HomeMy WebLinkAbout00000.1'. � . . , : I - I ��, I I � I I � Y �� . . '_ _4�&.�. ____ � � I --- _­_ - I 1 ..., :.rF^.r ... .. «.,...: .-. ..z .r .. . . . :.... .. _.. _.-.. - k �m I��I.�II:�I����"I�����������������I: .., . ...-... y:. ,... , - u.t - at, i. m ,. -t . . , ., _ - I. II '. r � , , � . ., I, . I � II . < .,.. , ,;,, .. I - . � . IjI I..I�I�1�I . . . I I. I_ II-. ,� � I � II . I ��. I . . � I�- �:� _ .. , ., .-.I I �I_ -I �. .�.I.I I-�. I1 .�,1. , a. ,r, .I.I - . I� , 4 ti�Iizid 411'i3Ciiiiy 51t)`Cwilc;tzan:� Pad,~' - I�� I I1. , _" , .,. . . - ���- —kIo.I� — _....,.,_._.......w. , . _ . . .: . I .i-I. . v �� .. : . C. Roc1�s renter thail s"iX i,itch s's`ih di,lmeter shall °be : kn tifszee, or P:lacecln acrrrirsce• wfth thy► reGofiw ,, . _-. - mend ti iris' of the Sol is t;n.glneex in x : s d�s� "in tecl �, 1 . :. able;.£cr'Yock' iii.sposn. .�Qetalls for rock,> ispb al suit I �. is't�airG cotrt`,.rcntPge, of. rack such ns la titian, me P. : I �1� .II . i.l cea,"-etc , 'will' tie -re fa rred .lto bi the ` Tdric�.�ts i`a3 I I . - and'.Rie�orimendatiOhs��.;sect`�on °6f the sails report. � . -, I I f ticks ' eater than six inches ii'h d ar► Cbr .wer6 trc�. r . � anticipated„ in he", prl imin�rY st�3'lsrt�3: gebl``ogy "report, . j .. rock` +�ispbsal rccort�nendatior�s. nay trot :have bien shade in . :. :. - '` "It' "COi"CluSit�i1S' #11C� CC}51.'�l nth t i15'� .�i t fih.: it hla . .!.-- ;: . C:3 iCs h Cantractor, shall f1C3L1� 1 .C�lt"' St���S �:i14;h, I if. docks re ter than six' 4i ches itt _di am,ter are en,coun- .. ter '8. .The Soils Eng£'heer will ` than prepare z ' I , _ I I.I.I. I eo►iandt�on or requus ` that st�h rocks be dispsxl r . . � . taken `offs ?tF. i . , D.ateri'nl ,I�I In ,, . that is spongy, subjeot `to cicR> o- othor+,ase t ' ©nsidered t hsuitable shall hot,'be a. ed in the 'cbnpacte"d " ��. r .�� 4te res+�►nta'tive samptes of =:trials to be 'uti.iied as P .` . cbmpat t'e i fill shalI''be ana?v`ied -` h the Iab6rAtdr:y bye -the` . Sails" bn�g nQ+er trot :dete}r{7in�� ho r -hysl� c- p`roperties`. . . 3 � - �C : a hy-tili.l �...i.F [�1 v ti�'.� i. ✓Ti it i�i 1 1 ���TLfi loi.ls 7Y l.hs L6d is .' III I�., . f.. c cis tered" during g:r ding, the apprap,, i.atay ,Analy Is' of € . this materil:sh,ll by cbnliicteti by tht-SozlsnQ;�neer �.1I as �U�Sn> as PgssIble- i �. �.�I­I -. i- .. . . .. iti ter al `used in :the carspacting; process `shasI 'be evenly ` sprcad, aiw'reci', processed and. cam�,act�d in thin" lifts , ,: . .. riot .to-, xceed: six`'ir'�.ct�,es in thickness to `tabtain "a` t�I . 11 II - - . - ., formly` csense l;t,• t : The fill 'shall bye 'i.l aced ,and cor- 3CCG'd r 3� hnr� zOntaI: p�lan�e � unless. ott"ie:..'? e. a��rUY�`t� : �G, . .. - .�7,I��.�� . " by `the SoiIs Engiheer.. . .. . C. . I+ the moistl.r cc�ntnt c r relativ:: dens it' varies ft'om �' II P r that, req`w.re,3 by 'the;: Soil's ` Fngirieer, the' Cont rae.tcsr sha. " � _ . rc�'rvr?