HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-27 - Deed HUNTINGTON BEACH PLAZA INC II BOOK5363 PAGE 30JL �J�19 PLACE INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS IN THIS SPACE Grant Deed I.R.S. ------------------------------ (Corporation) ------------------------- ............. ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------­ HUNTINGTON R ------------- ---------­-------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------- --------- a corporation, (GRANTOR) FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. a municipal corporation, Does Hereby Grant To-.-.---.---- ---------------------------------------------------------­--­-----municipal - --- ................ all-underzround watersbeneath --------- - -- - ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- the real property in the----- -------City-.of--Iftuitington 3q�agb---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- County of--------------------------QrArgqt--------------­------------------------------------------------- State of California, described as follows- Lots 1 to 51, both inclusive, cif Tract as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 131, pages 17, 18 and 19, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, but without the right of entry to the surface of said land, or the top 500 feet thereof, for the purpose of producing water. INGTON B PLAZA, INC* Dated--- -------------....June 27,------------------------- - -- - ------------ on 6fit-------- ---- --------------- - I -------------­---------------------------------------------- ------ .Alba... ... .. ---- 0 e6 a--r'-y----- ------- --------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- ------ .........................................------­­------------------------------------------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SS. WHEN RECORDED, PLEASE MAIL THIS INSTRUMENT TO ----------- -- ------ ---------- ---- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---­--- --- -- ----------- ---------------- ­-- ---city----- ---19a......................... Onthis-------------10th--------­­------------------------------------------------------- ----gity---- -------------------- day of--------JUM----------------­-----------in the year one thousand ORDER No..-1873. CROW No..---------------------------------- nine hundred-------5LXty------------------------­------.....+ before me, --------Zedena---G ­ . Gor3.ey------------------------------- .......- SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY a Notary Public in and for said County and State, person- ally appeared --------Irring---Solomon------------------ ---------- ----------------------­----------­------------------------- ------------------------­----­--- rli.;V5363 PAcF301' known to me to be the------------------------------------ ---President, and ----------Albext---Solomon.-­-------------------------- --------- known to me to be the----.------_----.-------_------------- _Secretary of the r COTpor4tib4'that executed the within instrument, and RECORDED AT REQUEST OF knovn to.mejo-be ihe,persons who executed the within in- sit,Am6ron-behaff-;4f, the corporation therein named, and CITY OF HU"140TON BEACH acknowledged to 'me�,6 RECORDS OF same, t such corporation executed the IN OFFICIAL � " acknowle hnd d�i-4 '�to me that such corporation exe ORA*GE COUNTY, CALIF. cuted-the within ingtruthent� pursuant to its by-laws or a resoluti6n'of its board of directors. �WITNESSt-jhy hafid:-afid.,official seal the day and year in ---- Af AUG 5 1960 thr� ci rtlst rsc above Wriapp.Z e ent,;G. Corley RUBY *fARLAND,County Recorder (SeaW affy Public in and or said 5P Yand State. My Commission xp,r ------------------------ -------- ­ %COr9missinn Expi FREE_, L-2 (G.S.) 5-22-56 (8 pt.) (Rev. 11-48) r '��^_ CvG�G'A'��'�C�G'�'-_ECG'CC'��i�C��C'�_.G���G���C��_.�G�C'GC�-G�tlG��.��_����- G�C�GG�G�G�✓r, n� �;533 PAsc 3Q2 This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed dated June 27, 1960 from Huntington Beach Plaza, Inc to the :,Qty*af, ;Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation, is hereby acce,b'tg64b)�roord`e,r of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach onJuly 1$ 19�0 -` and the Grantee consents to recordation thereof by its du;y authorized officer. CITY OF HUNTINGTQIJ BEACH DATED: August 4, 1960 O CITY CLERK F� Q O w O 0 J