HomeMy WebLinkAbout1909-11-22 �� - f an application -------_ _ ��� Qi✓ L= ��� (J ing that the SE Blodget. and Im( along the oceer asked for in sr by the said U.' ���� �, before a certa.7 _ l ar meeting; per' said U. S. Enga intentions of i and, wishing t( matter vhereVdi - � - -- ------ .__ be filed again: of Trustees Udi file the prote, ---- - 2C i -- -- --- protest under- --____i_� � - � `�• protest was du. off:i.ce of Said GC/f 1 WHET PEAS, in the premise., Trustees of t hi weekly meeting ----------- �G�:c�� � explained them --- -_�__ provements `of:°1 against the sd --- - d> —� ton Beach, rt.i: Q the said pax;t i� the citizelrs' ao - -- _ - protest filed.�l that the said'. ----_ �i - - -- said B1od-get. ai � ✓� /?u -� impr ovement s w N0VI THER: ___ _-• �` �`�� �� ----- - --- - tees , that :the withdrawn; an BE IT"FTJ -! '�_y2P_ --'-� - he is hereby a d r,"ia 1 of said resolution to his permission ,t zc�2� _ -- Committee ap p Resolut -- �' - --' -__ _ _ d�� supported 'by' . adopted by' th t I AXE S NOES: - t. 4�•G`u`�ti c�7:-d�J a:9t..- - _L�� _. � _ _. --_ .;t�i:•Ci .t,. -f���'_._a,.�1�' ,-r�. t �GC-vw- V'LJ _ � �� i�%�� -�// !/ — _....—.— .-- - -- --- 35 3 d.;.t 41 Ic u-F'•.FP w t:.y.. b`3../ �I i f 92 C: V. iMc4QW Huntington Beach, California, Nov. 29th, 09, , u'1HEREAS, .,an application — v'Ang that the SE To The Honorable, The Board of Trustees, "Blodget.. and Inns --- City of Huntington Beach, Tong the oceax Huntington Beach, California, asked for . in s, - Gentlenen:- by the said U.' before a c,erta: - rt The undersigned, S. lar meeting" :h, -- j �, - id U.sa S. EEng.iPn Blodget and C. V. Ineson requests that the Board. of Trustees ° s tioS. ,of ---- of the city of Huntington Beach grant them the privelage of - and, ish ng t erecting buildings for amusement purposes along the ocean matter whereve front of Huntington Beach between the boundries as designated be filed erei in the application of the parties hereto and now filed in the .' of Trustees, IUin office of the Secretary of War at Washington D. C. Said ' file the ,prote per mit to extend for a period of fifty (50) years from and ; protest under ' after the granting of permit, , protest was du Further your petitioners ask that in granting the off ice of said said permit, that right of way may be had over streets to the VyrlpEAS, high tide line, thus,giving free access to all buildings and improvements made, along said ocean front by the applicants, in the premise --- Trustees of th In exercising the rights under said permit, the meekly meetin,1 i said applicants reserve the right to remove any and all explained .the - -- - u buildings provements.-lof.and improvements made on or before the expiration of against the sa - - y p�erriit. Respectfully submitted, ton n,each, Cam_ +� Signed �` • the said part: c � ' ° the c i t i e n's "s I - - , protest filed f that the said --- said Blod�et:^? - � improvements r NOV.,' THE -- - -- - -- - - - --- - -- - tees , that :.th withdravm;" a �) BE I T F ' he is by dra ialhofesai li -- resolution to ci his permissic Conunittee a.pi I Resolut __ - - supported, by, - adopted by tl AYES II NOES j -- - Ara SENT I I jig Iv. 29tho 09, 1,r1l WHE 'AS,' S. L. Blodget and C. V. Imeson have filed an application with Lieut . Chas . T. Leeds , U.. S. Engr. , ask- , ing that the Secretary of War grant a permit to the said Blodget, and Imeson to erect buildings for amusement purposes along the ocean front of Huntington Beach within the limits nia, asked for in said applications, and , in the notice published, _ by the said U. S. Engr. stating that protests must be filed before a certain date , and this Board of Trustees at a regu- ' s S, Lo lar meeting, having received a copy of such notice from the Trustees said U. S. Engr. , and not understanding the purposes and . lage of intentions of the. said Blodget and Imeson in the premises., ocean and, wishing to protect the rights of the citizens in the, wherever possible, deemed it best that a, protest esignated matter ed in the be filed against said application . A committee consisting Said of Trustees Manning, Warner and Helme were appointed to . rom and file the protest , and the City Attorney having drawn the protest under instructions from the said Committee, the protest was duly filed against said application in the ting the office of said Lieut . Chas . T. Leeds ; and, ; is to the ings and f � %II-M, .EAS , the said Blodget and Imeson, the petitioners licantso in the premises, having appeared before the Board of , Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach at its regular t 't 'e �i week h ' ly meeting Monday Eve. November 15th, 1909, and having [l all explained their purposes and intentions regarding the im- 7 iration provements of the ocean front', asked that the protest filed against the said application be -withdrawn ; and, C� IMPLEAS , the Board of Trustees of the City of Hunting ton Beach, California, after hearing the explanation of the said parties believe it to be to the best interest of the citizens and the City of Huntington Beach that the ' �I y Committee protest filed b the said Coittee be withdrawn, and, P -- that the said application for a permit be granted ; and that said Blodget and Imeson be allowed to proceed with the improvements as outlined. 1."OW TILEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of Trus- tees , that the said protest filed against said application be withdrawn; and, oil BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be , and — - he is hereby authorized to prepare a resolution of with- drawal of said protest , and, is empowered to present said resolution to Lieut . Chas . T. Leeds , C1. S. Engr . ,r'and with / his permission, withdraws .the protest filed by' the said w Committee appointed by the said Board of Trustees . Resolution pre ent_ d by �/� supported by t� and unanimously • ,� adopted by the following vote : I AYES �lt'__ NOES: AB SE1dTy -- -