHANGE OF '`GCC0MCY'OR `05E: INSPECTION FE r Whenever i t i s `necessa ^y •L'o make %1 i n�pection of a bui l ding or. `premises in order to detef ibe if a change` may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building -or premises which would 'pl ate the bui l ding in a di ffert t di vi sion ' of the same group of ocedParicy . or in a different group of ocdpancy, a change of occupancy` nspection fee of $30:00 shall be paid to tiie City. -' i (FOR OFFICE use ONLY) SbPPLFMWAi- INFORMATION Sq. ft. of building_ __ 1 a Plan Check tin: ___._-_._.._.__.._.. .1--r.,, ,. too . Occupancy GroUp._._� Perrin Occupant Load Admin. Rrt i err? No. cf Stories�V_ No. Par -kind Spaces Health t)ept, Approval 1tz17 tIes Released �API 'R VET M t�E`EK- - CrRTIF!CATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE _...._6-.00_. CHANGEr 'OF OCCUPANCY OR USE INSr'EC1"I0N f"I TOTAL.; ...� (#75-039 ) d