HomeMy WebLinkAbout1909-10-25 82 �- e - - ---- - - -- _ - c To the Honorable Board of tI �9 Gentlemen; C-a-Xc At the rec � % � - - - -- --- - - --- - --- --- - ,-oC, G -cry - -- - - -�c_ of the resignation e -- -- - - ---- - --- -- --- --- made an examination �r�vLc-c Believing, , � ���-�•_'�� Z, - - _ legality of the tray; _ _ �i do so, but have exan revenue due the City - n orders of the Board I find t ha A- - - - - - - —- - - - - - _ From - --- —- - - - - which amount has bee r_. find tha d d was overlooked and 7l Ate- - I has since been so pe ce- ----- -- - - :successors and • -j i i i17�.sA / Floi m o i a 1 � i WHEREAS, The Board of Trus- tees of Huntington Beach has passed its resolution of intention to order the improvement of cer- tain streets in the city of Hunt- ington Beach;and ' WHEREAS, The district cover- ed by the said resolution includes certain streets in the Vista del Mar tract east of the Southern Pacific railway company's tracks; . and ' WHEREAS, It is the sense.of this Association that the bound- aries,of that portion of the said district being in the said Vista del Mar tract mentioned in the said resolution mt,.y be modified to the advantage of the parties concerned; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said board of trustees of the city, of / Huntington Beach be requested, and the president and secretary of this Association be and are hereby authorized to request, the said trustees to .order and re- quire the said proposed street work to be done in the following named territory, being a modi- fication of the original resolution, to;wit: Alabama street from At- lanta to Indianapolis, Delaware from Elmira to Indianapolis, California from Elmira' to 'In- dianapolis, Atlanta and Indian- apolis from the railroad ,to the city limits and Elmira, Frank- fort, Geneva and Hartford from Alabama.toDelaware streets. 1� Huntington Beach, Cal. October 25th. 1909. �I - To the Honorable Board of Trustees - - of the City of Huntington Beach, Cal. Gentlemen; At the request of the Committee of the Beard, by reason of the resignation of Mr. ICI. D. Rosenberger as City C1e37k, I have made an examination of the books of that officer. Believing. that I was not expedted to inquire into the legality of the transactions represented, I have not attempted to do so , but have examined only into the proper collection of the revenue due the City, and the disbursement of the same under the i ' orders of the Board of Trustees. �PZ:1 I fired that the City has received revenue as follows: �C �G from Traders liconses 888. 50 - Personal .sro"-!arty taxes 46.41 Dog licenses 83.=- OranCe Co. taxes rebated 2655.87 -� � Cont ribu.t ions ' to Library 52. 11. ! ' Contribution to Goneral fund 5.--' _ 4 Not sl)ccified 2. 10 - - 3743.99 which amount has been paid to the City Treasurer as per receipts. I find that a payment of 75� of j ersonal property taxes _ was overlooked and not paid to the Treasurer at that time, but has sine: been so paid. iL Fit) i From the revenue collected, disbursements have been made through the following funds; Through Salary fund 692.03 _ Street fund 503.04 Pound fund 24.25 Current ex. ense fund 1727. 52 I.1usic and Promotion fund 500.-- Library fund 352. 11 3799.