HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-05 - Grant MOBLEY, JACK I and JOAN L f Order Escrow y - Number..................................Number........... ---•-----•.-. RECORDING REQUESTED BY 15493 /� RECORDED AT REQUEST OF CM OF H t o# BUM CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ...........................................................:......................... / 2/ IN OFFICIAL FZECO6DS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. WHEN RECORDED, PLEASE MAIL TO sr r a a► MUM 10 �F 9:05 AM APR 171963 ALE FREE RUBY McFARLAND,County Recorder c ...reT-k- o ------------------------- , M1�IM7fWNYI1I�GTOIY BEACH.................. .... ........... NGTt7N"BEACH.__.. U SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant teed JACK -I._--MOBLEY AND JOAN L. MOBLEY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-_------------------------------------------------------------------ For a Valuable Consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do-------- hereby GRANT to. 'j'IiE--CITY--QF..0N'T'TN4?T.QN-_uAQR_---------------------- .................................. AN EASEMENT FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES OVER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..................---.......... ----•---------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------------- Orange all that real property situated in the County of----------------__--------------------_......................._ State of California, described as follows: That portion of the West one-half of the West 200 feet of the North 200 feet of the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section 59 Township 6 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho has Bolsas, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 51, page 7, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the West one-half of the West 200 feet of the North 200 feet of the East one-half of above mentioned Northwest one-quarter, said point also being the True Point of Beginning; thence North 88° 521 08" East 46.59 feet to a point; thence 61.16 feet Northwesterly, along a curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 89.66 feet, through an angle of 390 05, 03", to a point; thence South to 24l 21" East 37.28 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ;PROVE R F(YRIM ------------ --- CITY ATTORNEY April 5, 1963 Dated e o bin ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF.....9rainge-------------------------------�SS. On_____Apri1_5,-_1963_---_.__-•--_, before me the undersigned a NotaryPublic for______________Orange ..................County, California,.per�onally appeared---•__ _-_-____'Tack �. Mobley anc� Joan J,. Mobley ----........--- -- - --------------------•----•-------------------•--------.......................................................................................... known to me tc be the persons..... name---8.................are .........................................subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that_. -.theY"_..executed the same. WITNESS my hand acid official seal. ................................................ ------ -------'. (Notary Public's Signature) 3423 «I'!#It.C:oun(i.vr�� F•.• a ✓e rn ni !''',� in yp� ESC 2564 6.6o• P.S. My C*mm esicn Expire, frovcrnb6r 29. r%3 This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by this deed - -- d dated April 5, 1963, from Jack I. Mobley and Joan L. Mobley, to the City of Huntington ,Beach, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by order of thO- City fd6dnci1 of the City of Huntington Beach on April 15, 1963, and the y Grantee cotisents'--to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated' 'April 16,` 1963 CITY OF HUNTINGTON EACH By: City Clerk