�.'thCJ fiI1. until- i.t ins approved b;i the Soils' Ehg,nowr. .' .. . �I-.. . x . ��. : �� . . be r r net d to the itelat�ive 1 ci, c:r:inii-'and`� . Lich ' laver - . ,. . .. .shall . . is i S i1T. : coiit�'llt 5 ?�. 1Ifjed in CJtli':.Septf3 hher ��} i 7 , E'ttL' ' 3 I. 11, - 1... l) zs' A one tim- Standard 0 1 . .:.. I I.I .. _.. _-------- . ., '- .' ... .1, insne� tisan f the f 11 placement shall be .ibvxd"ecl b"y. ..�, .I� _ . t thF� foilsrt'inesr �li�rin`g Lhe�rogress of gr�diri�;".: -.I� - _; . :: t i tervaLs r,. In enera'i , c3et�s i ty tes �J. shot,ld` be mr�d a n fE'�i O, till hei, t' bf every 500 cubic I� . not C ��C�c}in�' tt+liJ' � . 'i'11 v�ry de eridin`g Yards t' fi i l `placed This cri Le ria . .. . -.. }� r}�♦ { `. .c nd, tic+ns -:grid' the si za of the job , In tiny . . o i i .7 if L .{. 5.. . r:.: - } j !. }} �rif o[ �de:,.i s l t�'';:..4Kas t s shall' ,' .' . . t. " .` .'. �:. " ... J . .. '' .'�� �' F �}t?. 1'; LC� tuber .1ie1:1 .. ,. ,: o yre is t , . aii aiiS.T....�ul r �. ',. ` . .. A tt��. }e� ! n T- } y� . t y. 2 tf an ^3 1 y t }. e t f: ..., mt�dG. .:-to 4J L.� i 4 -, Yy ` h.i j+. , thy;' cqu'l.T �..d�.- {1'{'if'tp a, 't~. 3. 1:, :J.s �(J_i: i''n. .. - ,� .. I I ... I I 4 ... .. .. .. .. ... .. - . � . � '• .. ; - � 1 I .. 1II.1 . , 1. .I I .I��. . rv. I I . .. ..., ,. - .:. ..,.. , . I�� 4 ' .I - .. I . � I. . - - - - f, . . - -- d. . .I— . . -', � 1 .. - i _ - .. _ IIIIlullIIII`fifIIfI lllllll lull itlIllsI IIII Il�IIIfI III I IIIII� IIIIII �I III II III II IIIIII IIIII III III III IIlI11 IIII fI I�If - ... - - ,+i_ may..:.✓-.-- - .' .. - .. -, .. ;. - .. fir .. - - _ _ .. .e . . + .. ... .. 1. - .1 , C'In(1.1rd Grad n« S06C I r Ica t bm s F e �1 k - -- - . I I. y `'i.. I. _ - . bet:sity tests stltiti�°it' Ai so :b tia(�f'1 t)�l,`t�1L' surface m`ate�. .'. - ' is l ' to e � 1' , -a s* Yot�uIve i by t he So i l s ` .ng ine - , : . , _ %'D; } � cleartot�t - bcos�ed '` rc a '+1 td' r co. ve f i 11 ,- ke . . A , : , I Y :' xoaft"ions;w subdra'ins ,�: rn;ri d�a must be r insp;1cted ditc, a '6V6& by 'the So Us Er gj .n r pri or f :; ., to lay i i an �i ill . : 1 t :sha11 `he `the C6n` e'�'Aq tor' s ,, �; : :: ' ,_ :. ...: r spansab�.X�t;y to'�otify t`he SiSils Ertgzneer ' h' such b : .. < -.- .- ' areds :ore ready for+ ` h pec t iott . . . . CIONSTRUC't ON ro\! S i t7� RATI6 S ti`osian eontral measures, 'jhetRriecessary,' stial? be `. . - provided by '`the C6ttra to" r during -a ing i"nic prior . = to the `completitn' andc hstruction` of `Permanent .,, draihage controls. _ _. R, tfpo eoleLian;if.;grach :nd t4rr�i'rt:t:ion cis abser`v- " `tions I y t}�e Soils : n, ineer. no ur her fiI�l.i.n or . 1. . excavatingI- ih'1:�ditig that necessar;' for`f'ootint�s, 2: .' ., _ . fottnci�tCiotss , Zarge tree:`�aE t Is, ret:� inins; t�ai l s dr oth .r fe:tcir` shall +hv p rforr` hcscit theprova`1 . or tfje Soils '.