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15131 Triton Ln - CofO (111)
HUNTINGTON BEACH CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 020 a b CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION (3d Floor — The Applicant Must Apply In -Person) t Business Address /5-/ 3/ 7 4 /7yW G'✓ / 2- Date 2,11117 Business Owners Name '77517J,*? IM Z Ct V A Zip Code 'IZ 4 q? Business Name1,144fIgIffi 50.AO G/&1:T Telephone No. 7 /-/ a `I 3_5-13 0 Business Type (AJ 1 , G 5-A-Z-4-r Bus. Phone 7/ 1-/ 330- 0 Property Owner Information (required) Tenant/Emergency Contact (required) Name 6 GG-Sh 44514 -,/-SS 09"e L4 C Name :7 ,,n tS GG'VA Address S/'-/Z 8t)45/- AV& 1' /0/ Home Address 196SI '�G577�.c�Cr L,v. City/,�ifn, f, 6C-14, State/ZipeW . 1 z4 Y % City &,,d-, ,bc/L State/Zip �71 9ZG Telephone No. 21 V S11 9 " Z 7 1 1 Telephone No. '7 / ('/ 310 - C) ?- 16 THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: ❑ Newly Constructed Building or [J'-xisting Building IS THIS BUILDING FIRE SPRINKLERED? FYes ONO CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Change of Business Owner ■ Indicate former type of busine e of Occupant ❑ Change of Use ❑ Additional Occupant G,'tv per-% ■ Are you requesting that the electricity be turned on? 9Yes ❑No ■ Will operations produce dust/wood shavings or similar material? ❑Yes Oqo ■ Will operations involve the repair or replacement of automobile parts? ❑Yes Flo If yes: Describe the components repaired or replaced. ■ Does the operation involve the use of welding or open flame? ❑ Yes Mo ■ Will the business be a drinking, dining or assembly use with an occupant load of more than 50 persons? ❑ Yes ENO ■ Will there be storage racks, gondolas, or shelving exceeding 5feet 9 inches in height? ❑Yes polo ■ ThVollowing best describes my operation: ❑ Office Only ❑ Retail Sales ❑Medical/Dental [!?Warehouse /Manufacturing/Distribution ❑Restaurant/Take-Out Food ❑ Other ■ Will any meat products including beef, poultry, and/or fish bee cooked or fried onsite? ❑ Yes 2NO If you answered yes, please proceed to the next question. • Does your facility currently have a grease control device (i.e. grease trap or grease interceptor)? Check one: ❑Yes Flo For Official Use Only Occ Group: Area: 2t25D Occ Load: Occ Group: S— ( Area: 3 ly Occ Load: 1 Occ Group: Area: Occ Load: Total Sq Ft Occupied: No. of Stories: 1 TIF Review: Y/ N Bldg. Permit # Entitlement #: Zoning: ff Planning Initials: CW Date: 2 u Building Reviewed By Initials: mW Date:9/ 1/14. Conditions of Approval or Other Notes: N6 twyhc 94� paopogv Ty IQ%4-%vyL Tfw" ri S?*c*_ . "*w&f: OF 0CCkF44r er4l,H . SMne Ulf AS, FaMtyt u1F Grease Interceptor Verified Inspected By Initials: Date: v�sx� 13uS�ti��S /�Cra�2 it LGC. Sl yz s�4,5 / V! l�Ado Department of Planning & Building 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 19 Phone: (714) 536-5241 Fax: (714) 374-1647 Occupancy Application Property Info 15131 Triton Ln 102 DE RA EVERE77 J 15131 APN 145-014-54_ Certificate of Occupancy Application Application Binder Num Street Unit Bld Job Address 15131 ITrfton Ln 102 APN 145 014-54 RD 2910 Zoning IL Lot Tract P0128 Block 49 File Number COW 02013-005493 Yes 02013-005779 Yes 02013-005939 Yes E2014-001074 No 02014-001080 Yes 02014-002878 Yes 02014-003435 Yes 02014-006492 Yes E2014-006499 No P2015-000767 No 02015-005354 Yes 02015-006187 Yes Entered By lBolls, Derek Default Inspector Ford, Bill Permit Type Certificate of Occupancy Origin lCounter Date Entered 08/26/2015 �� Status Issued Issue Permit? Date 08/26/2015� Issued By Permitl Building Use -City 1 Planner Cortez, Joanna Building Use -County ' New Building? Plan Checker Lee, Eddie ' Description """"RITE 0-LITE OF CALIFORNIA, INC.*"' Internal Notes Certificate of Occupancy CofO Number CO2015-006187 I Choose Print All CofO Type Permanent �) Fees and Payments Sheets to Issue Inspections Issued By Permitl Single C/O CofO Status Issued CofO Date Issued 08/26/2015 Temp. CofO Issued Date Printed Utility Release Date Temp. COFO Expiration 08/26/2015 License Number Business Name Business Type Business Phone Proposed Use OFFICE / STORAGE Former Use OFFICE / STORAGE Conditions Click the << button to copy the Business License information into the Certificate of Occupancy. Business Licenses Business Name A197956 A-MED HEALTH CARE CENTER A118666 C B S DECK COATING Al58872 ACTION APPRAISERS A048828 LYNCH CONSTRUCTION INC Approved Occupied Area (Sq Ft) 740.00 # of Stories' 01 Change of Owner? Elec. Available? Drinking t Dining > 50 Occupants? Ell Change of Use? Want Electricity On? Welding / Open Flame? Change of occupant? E J Sprinklered? Automobile Repairs? 