HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-02-08 - Quitclaim Talbert Drainage District FORM 1085 2M Affix 1, R. S. $------------------------
Quftrlaim Dub _cq
IN CONSIDERATION of One Dollar, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,- ___TALBE_R_T---DRAINAGE---------------------
DISTRT,CT, a Corporation
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
whose address is--Room...12_, Bank of America Building, Santa Ana. California- ------ Bank ------------ ----------------------------------Building,-
I--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------- ---------------- ------------_-------- ----------------------------
doe Shereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to---------IQ_l-------------------------------------------
TY of HUNTINGT( _N---aEA_Cji_,.__a-------- ...........
Municipal Corporation
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------
whose address is---Hun-t-Ing-t.on---ae_ach_,____Ga1if_o_rnAa------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- ----------- --------- ------------------------------------------I------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
all that real property situated in the----------------------------.-------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------County of Orange,
State of California, described as follows:
Parcel 1: That portion of main outlet ditch, beginning at the
intersection of the West line of the Southeast one-quarter
(SEj) of Section 1.3, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B.& M.
with the northerly line of that certain tract of land shown
on Licensed Surveyors Map filed in Record, of Survey, Book' 5,
Page 71,' in the Office of County Recorder, orange County,
California; running thence easterly and southeasterly, adjacent
to the northerly and northeasterly line of said tract of land
as shown on said map,, to the intersection of said ditch with
the east line of the West one-half (10a ) - of the said Southeast
one-quarter ( SPj) of Section 13, and being a right of way for
ditch purposes.
Parcel 2: That portion of Ditch No. 6 along the West line, of the
Southeast 6ne-quarter (SEi) of Section 13, Township 6 South
Range 11 West, S.B.B. & M. beginning at a point 1000 feet
South of the Northwest corner of the said Southeast - one-quarter
. ( SE-) ; running thence South along said West line to its inter-
-section with that portion of -outlet ditch- described 'in Parcel
1 aboveo and being a right of way for ditch purposes.
--our 40
---handS- -----------this- __th1Zd-__ day of--------------j1PV1T44;Y-------- ------------ -----------------------------
-------- -- -------11 ----------Pros-ident-------- --------
AffiFORM IOGS 2M . I. R_ S. $------------------------
kpitirlahn Dub
IN CONSIDERATION of One Dollar, receipt of which is hereby acknowle dged......TA--------LBE--R--T---D RA-------TN A---GE----------------------
DTSTRTCT, a Corporation
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------_-
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Room---12 Bank of America Building, Santa Ana whose address is__Room ----------- ---------------
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
do!P.9--hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to-----------C---I---T---Y------o-f-....HUNTINGTON BEA-C
- _ . .4.,_--a--------------------
Municipal Corporation
--------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------I----------- ------ --------------------
whose address is-Aliun-tAng-ton---Be_acb_,___Ga1i_f_o_rn-la---- ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
all that real property situated in the------------------------------------------------------ -- ---- ------- -----------------------County of Orange,
State of California, described as follows:
Parcel 1: That portion of main outlet ditch, beginning at the
intersection of the West line of the Southeast one-quarter
( SE-i) of Section 1-3, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B.& M.
with the northerly line of that certain tract of land shown
on Licensed Surveyors Map filed in Record of Survey, Book- 5,
Page 31,' in the Office of County Recorder*, Orange County,
California; running thence easterly and southeasterly, adjacent
to the northerly and northeasterly line of said tract of land
as shown on said map,. to the intersection of said ditch with
the east line of the West one-half '(1912 ) of the said Southeast
one-quarter , ( SEj) of Section 13,, and being a right of way for
ditch purposes.
Parcel 2: That portion of Ditch No. 6 along the West line of the
Southeast 6ne-quarter (3&1-) of Section 13, Township 6 South,
Range 11 West, SiB.B. & M. beginning at a point 1000 feet
South of the -Northwest corner of the said Southeast . one-quarter
. ( SE11 ) ; running thence South , along said West line to its inter-
section with that portion of -outlet dit6h. described in Parcel
1 above,, and being a -right of way for ditch purposes.
County of Orange, Ss.
On this--- — ._.day
----- - ................... 4.0, ----- ..........
--- -------------
19 - before me-
a Notary Public in and for said County and State,residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared--- ----------------- -------known
------- ------to me'to be the.- ---President, and-- -------- ----- ----------------- k...
to me to be the-------—-----Secretdry'of the corporation,described in.ar.id'.that executed
the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within n
instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me.that
such corporation executed the same.
-In Witness Wbereof, I have hereunto set my hand -and affixed. my official
seal, the day and year in this certificate first above wr�ittn.
- -------- ----------
----------- ----- ----- .... ........... -------------------
Notary Public in and f o unty and State.
On this------------------------------------.--day of------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------------- 19_ before me,-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --_._1---------------------------- -------------------------a Notary Public in and for said
County and State, personally appeared------------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------------------------------ --------------- -----------------------
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------I----------------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- -------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
known to me to be the person__--_-_ whose name._.._-___.............--------------------------------- ---------------------subscribed to the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged to me that------- ------------------ -----executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
------------ --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
[SEAL] Notary Public in and for said County and State
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