HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-07-01 - Deed City of Huntington Beach (21) Deed No._._186....__..___. Sale No.-------end--•---_ Bill No.-1959-_-- _
n an eReal Estate Co vey c of
Sold for Non-payment of Municipal Taxes for the Year 19.,A4...
THIS INDENTURE, Made the -----1.,91.............day of .....Jla..1x............ A. D. 19_.�_, between
..........Na-•.La__ G-ra_rit.................................. a:tY....TAXA Collector of the City of Huntington Beach,
County of Orange, State of California, first party, and the City of Huntington Beach, State of i
California, second party, witnesseth:
THAT WHEREAS, the real property hereinafter described was duly assessed for taxation in
the year A. D. 19.--34, to ........ i3.
and was thereafter on the-•-_1_at............ day of ---------jUY........... A. D. 19.M.., duly sold to the
City of Huntington Beach, State of California, by ....ETA.._TAR...GelTeX............................................
, —Tax-Collector of_said City of-Huntington-Beach,,tCounty_:of__Orange,-for-,non-payment:.of�delin- _
quent taxes which had been legally .levied in said year, A. D. 19_5A.., for the year 19.. 54, and
were a lien on said real property, the total amount for which the same was sold being .............
-----------------_---iPi --------Tim...and... 6-/1-00.....it jE#-.._-_ --------------------------------------_.--_ -
_______________ Dollars
AND,WHEREAS, the period of five years has elapsed since said sale and no person has re-
deemed the said property; -
NOW THEREFORE, the said first party in, consideration of the premises, and.ir. pursuance
of the ordinance and statute in such case made- and provided, does hereby grant to the said sec-
ond party that certain real property in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State
of California more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
---------_n._U d1Vided._TWQ.._.Ale,,n:ty-five-•hundredth_s._ _(,2�2�00�_--interest
in._-Lots___1•-to__20--inclusive . Block 1403 and in L,ts 1 to 20
i . lusive, Block 140+ ___ .,. J. Watson' s Resubdivisionnc _ - T
I� iseelleneous-_-l� _.. ,__-Re ords of Orange County, _ California.
----------------------- -------------------------•------•--•------------------------•--•--------------•--------------------------•------•-------------•---•-----•----...........
- •-
--------------------=-----------------------------=-------------•-------- ----------------------------------------------------------------•-----•--••......•--------•----......
- - - - ------------ -----.........•-----...-•-•-----•----- -------- -------------------------- ---------•--•--•- ---•-----•-•..••---
-•----••---- --------------•---•=----------------------•---•-------------•-------•---------•- ---•-------------------------------------------- ---------•---•-•---•---••--------
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said -first party has hereunto set his ha , the day and year first
above written.
W( C i ty�xx Collector of the City of Huntington Beach.
- -- ---
County of Orange, ss.
City of Huntington Beach,
On this l g_t___d,7_y... f__JUl V.. in -the year of one thousand nine hundred._!ortV_--_- --
before me ______C_ ___...... u3?r-____-----__---_-__-, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, personally appeared
the within named _-________H,...L._•-Grant known to me to be the olIector of said
. -
City of Huntington Beach,whose name is subscribed to the within`instrument and personally
known to e to be the person who executed the within instrument and subscribed his name
ggetd asC+ Collector, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same as such ;
In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hna ndred my official Seal at my
office in the City of Huntington�Eeach, the day( risc-ate above written.
` City Clerk and ex-ofl'icio Clerk of the City Council.
Filedfor record at the request of --------------=--------•-------------------•--•--•--•----•--•-----•............................................................. A. D. 19..........
at ................ min. past------ .._ o'clock.....:.:...:..::.M., and recorded in Vol.....................of-------_--_----_--
Page....-- ............. '
County Recorder.
Deputy Recorder.