HomeMy WebLinkAbout00000BUILDING PERMIT �i"!t.otNf---l4 r CITY OF ►iUNTINGTON BEACH AK1i9PLsS � � E �� tc� �y L)EiAPTMFNT . r' � " 1 L OF : Vvfl.OPMENT SF,RYICFS .4, �Vri"Ttt�+CyTr`4 ►,+ efy9 e BOY 14C CALIFORNIA 926q� 4 v mid. 4'd@i r -- �bsri Grr t.�toad AM -r .-_. Move- suo- Srtl4hll:Y/�� �t5�ea.h'�',1L,. ., .vlr r p I caps: - d -- ! tnspaclYrsn ReewC - v-.. r y t7 W C3 3: 0 M fi !U n9 C7 A r • tD O 7 Y. h K` Cn (D n tR N- sr f0. rt PC"CL J h tD t wcr Er, tl 7 f 3 f r O 'G Y• h f - Y• C7 O rr m (`g {^ t* t0 r•; • �• S3 W _ 'C5 x.•w Y't' J rl" A� O ::5 0 N N At ri s' I Yell• tU C t�'1• 4y I� rr f�- rD En '3 a (D CC. m W (D � {j I-, (D Y- K; � CZ t-t L]< ct � � �• rt rr O {D t3 kv+G O rr m(D. a$. rS Imo.:c CD + Gt: Y. L�1 rt O to rr ri 4. 1 ru Oµ. O G n O (D 0 X7 Q to 01�-1i lD m O m v t j;P L HUNTINt-�J-(),N LNNUNIARK ADI-J I (0`&1WNY1! Use Permit Agreement Form for Common Area Improvements From: The Board of Directors a the Architectural Committee March 19, 1987 Mr. Paul G. Vagnozzi 8777 Tulare Drive, f4089 Uuntington Beach, CA -,2646 RE: Request to install a window in bedroom #1. Per conditions of approval by the Association for the above work, I am submitting this letter, notorized as requested. I hereby certify that I, Paul Vagnozzi, shall be responsible for the proper maintenance and care of a window in bedroom #1 described above and added by me to the common area at 8777 Tulare Drive, 408B, Huntington Beach, CA 92646. If at any time the Association deems that the said window is not being properly maintained the Association shall have the right to have the property restored to its original condition. This restoration shall be performed by me within forty-five (45) days of written notice Zrom the Association. If not perforn�ed either timely, completely or satisfactorily, then the Association shall have the right to take actions necessary to complete the restoration at my (the Owner's) expense. if the Association is ever put in a position of defending any Laiability claim arising from injury due to the said window I will personally assume any defense and pay all costs of said claim for Liability. In the event that the property changes ownership, title or transfer of title prior to the close of escrow, a letter shall be recorded with the county recorders office stating, as in this letter, that the maintenance and liability of the subject window shall be the responsibility of the owner of record of the property in reference. if said owner does not agree to these terms and conditions the above -mentioned window shall be removed and the area restored to its original condition by the current title bolder prior to the close of escrow. 20880 OAKRIDGE LANE HUNUNGTON Avir - -Ai_zT7dPmtA 9*)646 Signature of hoiaeowner HUNTINGTON LANDMARK ADLL-1 ('0%04UNITY A Use Permit Agreement Fore; for Common krea Improvements Pg. 2 Mr. Paul G. Vagno%zi 8777 Tulare Drive, #408B HuntingtDn Beach, CA 92646 State of California) SS County of Orange L)n March 20, 1987 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said State, persona13y appeareZ Mr. Paul G. V j4nozzi personally known to me or graved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person_ whose name —is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same. Witness my band and official seal. Signature -!ANc7 L SIA7r MNGE 00U�';�Y my Comm, �Xpiras jUN 2-1 1587'L? NAME OF LICENSED AND BONDED CONTRACTOR x 208hO OAKRIDGE LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92646 S November 25, 1986 & Paul V"agnozzi - 20 Wilthsire Dr. East Windsor, N.J. 08520 RE: Request to relcc:ute i-j Jo— of (TO BE DONE BY A CALIFORNIA LICENSED CONTRACTOR) Dear ?fir.. Vagnozzi; The Architectural Committee has reviewed and approved your request to relocate your slicing door as described above and in your submitted plans. Attached is the Use Permit which must be signed by you before a notary public. Upon returning the signed Use Permit to the Mana!er`v Off -ice, the final approval letter will be issued. The final approval letter will allow you to obtain necessary permits (if applicable) from the city of Huntington Reach and begin construction. Sincerely, FO/RTHE ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE Sandy Meyer r/ General tanager St: dp cc: Architectural Coi,wittee 2ttfi§at oAkT DGE LANL 11UNIINGION i3EA H. ORNIA Sjq Use Perriit ??grepment Form r for Common .az._� Pg. 2 Paul Vagnozzi 20 Wiltshire Dr. East Windsor, N.J. 08520 State of New Jersey ) SS County of Mercy ) On r'ipt,mhf�r 1S. 1c)Ra;.__.____.. before me, the unders_gn,72d, a tiotary Public in and for the said State, parse. ally appeared, -kaui� u, ' personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence: to be the person__ whose name r subscribed to the within irstrument and acknowledged that —he executed the name. Witness my hand and official seal. Signature __,._.._� ti);10W (1AKRIDGL t:. INE lillNTINGI'ON BEACH, ti ;J-11 ORNIA 1)2o4t,