0 Additional Occupant? Dust / Wood? Auto Parts Desc. Occupancy Group/Load Group Description Area Construction Type Occupancy Load B OFFICE 430 5 B S-1 OFFICE STORAGE 430 310 5 1 Group Definitij Business Use - Building or structure, or a portion thereof, used for office, professional or service -type transactions, Iincluding storage of records and accounts. FIRE �9 wUN D 1909 Business Name: HUNTINGTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 2000 MAIN STREET - HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 536-5676 - FAX (714) 374-1551 FIRE PREVENTION — BUSINESS DATA SHEET For new Certificates of Occupancy Olt- 0(0 fob Fire Only File #: FP: Start Date: r� Business Address: /�� 3 % 1'1 Z� G.� �. 10G q ,7 Number Street Unit Zip Code Billing Address: ❑same as business P V. A ©JC -2,gu6 , Al"'t. 13614, Z/� - U-61 � Business Contact:ZG—v%q Emergency Contact: / 2j7--,,'all5 Ze-l/i 7/ L/ 320- OL/(, % t/�1/�LG y d (24-hour) Description of Business: Name kJ.H OL-C, SAG G� Phone /�i'1�KAlo/.r.t. Email Will there be any of the following uses on the premise? 14�0 ❑Storage >6 feet If yes, describe: _ ❑Welding ❑Special amusements (escape room or similar) El Motor vehicle repair Will there be any of the following equipment (E =existing equipment, A = adding or new equipment) Dry cleaning - list solvent _ Industrial oven - list fuel Propane patio heaters -# of heaters, # of spares _ Cooking equipment (fryers, ovens, pizza conveyor, etc.) Backup generators - list fuel _ Walk in refrigerators or coolers - list size, refrigerant Spray booth or dipping tank _ Tents or air supported structure Grinding/milling equipment that creates _ Fuel dispensing (including storage tanks) combustible dust _ Carbonated beverage system - list total pounds of CO2 If yes, provide details (e.g., number, fuel, size, etc.) Does the building have any of the following features (E =existing feature, A = adding feature) _Sprinkler system _ Other fire suppression system /Fire alarm system _ Smoke detectors _ Other detectors (e.g, methane) _ Other alarm system _ Private fire hydrants _ Battery systems Fire pump _ Methane barrier or other methane control installed If yes, provide details Does the business handle any of the following: YES NO 55 gallons or more of a liquid hazardous material or hazardous waste. ❑ 13' Compressed gas (or liquid/cryogenic equivalent) of 200 cubic feet or more ❑ Camr Inert compressed gas (e.g., argon, nitrogen, helium) of 1,000 cubic feet or ❑ @' more. 500 pounds or more of a solid hazardous material or hazardous waste. ❑ p' Extremely hazardous material or radioactive material ❑ 9`1 I certify, under the penalty of per'ury, that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Title: aL-Vi4/d7-1 Date: 2 / / EMMN-0i _. South Coast Air Quality Management District - 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 a (909) 396-3529 • http://www.aqmd.gov Air Quality Permit Checklist California State Law Code 65850.2 prohibits cities from issuing an occupancy permit to a business without clearance from the local air quality agency. This checklist will determine if you need to obtain clearance from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). Company Name: P&7444,51— Property Address: City: /f y-,7-14-& � Contact Person: %�143 Z-4--VA Zip Code: 472 G i 7 Title: G W/X/44K Type of Business: rioGCrS�i9L < Telephone: '7/ V 330' U 2—/ d Fax Number: — e-mail address: ' LG--"1//i ve--?Fz/ Z- Applicant (print name):�fi" 745 2- 04- Signature: Date: • Will the facility have any of the following equipment? Yes ❑ No [ Charbroiler Dry cleaning machine Spray booth Printing press (screen/lithographic/flexographic) Internal combustion engine greater than 50 HP (excluding motor vehicles) Boiler/combustion equipment (greater than 1 million BTU/hr. maximum input) Abrasive blasting cabinet/room Baghouse/cartridge-type dust filter/scrubber Motor fuel storage and dispensing equipment • Will any of the following operations be performed? Yes[:] Nopl/, Application of paints or adhesives Etching, plating, casting, or melting of metals Molding, extruding, or curing of plastics Mixing and blending of liquids and/or powders Storage of acids, solvents, organic liquids, or fuels Production of fumes, dust, smoke, or strong odors If you answered "No" to both questions, this checklist is your clearance from AQMD. If you answered "Yes" to either question, you must contact AQMD to determine if air quality permits are required. If permits are needed, AQMD will assist you in submitting permit application(s) and then provide you with a clearance letter. You can call AQMD at their Small Business Assistance Office at 1-800-CUT-SMOG (1-800-288-7664). -2- NG*