HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-16 - Grant FAR WEST FINANCIAL CORP +<ECORDING REQUESTED BY� Bock 9 137 947 8230 RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Al AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ITIM HUNTINGTON BEACH IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. City Attorneys Office � Q!9 Nome City of Huntington Beach- 9:05 AM NOV 14 1969 street Post Office Box 190 Address It J. WYLIE CARLY Coa Huntington Beach, California LE, Itl}t Reorder city e L 92648 Stare SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO E f f F Name ter' • ; Street t! x g 14 Address ITT` , City 3 a.✓ State L AFFIX I.R.S.$____________________IN THIS SPACE EXEMPT FROM DOCUMENTARY TAX Grant Deed TO 405 C THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FAR WEST FINANCIAL CORPORATION hereby GRANT(S) to City of Huntington Beach the following described real property in the City of Huntington Beach County of Orange , State of California: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED. (This document is solely for the official business of the City of Huntington Beach as contemplated under Government Code Sect . 6103 and should be recorded free of charge . ) Dated �J1/ '� '` 'AR WEST_ NJO.NCIAL , RPORATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS By ai v rf, e President COUNOF Los Angeles } On ' '+ ¢�C�` "• f before me, the under- By W. H. Kleinsorg, Secretary signe a d otary Publi .lin and or sai State, personally- ppeare4 c o OFFICIAL SEAL C2 C 0,,0 ,0 k.l?. ,E , l#i_ _ •" �F� BARBARA B. P'ARSHALL a� o NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA known to m _ - #a PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN CC- - .Y to be the person whose name subscribed to the within o. I.OS AN6ELES COUNTY instrument and acknowledged that -E'- < executed the same. ................. ........,................................. c WITNESS my hand and official seal. SA`BN, A P.PA,RSHALL-Notary Public-Cs,I. 00PL M1,AUG. 1/,1971. LOc".NCE -S U. Signature t ¢C "� i - --- 626 Wilsi�irc Blvd., Los Ang 1 c, :'a'+ 9 u 1 s. Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No._ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE -711 BOOK ' PARCp. 1s Ltnls tS fie 3i, both inclusive, 33, 35 to 43, both inclusive, St? to 70, l h,inclusive, �T3 to 77, both lmkWve, 79 to 85, both inclusive, 87 to 91, both inclusive, 49 to 312`, both inlusive, 114 to 120, both inclusive, all in Tract No. 263, in the City of Huntington Beach, as sum an a map thereof recorded in book 13, pages 42, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Mange Coup". PARCEL 2: Lot 49 of Tract 263, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 42, Miscef loneous Maps, records of said Orange County; EXCEP I:NG THEREFROM the Ecaterly 10 feet thereof. PARCEL 3: Lot 34 of Tract 263,. in the City of Hurtington Beach, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, pia 42, Miso:ellonomm'Maps, records of said Orange County; ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM tfie.right, title and interest, including rights of way for operating upon"said Let 34, in all all, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the Deed fiam Chris Nobon and Coma C. Nelson, his wife, recorded August 23, 1922 in book 433 perms 1958 D"&. PARCEL 4: Lot 32 of Tract 263, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 42, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the right, title and interest, including rights of way for operating upon said Lot 32, in all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the deed from Chen Nelson and Cora C. Nelson, his wife, recorded March 4, 1924 in book 513, page ' 227, Deeds. PAuCEL lots 78 and 86 of Tract 263, .in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a thereof recorded in book 13, page"42,.Miscellaneous Mops, records of said Orange County; r EXCEPTING AND RESERVING all oil, gas and mineral substances that may be within or under said property, without, however, the right to dig, drill or-mine through the surface or within 500 feet of the surface of sold land.,. PARCEL G Lots 217 to 223-, both inclusive, 228 to 235, b-ft inclusive, 243, 244, 245, 74d to 258, both inclusive, 261 to 281, both inclusive, 283 to 287, both w1usive, all in Tract No. 264, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 43, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County. PARCEL 7: Lots 240 and 288 of Tract No. 264, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book.13, page 43, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange Catty; . EXCEPTING FROM EACH of the above lots the Easterly 10 feet thereof. :___;; PARCEL. 