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1969-02-25 - Condemnation LILLIAN B JONES
976 E'N T:E E D : . ,booK 8397 rAu 40' I .. --��� JUDGMENT, BOOK MAIL TO f DON P. BONFA 1 'Date... City Attorney 2 LOU 'ANN MARSHALL . PE8 2i Assistant City Att6rney 3 City of Huntington Beach W. E. ST. JOHN, P. ©.Box 190 4 Huntington Beach, California, 9 8 5 536-6551, Pact. 227 1339, 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff AI 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ~STATE OF CALZPCENIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF 'QRRWGE 'f 10 11 CITY OF HUNTINCr`.i.'ON BFACH,, 12 Plaint if f. No. 139 Ti6 13 vs. P1NAL ORDER Off` O aTION 14 LILLIAN B, JONE•.i: e (Lot 65..,-Block Si Tract � 15 = Doferi dkn a 16 ._ . F 17 The plaintiff in the above entitled cause having paid-to, 18 Millie 'Jane Livingston, Heir and Devisee of Cor Al s Livingston 19 the total amount of e9myenge,tion awarded by-the :'court fog^ the 20 taking, of the property dose ribed, in the Compla innt herein .aud- 21 for all elaim and demands- f said defendant against :pl Intiff 22 by reason of the taking of aid real property far.,a `public perk 23 > site purposes, 24 NOW. THEREFORE, it is rdered and decreed that the follow 25 described property, to and It is hereby condemned to plaintiff 26 for public park ,purposes in fee absolute, said property bo 27: situated in the City of Huntington Beach,, Counter of. Orange X_ 28 State of California, and described as followsi - 29 The right to enter upon Lot 65, ' Block `B, 30 Tract '281, in the City of Huhtin6ton Beach.* 31 County of Or +e; State of CaaT,ifca?�ia„ .aa� 32 ,per map rec on ded in.Book 13, Page 50 of W BOOK 8897 rAn 402 1 Miscellaneous Maps,* in the Office ::of the 2 Ccty Recorder of said County,, for the . 3 purpose of exploring',and/or drill .for cil„ 4 gas and Other hyd ©carbon su st oneex lying 5 in .and under sr 'd lot g It is further Ordered hat a certified copy of thin' Plhal 7 Order be recorded in the Office of this County Recorder- df. the . County of, Orange,, in which County said 'property, .a •l�a�►��td� 9 and ther4updn° t .tle' tp t4e real rty _ =re , , ttribad 10 shall vest in plaintiff in fee' simplle absolute. 11 DATEI? j". 31 1 12 13 Judgi o the uper .car court 14 15 � • 16 17 Crurty'Clerk and Clr•rk of the Superior Court of the State.of Calitarnia in aOd fof 1$ DEPUTY the Co of ange By 19 20 WA THIS CERTIFIeATE IS GIVE14 FREE Of CHARGE � SOLELY UPON THE CONDITION THAT IT IS TO OT9 21 seeeeee BE USED F'OR OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNDER THE (�j ,• e,e PROYI91ENdS OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF �ie!•' � ® i•• �►...r 22 TVE GTWE OPOMFOUM ®: 23 • p ` . 24 �. • 25 �LI+'Oii�� . 26 27` 2$ RECORDED AT-REQUEST 61F CITY OF MUNnWOTON 13EAN 29 IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. 30 9:05 AM NiAR 112 1969 31 J. WYLIE CARLYLE, Caunly,Recorder 32