HomeMy WebLinkAbout15163 Triton Ln - CofOY d. APPLICATION FOR CEI9TiFICATE. OF OCCUPA14CY } CITY OF h.UINTiNGTON BEACH 7- DEPARTMENT OF [DEVELOPMENT SERVICES HUN;,rK,100 BEACH I 2iw11r>7i�#r'lk1]�El ... '� L..{a'3`P��1.11a�c°CFt� ....�....._. DlsiCiad..._... Add}os Business Na.Tro._.._.—k. �} _ .cam+ � — ��� �, ��r� ...,._.,�-j`!r� � FtSrFr2.r'"Ta r'p(t.���, 7 ac Graup...-�— Business . kA BUILD NO OWNFU atNESS tJVINFR+k1f,IJAGFn l Name— Ftorne, I -7a Lf t. 't"rP 'n! 7YLr 6- �}r . AIdIU,S Address _ _ } �4r•fYlfi+4YC�e^< Home Gib I THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: fl r }- r-HANGE OF QCGUPANT 0 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED Bt CG � CHANGE Of CtWNFR � EXISTING BUItL)MGi CHAP1!xE aiF li4 i_ f AI7L,tTIONAL s�C CUF'ANT Indicate ibrnier tlse, it drsy... _.___ _._ _ .__.._ a a Soup. ,RF FT F iFl:l(d n MC}rrh andand. % a ire Itr. r ,r will not tie !ssjjefj until tie; bUirfdint leas NOTICE. ' oc(;up�incy 4 } ; _ Y}r.Cn Inspci�*s fii)dai {"k>EtlfirHl..tt t}:,Gt9%�t?i�'�1 Ir t .,�i._d. No electrical StFIiDCB V'.kII �e r�+(: a .ir,� for anv r x $M9 �?liilk'�t'aQ-.41i"illi ttTt?_ SF iytf;�ai8ii .��5'';n Insp.G'ceci i'ai fif;it SlCf� i ifE'• Ai4 aI�I C•�xFit`> i}r G�:;'i. :iii;y' In al, ` x,.>l'Et"tt; t?irit(Iing are r (` isred 1p � whediaEe an E:t@ctrtwal !ns to 'I100 it I i t' 1< r4 }}t+F I of I, i(,-vetojo;li'yr l [a rVi H i ttlf taliF£> t i:S applicalion1 :s filed. tklws': UrD IJ C V) t 4 Change of occupancy or use insp�'Gtton Ie r L�Ifa� au tar r c , n < ,�dty� jr) , r N In p� cht�dt of a bs;idrlittg or rrrrlrSe,; 1P order tt? a char''„}ti mayt..:.m di ,a tilt charac,�c�r of G'yCy�Gp#,7y{�3?'1.nCj� or iiS�i of Ilik.' r j Yi t}4 S F 4 yFC}1Y(1 of LC31I% iriC ;t bu;1ding or r� ni a» WIti,-,h tirr �ICf ttYt }1,�srfln ,rl t>e #�rr�s>t di i ;(}.lct i1rc 1±� O11i r Fl". �Ctu r fl! C{ CJtr ir.,aj, a I rT. r,t occur ancy "16pintion fee C? V ,hail be paid .fa the r,..t`r eI. Huntington Beach Eire Code Section If. 20 It' z,1rF= t at Pal3ii ; Cry rs^ to � ` rrr��t tae m+rairnum gat IOur t r<a) at %flC . i ! r .c3h tvilh 0''e halt { r.. 1 i1jot t>ir aka, land of a GinJF,a{:ltri49 C()!or from the background, These F?URibE r SlU'_'3 L)o, pc tee on 1(ok.jr huitai" � t 3 Io xa Wj ti ut !S V#5It)1 t6O i tli > tr 8t I` 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Sec s➢on Ir � i ,= ire t r� ex inguish osuclbon anr� di tnbut;Or' per the I,43tior'ai Fire Pro lection A,,,ioc; tion pafnp ntet 1(i , vr. rever9s. side) (FOR OFFICr, U'iE ONLY) SiIPPL' IVf1ENTAL INFORMATION _ k_�fl l I9rC tF LOADFj� 'Wi3 PARK NC PRC S OCCt3pANCY GROUP'f' _ ,��F3C1T NO, I `=At Ta I OEP t'. A �P�C JAi , --� - — (_. ...— ;C;(;UPAtli' ..._ _rrrS u nl,r trit AC I I0N � UTII l EI E tfil: t N(; OF 5TOPI1 S _ _ w � (I�rrl l;AtF inI (�r #aAls v f E _ f uiATL C HANGLz OF Lil, )R tIWx ,U ANG'y FF.; �,PP110VED=TC)TAt w �/ `1 SUPPLF, MDNTAI. INFOt7,4ATIr l r BUSINESS ADDRESS �ti�� � 7 � I �3 Tki �r&m LAA4 44 IS— (�0'9244i 'ersotl to contact 4,n case of emergency:y Telephone numbers 3 Does the building in question have electricity? p yes z a. if No, are yourequestingthat the electricity be turned on? C7 N is Oyes ONO 4. Thebuilding is sprinklered? Yes Operations will produce dust/wood av sbin s or similar material?' g ONO ayes 0 vo 6. ' Operations will involve the repair or replacement of automobile parts? Dyes W o If yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. (b) Does the operation involve the use of an o pert flame? Oyes ' 3 (3 4o 7. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that Will result in ' an occupant load of more than'S0 persons. dyes ONO 8. The following best describes my operation: Office Only etal sales Warehouse � ��� �� Manufacturing/D-i -r��utior (describe process and end. product) Restaurant Ta`R 5u2 -oo Medical/Dental Other `(describe) �rw , (OD62D) r 4 6 SU:. PLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Continued) Does the operation involve any of the following materials? Mes , WNo F' x Yes, zn icate chant t s material Quantity 1. Flammable liquids Class I -A Class I-B Class I-C 2. Combustible liquids Class II f. Class III -A 3.`<Combination flammable liquids 4 4. Flammable 'gases �lrctr `" 5. Liquefied flammable gases 6.-_Flammable fibers -- loose 7. % Flammable fibers balm 8. ,Flammable solids 9.'Unstable materials 10. Corrosive liquids 11. oxidizing, material - gases 12. oxidizing material - liquids 13. Oxidizing material - solids 14 g4nic beroxides 15, Nitromethane unstable materials . 16 Ammonium nitrate ' 17.'Ammonium `nitrate compound mixtures containing more than 60% nitrate by weight 18. ` Highly toxic material and poisonous ;gas 19.`Smokeless powder 20. Black s2orting powder I hereby certify :that the above information is true and co, ict .to tb,e best of my know) ,dge. t Signature -� Date (0562D) 3 t12/8/86-) i