HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-30 - Grant JONES, McCLELLAN C. RECORDING REQUESTED BY 9332 RECORDED AT REQUEST OF AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO CRY OF NLtNTINOT' ilELl� IM OFI=iCIAL RECf)RDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. Name CITY OF HUNT-INGTOlN BEACH Street Office of the City Clerk 9:05 AM j 18 1967 Address P. 0. Box 190 City a FREE 1• WYLIE.CARLYLE, County Recorder State Huntington Beach, Calif. 92648 _f SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name CITY O HUN F iNGTON BEACH Street Office of the City Clerk Address P. 0. Box 190 `St a State puntington Beach, Calif. 92648 _l AFFIX I.R.S.$____________________11V THIS SPACE Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY TO 405 C FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, McClellan C. Jones hereby GRANT(S) to the city of Huntington Beach, a mixnicipal corporation, an easement for public street and utility purposes over the following described real property in the County of Orange ,State of California: That portion of lot 1, Mock 119, Huntington Beach Tract, Seventeenth Street Addition as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page 10, Miscellaneous Flaps records of Orange County't southerly of a line beginning on the southeasterly lot line 7.00 feet northeasterly of the most southerly dot corner and terminating on the southwesterly lot line 7.00 feet northwesterly of the most southerly lot corner. Dated ' ' ; 4' ' r � � STA OF CALIFORNIA 1 SS t :... ; r NT ► )T .: ,,, r COU OF i v On before me " under- . s signed, a Notar Public in and for said State, per ally appeared known to me to be the person whose In subscribed to the within instrument and acknowle ed that executed the same. WITNESS my hand official seal. Signature - /,143 F — Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) a T� Title Order No. —Escrow or Loan No. - MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE 637 rr This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed ►' dated December 30, 1966, from MC CLELLAN C. JONES to the City of Huntington Bea6,4\ 1I 9kOp by accepted by order of the City Council of the City of 1bnt ngt6d,BV,4h on January 16, 1967, and the Grantee consents to -1 -ricov'dati© theieoof by its duly authorized officer. 1at�e Janva 1967 CITY OF 4TINGTON B CH BY: lic�s•�-� City erk 638 :a ai n � ile � fl u� t k n t i o , `ems � � '"`e;�, .r,4 F �Fx 4 s';. a �.�' k. >r a j-]n'Tf k•. �� ��!�� ' ' ;,r^ Y�� .i ; gg yS � X r c STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of L ` S �ss. ON &C e,t.a.J�tc-.z Zc'I / `> 19 before me, the undersigned a • Notary Public in and for the State of California with principal office in the County of G"-s jq' G c<'� J personally appeared known to me to be the person— whose name<s — subscribed to the within Instrument,and acknowledged to me that /Y executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. R. K. WILSON NOTARY.PUBLIC•GALIFORNIA SIGNATURE OF NOTARY: --:.e��"�"�=^ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN NOTARY PU�4i N q.�q�=r STA E p{�CAII FORNIA LOS M"LES COUNTY pr�K. AUi� pi`ilB C� ttDlfC•�8�. NOTARY'S NAME AND COMMISSION CDM.EXP.DEC.6.1910"LOS AN/Q.�E�tES Co. ., EXPIRATION DATE PRINTED ON East Harrison Ave.,ftwOA,.M4"jt.91767