HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-20 - Grant HUNTINGTON HOMES WHEN RECORDED, PLEASE THIS INSTRUMENT TO M* noxcR12 PAGE588 City of Huntington Beach RECORDED AT REQUEST OF P. O. Box 190 1-7294 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntington Beach, California IN OFFICIAL RECJHC)S UF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. 9:05 AM JAN 31 1961 RUBY WFARLAND,County Recorder Order No. 198501-HL '"-- FREE �j -------Ti;a'----c"t----I N'...o"-.-----40-21-------------- EscrowNo..........--------------- ------------------------- ------- SPACE ABOVE F DER'S USE ONLY PLACE INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS IN THIS SPACE Consideration does not exceed $100.00 It Grant Deed I. R. S. $.......None.-...... ------------- (Individual) HUNTINGTON HOMES, a co-partnership, (GRANTOR - GRANTORS) FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Do es Hereby Grant To CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a municipal corporation the real property in the City of Huntington Beach, 9 County of Orange , State of California, described as follows: All underground water�p lying beneath the following described land, but without the right of entry to the surface of said land for the Purpose of producing water, which land is included within proposed Tract No. 4021, and is described as follows: Huntington Homes STATEOF CALIFORNIA .....................------------------------------------------- ............................. COUNTY OF Orange SS. y ------------................. ........ .......................... .........e(l Donald *r' -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- On this .................day of.-----�-) YC ----------------- 19-C-1jr before me,_..../ p a Notary Public in and for said County and State person. Carl L. Cutsin ge artner dDonald K. Butts and ----------------------- dlPfT. --Uiltiiliibt�------------------- ................................................•------------------------------- known to me, to beXdL%Kthe partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same, WITNESS my hand and officiaLaeal, (Seal) -- Notary-Y...P'uZiic...in and,for.-said Gaunty and.State. My 9 1"-�64 .............................. Misc. 168 (G.S.) Ack. Partnership (Photo) 11-16-55 4,500 (8pt;) PARCEL to That portion of the East half of the Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Las Bolsas. City of Huntington Beach. as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51. page 13, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, described as follows. Beginning at a point in the West line of said East half, distant thersoa 93 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner of Lot 118 of Tract No. 3S63, as shown on a chap thereof recorded in book 131, pages 7 to 12, inelusfye, Miscellaneous Maps. records of said Orange County, and running thence fissterlp, '" of with the Southerly line of said East half, 329. 94 feet, more or looqs abor Fast line of said East half; thence Northerly, along said East limo, 4w, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said East half; thence 'ig�ls�tls North line of said Fast half; 329.94 feet, more or less, to thee" of said East half; thence Southerly, along the West line of said East balle Meet, more or less. to the point of beginning, ARCJ9L 1:" The Sast half of the Korthwest quarter of then r of the Northeast quarter of Section 35, in Township 5 South, Rang* 11 West, in the City of Huntington Beach, in the Rancho Las Solari, as shown on a p thereof recorded in book 51. page 13, Miscellaneous Maps, records of saW Orange County; EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof lying Northerly of the following described line. Beginning at a point in the West line of said East half, distant thereon South 0° 01, 12" West 640. 11 feet from the Northwest corner of eau ," f, and running thence North 89' 57° 22" East U9. 98 feet to a ffiast lire of said East half, distant thereon South 0 011 16" West m the Northeast corner of said East half; moK56i2 PAGE 519 This is to certify that the interest in real property con7eyed by the deed dated December 20, 1960, from Huntington Homes, a co-partner- ship, to the City, of Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation, is hereby r accepted by order of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach on January 3, 1961, and the Grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer* q;u, Dated January 30, 1961 CITY OF HUNTIMTON BEACH sl , By ,� r y Piz 0. Jones, y Clerk