HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-16 - Easement WACHS-ALBAN-JAFFE ET AL _ !V PAP 45 58721 LA'S-112 Right of Way No. Project EDWARDS STREET EASEMENT DEED sss For valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby,acknowledged, (X)We) HARRIET WACHS, a married woman, REVA ALBAN, a married woman, ESTHER ALBAN, a married woman, SYDELL ALBAN, a married woman, and ROSE J. JAFFE, a widow, each as to an undivided one-fifth interest a munici al cor oration grant and convey toCITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH,� perpetual ase t a P right of way for: Street and Highway purposes in, on and over that real property situated in the County of Ora.n.ae State of California, described as follows: The Westerly 20 feet of the Southwest quarter of, the North- I west quarter of the Northeast '° quarter of Section 34, Township 5 South, Range 11 west, in the Rancho _ La Bolsa Chica, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, page 13 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange o County, California. a g ,o 0 3 y _O f t I It is understood that the grantors grant_ only that portion a bove de rib Ian n whic tjihe.�ha�—an interest. 9C e va ,a Subscribing Witness Esther _Alban STATE OF CALIFORNIA' ) COtTRT- OF"-ORANPSE, � SS: _ Sy el A an On Feb. 16, 1960, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for J Jaffee said County and State, personally This Space for County Recorder's use only appeared HART WAC S, persoAU41y knolmn to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument as Witness thereto, who being by xne duly ;OK51`�S r ��2 orn, deposes and says: That she re- f des in Orange County, and that she was present and. saw Reva Alban, Esther CITY AT REQUEST OF Alban, de ' Alban and Rose J• Jaffee CITY OF Hilfd7{IGTON BEACH peraflall to her to be the same, IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF �d ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. Pero o�e „_ in and whose names a @ subs ? ' ` °t ,el. within and annexed 9:05 AM APR 4 1960 Instr k. "644t� :parties thereto, ex- RUBY MCFARLAND,County Recorder ecutWt asa 1 -el,jv%* he same, and :hey ackiWl� ed sid affiant that the xecus `tomes; and said affiant s FREE s ribed gT a thereto as a Witness ,WITNESS my han#--#nyl official Sejb-W c, ooNAMUE Y COMMIS ON EX°"'°S NOV. 3; 19b1 No r © y and State .dual) (Indi` 6 ..---��Q------ e xn ,tt'e°nder �ry r /A� F ....... R...O and State,P 'l 1(,l'�k ! QQ�j~ `t� ST ATE OF LALIF D,r1� exso.ally TZ County UN 0 said ....-�-- Oil- a Notary Public d signed, .! Feared g 5 n to a nme W p " W ------------ t scribed to the within t i.Ssub the same. ja �r' hse xxa' e ... ' h�.....executed a -------------- toerson. xat t r be the P and ac�"O'W ed o+ SScial seal instrumen hand And �.>.= t .t and State �ITNE far said Count axy Public in an j 9, �� :. N c p Nov s (Seal)... �QH SPIRES t 523 5-58 { MY �oMMissiON_ This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed bYhe deed dated February 16, 1960 from HARRIET WACHS, a married woman, P21ALBAN, a married woman, ESTHER ALBAN, a married woman, SYDELL ALBi, a married woman, and ROSE J. JAFFE, a widow, each as to an undiided one—fifth interest, to the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a muniipal corporation, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council of tl:� City of Huntington Beach on March 21, 1960, and the Grantee conseits to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: March 31, 1960. R By John L. Henricksen, City Clerk By . /eputy a- �a 'j r� bo V) a M .q � 3 ° �V 4L7 e f. vdt '�',✓c :�. r' .r��,m� '. "Js f' Y�Y"ry av F'v YF£• . KIMeeRLY 3-9321Land Acquisition Service KIMBERLY 3-5548 APPRAISING AND NEGOTIATION 515 SOUTH BROADWAY SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA February 23, 196O: Re: LAS-1121 EDWARDS STREET. City of Huntington Beach, City Hall, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California. Attention: Mr. dames R. Wheeler, City. engineer. Gentlemen: _ _ Transmitted herewith for acceptance, and subsequent recordation, by the City of Huntington Beach is Basement Deed LAS-112, executed February 16, 1960, by Harriet Wachs, et al, owners of property, which voluntarily dedicates: to the City of Huntington Beach the necessary easement for street and highway purposes over a portion of said owners land kaown as Edwards Street, shown colored in red on the attached map. _. If we can be of assistance in the recordation of this docu- ment please feel free to call upon us. Very truly yours, LAND ACQUISITION SERVICE A. Berest. AB/jcd/t Encl. `O� a� E-N'E:i� N:%I,Xo *XX O�: o mFjlNl!!ljljl" o -a, a x: 'g .o yj AM, x E.X%XNX "'N�% x N N o'I X.0 a o' K:1*i E N .1...... ..... M :�g K� N N. o.-IN -I', X XII N N R:X*� ......... '%.` %_\ � -% N, x g'.56 N.I il.. \\a-I'-'IN :go N I IN N%X I. g o. 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