8: Lots 226 and 227 of Tract No. 264, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 43 Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM the right, title and interest,`including rights of way for operating upon said Lots 226 and 227, in all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the deed from Chris Nelson and Corte C. Nelson, his wife, recorded January 9, 1923; in book 452, page 18, Deeds. PARCEL9 Lots 236, 237, 238 239 and 259 of Tract No. 264, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 43; Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County. PARCEL 10: Lot 246 of Tract No. 264 in the City of Huntington Beach as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 43, Miscellaneous'Ma$as,records of said Orange County;: EXCEPTING THEREFROM all-oil, gas and mineral substances that may be within or under said property, without however, the right to dig; drill or mine through the surface or within 500 feet of the surface of said land. EXHIBIT uAll �p Revised - 10/4/68 a .' r G :1 , bo& inclusive, 42,44 to 62 bo1�i"'inclvsive, 64 and 65t 67 b , b :iwmciusi+we, 8t1:to 9d inclusive, north one-half of 97, 98 to 120, both inclusive, oft:ialtact t4O. 265� as�an a map thereof, recorded in boob 13, page 46, Miscellarwom } , racorde+off said a County. PARCEL �'12: tits 39•6rW'40 of.Tract No. 265 os'shown on o recorded in book 13 46 Miscellaneous Mops, neccrds of said Orange County' r DK' 1NG THEREFROM the right, title and interest including rights of way for operat rg upott send lass, in all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances as reserved in deeds of riecarcL PAIM U: Die south one 4 otf of lot 97 of Tract No. 265 in the City of Huntington Basch, as� a imp recorded in book'13, pogo 40, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orarge C. € `TIN G THEREFROM all curl, gars and rid", sula�ances the many be within or undea r sand lord, without hmev , the riglet to d iig, drif or mince through the surface or within So fast of�+e surge of sea lae& Lets l'94Yto 220, Ash itncicaive,.2n too 242, bah inclusive, 24�1, 2�#$'to '2SQ, b • • - inclusive, 2%to US, both inclusive, Zn to 273, both inclusive, 279 to 282, both irclusive# -tea 288, both inclusive, of frees No.-273 in the City of Huntington Beach, as�an q recorded in book 13, page 45, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Osage . Cowrty. roam- VS: Lots 243, 246, 249, 275, 276, 277, 278, 283, 284, and 285 of Tract No. 273 r In book 13, page 45},Nli�elicrnecxu Maps,reca�ds of said.Orange Counter. PA i6: Left 251, 252, 253 and 254 of Tract No. 273 in the City of Huntington Beady i as�on a map� recorded in book 13, page 45, Miscellaneous Maps, records of E x< sod Ore*coulo r; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the right,title and interest, including rights of way for operating } said lob 251, 252, 253 and 254 in all oil,'gas and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the deed from C4ris Nelson and Cora Nelson, his wife, recorded July 3, 1922 r, In boar W. pogo 222, vl< ,records of said Orange Court. 4 , PARCH. 17: Let 221 of Tract No, 273, in the City of Huntington ,ss shown on a rm:p. recorded in book 13, page,,45, Miscellaneous Maps, records`of said Orange County; m k VCEPTING MUEFROM all oil, gas and mineral substances that may be within or under sold land, without however, the right to dig, ,drill or micro thrash the surface or within 500 feet of the surface of said`land, -PARCEL18: Lots 1 to 8, both inclusive, 11, 13, 36 to 41, both inclusive, 43, 45 to 61, ,. both inclusive, 84 to 89, both inclusive, 91 to 94, both inclusive, 97 to 109, both inclusive, of Tract Me. 274, as shown on a reap thereof, recorded in book 13, page 52, Miscellonixmn �, records of said Orange County. . . PARCEL. 19: tots 95 and 96 of Tract`274, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, ;. `e page 52, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; ` EXCEPTING THEREFROM the right,,`title and interest, including a , .ne rights of way for operating J upon said Lots 95 and 96, in all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the r} de"from Chris Nelson and Cara C. !Nelson, his wife' recorded February 4, 1924,, in book sy. 510 page 9, Dee&. PARCEL 20: Lots 14, 35, 62, 83 and 110 of Tract No. 274, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 52, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; EXCEPTING FROM EACH of the above lots, the West 6.70. feet. ` PARCEL 21: Lots 9,and 10 of Tract~No. 274, as shown on a mop thereof recorded in book 13"" page 52, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Change County. t . ,+Rf'S 'V .y3:i� ;Fw.,T � " �y a..•.c _}?.,rah .� -".t;.s .+i .P�� �.ti5M EXHIBIT "All 600 10 PALE PARCEL 22: Lot 44 Aract No. 274,as shown on a map r rded in book 13,.page 521 Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County;. 4. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all oil, gas and mineral substances that may be within or under said land, without "ever, the right to dig, drill or mine through the surface or within R _ 500 feet of the surface of said land. PARCEL 23: Lots 193 to 205, bath inclusive, 228 to 253, both inclusive, 276 to 288, both inclusive, all of-Tract No.-•275, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 14, page 16, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County. PARCEL 24: Lots`206, 227, 254 and 275, of Tract No. 275, as shown on a map thereof, recorded in book 14, page 16; Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County;: `EXCEPTING FROM each of the above lots, the West 4.70 feet. t r r . Y to y 4 EXHIBIT "A„ ti spa # }� "'+.'!"�!�* 'fi-"'P�"'"".�s"cr'gF3t. ,z : .x, s-a+•� -"`c .a,._r• •a•.'-. ^-Ta....-r.: -r,.,•. .,m- xz 37 PAGE 951 October 16 , 1969 FAR WEST FINANCIAL CORPORATION ifs beacll pu- I t i t -1 -2 1�� ed j�j oi, i.b,- lx� e 27 October 1969 Qw-tAA- 5, y