HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-07-01 - Deed City of Huntington Beach (7) Deed No.19.6---------------- Sale No.-----11?------------- Bill No.-..21.29...._-.-_.
Conveyance of Real Estate ,
Sold for Non-payment of Municipal Taxes for the Year 19...3.4__
THIS INDENTURE, Made the .... st..............day of .........Ju,ly........ A. D. 19_.40_-, between
- r
..............H_...I _...Grt nt--.---------.-----------------------.Cit"V=Collector of the City of Huntington Beach,
County of Orange, State of California, first party, and the City of Huntington Beach, State of
California, second party, witnesseth:
THAT WHEREAS, the real property hereinafter described was duly assessed for taxation in
the year A. D. 19__,34, to ..............Idary...L.---.11ort.on.............................................
and was thereafter on the___lat.............. day of ........July........... A. D. 1935... duly sold to the
City of Huntington Beach, State of California, by .........Cr,._.I`L._Gel.zer........................................
Tax Collector of said City of Huntington Beach, County of_Orange, for non-payment_of Jelin-
queni taxes which had been legally .levied in said year, A. D. 19----- for the year 19.34., and
were a lien on said weal property, the total amount for which the same was sold being ............
-------------------------- "I,. '--
AND.WHEREAS, the period of five years has elapsed since. said sale and no person has re-
deemed. the said property;
NOW THEREFORE, the said first party in consideration of the premises, and ir.,pursuance
of the ordinance and statute in such case made and provided, does hereby grant to the said see.;and party that-,certain real property in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State
of California more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
An undivided 1/2500 interest in Lots 1 to 20, inclusive ,
--------------31.Qa1- -12403---e11d... .._tea...20......z_nab-,us_ive......Sla-c!,�_1.404_.....................
T- d- �ts_nn�_s_-RAG.uhdi�Ti icn-.----a�q_pe.r---l�n-__V ere.of--r.�eaor d...........
---------------i--Hoczk__4,___p_P_gf 56,.._M_i ceI I P-xZP.au s--- f..............................
--------- ....Qr_a oP_.cI uxlty-•----------------------------------------------------•--•-------------------:-----------------------------------------•--------
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------=---------------------- --------------------------------------
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said first.party has hereunto set his ha�d the day and year first
above written.
-- - -- - -- --------------------•--
With City '&X Collector of the City of Huntington Beach.
-------- ---- ----=- -- ----- ----- - - --- ---------- ---
County of Orange, }ss.
City of Huntington Beach, )
On this' ls-t---dpy---of..July. in the year of one thousand nine hundred-__�'pr-ty--------------
before me -------C.. --__-_---_-----__-._-, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City--Council
of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange. State of California, personally, ,appeared
the within named ------H..... .................. known to me to be the Axty6ollecior ,of said;'
---- City-of Huntington-Beach,whose-name-is subscribed to- the-within-instrument,,and, personal y - .�
known to to be the person who executed the within instrument and subscribed his name-
to a�% Collector, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed Lhe same as such
Collector. _
In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto y han n aff' ed my official;Seal at my
office in the City of Huntington Beach, the da 7ea th' Cert' cate first�abov`e-written. -
.... . ......... .................................
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council.
Filed for record at the request of ........................................................................... A. D. 19..........
at ................ min. past.................. o'clock.................M., and recorded in Vol.....................of--------------------
.........................................•---•--•---------------------------•---- ......
County Recorder.
By. _.----•---------------•---------------- !
Deputy Recorder.