-- showing that the City has overdraiwn its account 155.01. Vouchers and receipts for these collections and disburse ments are in the hands of the proper officers. I would recommend that the City Clerk be authorized an3 instructed to segregate the revenue to date, and transfer same to several fund accounts as follows: Transfer �'4.75 from the Pound fund to the General fund, and then transfer from the General fund to the Salary fund 692. 08 Y Street fund 503. 04 � Current Expense fund 1727p 2 which will close all the accounts except the Library and General funds, and will show the General fund account to be overdrawn $55.01 on Oct. 20th . 190,, } I have found the books of the City Clerk to be orderly e and well kept , finding only one or two unimjortant errors of a purely clerical nature, and which have now been corrected. _: .. Respectfully' um. eQD — a �x ,oC c;c-par tni:rsJ,,ip doing, bu:iv.e s in the City of H initiflkg,4Uon Meech, County, California, the ;party of the first per w , and a r*t re ti•very n ti � rte: ,CI Y Off. ..1101•:.�`1.1C� c"11 1'A..tCt�, €� ��t��ici�s l �:���' 0r .t ion, of r Dr,_ne..e Croanty,, Cas.i fornia, the pearty of the zecond Part , �:°hat tlze oa_i . party of the first part , for and in rss- ,,€.tion of #t.�7�3 �e iIj, CSfJ""�'i��'.n.�t.: ana ��3��';�'ei31`ent a I,ex-�,in- :# Ct r r�<-coned, re s-rvmi P.nc ��az fit,*, �W�c� on .11.1m art and `t e- y l.tr.t,j3. i1 wT ti.t.ci 'be �.�• ��in••�.'t,�r of the +�e w 9 r,1 >u�.ec it r�..�o�.'t3 and k�•wi�.)d-r_a}.a:t ?� ) C1 "i ti.�.s. .F: a)t , and �TE:l— �i'.r ic'°_d, does i' y N1�c'.)s p.�.�`ows�.+'"nts d4.,ajoc;$ :one let unto t;':o said p�ir.ty of fih(-., sccond par t, � /A �/-_2 -x4 �r.�p•�»wx ,.�.rc,,.�.,..•.pwww..v�......«........,.�,...-, .w,.........�...w...,..+w..at.u,.t�,..�...... .w*na.w..-� ..r�.�*w.,.� ./ � � � ,..`�,�.�... w�rv,..r���...e..�a,.d«....,......u«�..w-..�....a.Y...•r«.....a•wwM ».�w.w«.�.w+-..,....Y..+a»..��,»-+*�..•.w.a..xx i I. i • � � .._w...xY.w....�....w..�x.�.a-.....».,............o ..--,,...w...x....s...w.«.«:..w.....,+...�......... -..+..•�+.....•.....u...�,...w.ww.......e,...n I •t , r • .•� ;: � ..,.........�.....,........,..,..m.a�...,..x,.w»v,w•..zw..r.w..w..r.w..>...r.-..w..........«�.w.".+.,.....w..x,,..a�..,..w...vw,»...,w.�.,�.��..-.+.w.-ax,d«,..,..+w....•�...«.......�,.......,.,�,...� w..ww+u«.,.w+xrw,exv+"m I+:,YcwraMax4"a+WWV J•w.+•xI+wWw,naa.w.,.wavd+r+•rwru•.u:kwn.*pM'wow++.�dxwsra�ww�tWFnwwayFy.w+WWm..w+c+rwx�ar4++•si+MB.+,rRa.uM..w.a'fay.v...wwn.'�wa'-ri'Wwwn.Mnq�lre.e ' .x...�.sw+..•+w�..�•-wo•w+•+rw+++wiwn+a.+ow.r,u�,quY s�caa.x.fie+.roa+�iws.'+Wr..w+.•,+rxyrrw+�u vwa.u�wiu..www•+w+.+*.++�.n......w..++.w+•.w«ww+..x/.�wr.e+^.w.+a .mwwxw. - __rww-++.wtx.uwyv.r�.�Msamwuuvu..«wr.-rv+�.,.xww••m,��.s.roe,.w+.-+•+a14+.ew.na.ls..Mv4n.�arpw...er.rmwwweww+w!f-..+•an•.n.w+wwr-.M+rvabwarauw+.,yyws.wavnnw.a I r.r•w+u..r*enw+r.�.w.rw++x..rnrM..•-...... qrr.xw.xs.+n/n�.uy+}+•++.•.+w.rar+a��.Y.mras...M�+.'rw+u•wsy •+,u++,a•+ew!u+sun.'+aN>arxe,t�^W� ww.+."w'•'•.• —_— ---__— —_�_ anrr+.uu«hMwv. ��-mwFWY+»nw*wpu(rv.w.s�,wrewf+wau4Wwxeu+�w..+w,+uwdvlawr.xw,�.�Mu�rw.auMw+�.a,+++�aM.+'•.+.�r•w.w�rw4.+'r.waw.�'.M.nN � 1 ,,0 JU,"i-I'l AIAD TO HOLD the said premises w1l 1."h tile 1 appiAzterlances , unto the sa:k.C, pj,,,-.cty of tijo secC'nd part , its zu C f:;3 s w;ors cmd °'i s i Cvz y f 7.'.'o2T1 the �_.....w.�,.,,.. �i c..y Of •.,,�./ ' rr-:0.