�iir.ecr ��r `irgr:eerin !;stiloC ist. , , ... Care shall, be taken;'by the Cor�tractar �iurziig final. ' . `; grading to p -os rve any' bents, "Arai"t hge term s, K ., . trCter eptor :;.ti•a`les,:or ot`rier dYvi`es o c a per,aahent' , - . . _. : % ` ri�t:ure 61 or 'adjacent to the'',property.. I . I .. _ . , e 3 .. . .. P . .. �, .. .. 11 ; ' -. . 1. _'. .. - ,, , . + . i ..... .. e. -- .. F ., '.... .. -. - - :f . ,. ,. > .r ..; _ :g .. .., 1:1 _ _ ,-: i",'. .: ', s . - . . -. — - — _. ti fi ,.- . I -.. ..1� .Ill - I- l� l. I I 1 1 I I I 1 l I ;- . . , - . __ _ _ ... - . R _ , _ . x _;. , ,.. �,.. .x ° - 1 . .. ,: ,. ' :: ,.. ,. _. ,. _ ...- . . . _ .. . rr . F _. - .. S' ,'.. i .. ,.% .. . r ' e i . :. . - _. ; . - . . • t. . , I. , 1J,3ck ScYiwarL?. . September 70 1:977 . II . ,�. "'b:64 . .t . . t 'III LATE I .II t, ., Sft�lftfFxVD TEST` `P'[�I` .'L4G5 F . - • _ II .. ,,. ` ,r ' - _ - - i : _ :7e§t• its *Vi;':re axaAV6 ed `bf Ali `iist 5 9`i7 ui ;i i a . bac} ioe. 56Me _q_ , ;. ,, occur r,ee' c tee t� s pica it rbi at "Abd- t 9 "feet b6low } 9 �:, . .: - ; I.; :: ` . � U ": . , . f1ae; ox�'S , flat �`ut ce.' `pit top ele nations '`wore. at SOX s-Ih . . � ,. ' czo id � atom III ii6r . pi't' i6catid s- sh6i4h bh; Plate `I, "8 to t'iairi", . °; ,' - .; c}Ur''Septemier 20., 1977: re ort:vo laboratory +�e5 °ifig.`tvas' fi6�he zi1e . - . - a 'ni ure °tif so`1muh° rrl`e, cat, Ftc) -•— - - I�P th T °te'rVaI� Soil Dhscri ton: Arizl 1L. ��� om 5`�frf (:fit: ) �lugsificl�t o% tU$ CSC i . K• , - .: . , . III r'@St':pig:' i •: - .. I ? .' '. . . - i I. '.a _ .. t , , t II ,: , d ;2 ulpcb'rtroile , ,uticbmpacted. :f,.l l', rtiritai iAii*l . : , _ x�alb'1e ' aid organics 2 ' I2 ?1L layers .or �evt aiir� silty, `ciajrey ssnds,. . Litc�,r"rioting vaYying * h . thicknessro' i t:o 4 feed. , , . -`' ,. �. _ , , ° . . t .. - 30ttom 'cif:` tesa pia .. .: , .,: :.:. . . . Test` P`a t TP 2 . , ; ., . `Q-=-7 iluGonb�ol�ieol� tineompacted fit ; 'cont~ iriing :- . ,` .rubble:arid carIT I CS. `7-16-"AltcrhAti`hq .cayer`s of1. peat and silty', cla�iey--s ha;- . -. ., .. Vary iii` hiek'ness` frrom `��. � to< 4 ,fe g i}n t . et. . . - ..` ' -' . . I. , _. ,. ,.. , , , ,. ;.Hot m of 'te pit. .. ; . to 't . , .. .. . . . .. - . , . .. .. . ,, . . . . .. s1.1.1. .- .. .. ,: - - " 1. e .5 . -'$If-') ilII r,( 'A* s r' tbS 3'itc;, - .. ;. . _ _ ' . .. — - .. _ .. .. - - C ,, i, -... .,mow - .,.. ..'-.. _ .' - - .. - L '. , . 'r t - . . - _ - _ _ . y - . . ,' _ .. '. .. {, 4 f -II .. ..: r .'. ._ .. n:�� _ `i \c .'-..�f -, TM!� • R. f _..T r. • . _�- . __ _ . _^_ _ _ � +...�w....r.w►�.-�..w..�.r�� - Ts�.'��.�w+l�.rwrr.�.r �...-► wa.rss��Ts��P� �d�f��a. r.... cvw.A�'w'� •n��7�lr+w�i� _. ... , , - ... '. 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