HomeMy WebLinkAbout18821 Delaware St - CofO (80)'75 l � � • JJ HUNTINGTON BEACH CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 0201 `1 - v CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Business Address 1 if Business Owners Name Business Name-- Business Type J / (3`d Floor - The Applicant Must Apply In -Person) IG� Lc1Cc!'e Wit- 4-10S Date J Z h g r- S S Zip Code gzro ,? 4 N x- 2 Telephone No. 71e/'4,s7-6, 3 3 % lee- U4i2 Bus. Phone Property Owner Information (required) Tenant/Emergency Contact (required) Name - r Name S /Z/ S S Address g8 w ife— D S Home Address // PIS, -no City-a-L State/Zip C4 ZjZ(,q&,'City ly /3 State/Zip 64 Z Telephone No. 310 - W c)( -1215-7 Telephone No. 7I11- 6,5 7- 4 3 3 THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: O Newly Constructed Building or Existing Building IS THIS BUILDING FIRE SPRINKLERED? V Yes E]No CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Change of Business Owner ❑ Change of Occupant ❑ Change of Use Additional Occupant ■ Indicate former type of business ■ Are you requesting that the electricity be turned on? ❑Yes WNo ■ Will operations produce dust/wood shavings or similar material? ❑ Yes +N ■ Will operations involve the repair or replacement of automobile parts? ❑Yes &No If yes: Describe the components repaired or replaced. ■ Does the operation involve the use of welding or open flame? ❑ Yes No ■ Will the business be a drinking, dining or assembly use with an occupant load of more than 50 persons? ❑ Yes 4 'No ■ Will there be storage racks, gondolas, or shelving exceeding 5feet 9 inches in height? ❑Yes &No ■ The following best describes my operation: ❑ Office Only ❑ Retail Sales ❑Medical/Dental. ❑Warehouse /Manufacturing/Distribution ❑ Restaurant/Take-Out Food 143 Other 1'> 1 ■ Will any meat products including beef, poultry, and/or fish bee cooked or fried onsite? h Yes Of -No If you answered yes, please proceed to the next question. • Does your facility currently have a grease control device (i.e. grease trap or grease interceptor)? Check one: ❑ Yes ❑ No For O icial Use Only. Occ Group: Occ Group: Occ Group: Total Sq Ft Occupied: l . Bldg. Permit # Planning Initials�Date: l Conditions of Approval or Other Notes: Area: Area: Area: No. of Stories: 1 Entitlement #: Use Permitted: Y / N Occ Load: j. Occ Load: Occ Load: TIF Review�Y,L i� Zoning: �j� Parking Meets Code (for use): Y / N Building Reviewed By Initialsffitk) Date: 144 Grease Interceptor Verified Inspected By Initials: Date: n i South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 p� ¢� (909) 396-3529 • http:// www.aqmd.gov Air Quality Permit Checklist California State Law Code 65850.2 prohibits cities from issuing an occupancy permit to a business without clearance from the local air quality agency. This checklist will determine if you need to obtain clearance from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). Company Name: L eaAe-e.--- and C L2 V �—' Property Address: I gg�� nn� ela/tjar`e_ 5-7/— /or City: eGLG Zip Code: Contact Person:Rre4 S S Title: (7zA)1? Type of Business: 62s rn e f!C P M u Telephone: 714 _ &S-7 3 3 7 Fax Number: e-mail address: j �0 Applicant (print name): S Rev SS Signature: { AP_4 1_rD Date: • Will the facility have any of the following equipment . Yes ❑ No— Charbroiier Dry cleaning machine Spray booth Printing press (screen/lithographic/flexographic) Internal combustion engine greater than 50 HP (excluding motor vehicles) Boiler/combustion equipment (greater than 1 million BTU/hr. maximum input) Abrasive blasting cabinet/room Baghouse/cartridge-type dust filter/scrubber Motor fuel storage and dispensing equipment Will any of the following operations be performed? Yes❑ No�_ Application of paints or adhesives Etching, plating, casting, or melting of metals Molding, extruding, or curing of plastics Mixing and blending of liquids and/or powders Storage of acids, solvents, organic liquids, or fuels Production of fumes, dust, smoke, or strong odors If you answered "No" to both questions, this checklist is your clearance from AQMD. If you answered "Yes" to either question, you must contact AQMD to determine if air quality permits are required. If permits are needed, AQMD will assist you in submitting permit application(s) and then provide you with a clearance letter. You can call AQMD at their Small Business Assistance Office at 1-800-CUT-SMOG (1-800-288-7664). -2- Department of Planning & BuildingOfil 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 c 1 OccupancyApplication Phone: (71.4) 536 .241 Fax: (714) 374-.16 17 18821 1 Delaware St 1207 GENERAL AMERICAN LIFE INS 18821 APN 159-262-05 Certificate of Occupancy Application Application Binder Num Street Unit Bldg Job Address F188TIDelaware St 105 APN 159-262-05 RD 3615 Zoning SP14 Lot U Tract Block File Number CofO? 02014-003068 Yes 02014-003954 Yes 02014-004613 Yes 02015-005804 Yes 02015-009518 Yes 02016-005906 Yes 02016-008526 Yes 02017-000336 Yes X2017-005512 No 02017-005547 Yes 02018-000518 Yes 02018-002890 Yes Entered By lWoo, Melanie Default Inspector (Coble, Russell Permit Type Certificate of Occupancy Origin Counter Building Use -City Date Entered 05/07/2018 Status Issued Issue Permit? � Date 0510712018� Issued By lPermit3 I Planner Cortez, Joanna Building Use - County Ljj New Building? Plan Checker tWLoo, Melanie - __e!a _.... Description VANITY PRO, LLC`*" BEAUTY SERVICES Internal Notes I . CofO Number I CO2018-062890)1 Choose Print All CofO Type Permanent Issued By Permit3 Sheets to Issue Single C/O - CofO Status Issued Fees and Payments Inspections CofO Date Issued 05/07/2018 Temp. CofO Issued71 Date Printed Utility Release Date Temp. COFO Expiration 05/07/2018 License Number Business Name Business Type Business Phone Proposed Use IBEAUTY SERVICES Former Use ART STUDIO Conditions IBEAUTYSVCSHELL Click the « button to copy the Business License information into the Certificate of Occupancy. Business Licenses Business Name A252828 SEED & CROP PHASE I LLC A174512 PACIFICADENTAL A169892 SUNDERRAJAN SOBHA M D A233872 REDDY ROHINI M D Approved Occupied Area (Sci Ft) 1,700.00 # of StorleSl l Change of Owner? Elec. Available? Drinking / Dining > 50 Occupants? 1_r Change of Use? Want Electricity On? ❑ Welding t Open Flame? JJJJ Change or Occupant? Sprinklered? Automobile Repairs? �I Additional Occupant? Dust / Wood? Auto Parts Desc. El 9ccupap/Loqd Group. Descriotion Area Construction Twe Occupancy Load B SALON 1700 17 B SALON 1700 17 Group Definitio Business Use - Building or structure, or a portion thereof, used for.office, professional or service -type transactions,