-�� ��, ­0 10110;01 lCor and durinS the All term oC theace noxt ens"ing, ord 011y to be complete and ended; yieldint and paying therefor unto the, said party of the first Pin-A, its succeaooro or assigns , sonthlyo and every months e'auing t1te ,;aid term, the monthly rent or our of 1 J,Cjr-it Dollars (Q�0.00 ) , 'in United States gold coin, on the day of each and every montho And the 30d party of the sec+c�a�. d part, for itself and ito sucee2oors and assigns , doeo y covonant and aGree to Rnd with the uaid party of the first part , its successors qnd assi6no , that the said party of the second part , As successors and assirpoo shell, and will , vonthly, and Wry math, during tho said term, well and truly poy, or cause to be poid, unto the uaid party of the firat port , i t o suucewsorN or asi ogns, the sai ren d t , on the days and in the amnyer limited and proscribed as aioreoaid for the payment theroof , without any dod"otion , fraud, or dcluy, according to the true intent and moaning of theoe n� resQntsi and 1",liat Con tne lant day of said term, or other 000ner determination of the estqje hereby !gr the amid party of the necond part , its ouccenoorn and auzigris, shall and will , peaceably and quiotly, lea vc, sun., -mndor , and yield up unto the said party of the first Vart , its successor* or asnions, all and —i Zaid prmitises, in good state and condition, as On same are now or may, be put into (reasonable u2e and wear Moroof , .end damage by the elements excepted). It io Arther vCroed that the said party of the oncond part way move on to or build on to the said promioes hc:,xcby lcased any building or buildings it wRy elect, and the -vill not becomc pv�xt of the freehold; the party of the second part to bove tho rit& to remove the Oame Within skx (6) montho from the termination of tho tenancy bereip, without let or hindrance from the party of the first parto and KUM the necessity of notice to or per" mission from the said ;sty of the first parti And t he' Wd party K the first part, for itself and its Ouccomeoro and aosigno, does hereby covenant and allreep tl')-�t Vo said party of the occond ppxto its aucoozors or aosiGns, paying the said rent and performing the covenants and nexoemonts Waresaid, the said party K the second part , its successors and aoniCnzo ohalll and nay at all Woo during the said term, peaceably and quietly hRrot hold, and cnjoy t he oai d p vemi o e s 0 W thou t any nVIV.-ner of, lot 0 aui t r troubl e,, or hindranae of or Now the ouid party of the first part , it succeosors or a3sj.,,.,ps, or iny other person or persons whom" D the said City of Runtirgton Beach, by order of its card of Trustces, sitting in regular meeting the day c-on Londay ,, 10090 camsed its corporate name to be sioned hereto in its behalfo by its President , and its Corporate Seul to be hereto affixed ly its City Clark,. and the Wd party of the first part hap hereto affixed its partnorzhip name and exoouted thio indenture , the day and jear first above CITY OV MNT!!TGTCX B13ACHO B,y —7-1—cMent of t: Trustees . :3y City clerl". (7 Approved az to lorm this Way of city Attorney of Huntington d 07 7— 83 The within 00, trnmrf. approved , and, t0qc Prt-.,sidt-in Al t and Cit-, of Huntington to"ity OP c thr, !�w�rd of Tru:,�tees of sa�-A j a"C' its faectin- Prosident c) t fit? -�j 0 Flare a. /oif 'r r u.9 t e es City Clerk. 414,14- �AMA