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u t T'he arti'es.°of the • a oIf.iss, and agree - ------_� � ederal"�rpermit ap- lll/// / o foresai .is -ranted the said - ----------— —- - -- _ ` _ _ - -- - / -- 1 .. i , in ofar as it applies to between E+leventh streets, in party of.the first hey will not build' ' amusement pur-1 urpose on the said e toned-territory,"withou oti of the said party of art; and that if the e first part should hetlife of the saidper- 'IC - desire-;themselveslto use the between Sixth and treets for the erection structure, or for any pur I - ---- _� whatsoever, the said par-I �( -�� �/ � � trie of he second part"will use: U G 'p p , heir utost endeavors,\as trus-w the said permit, for the, benefitof the party of`the first[ assist -and enable the', � - - - -- partyrAof the first part to attain+ required control, of the said; WITNESS WHEREOF, The; City of Huntington Beach, i.; .�.z b order of itsBoard of Trustees, sitting in regular session on Monday, the 6th day of Decem ¢ber '1909, has caused its corpor-s name to be signed hereto in i 'As�behalf by its`president and' - - --- - clerk, and its corporate seal to' ba hereto affixed by- its city,.. `� -- - - -' `clerk, and„thlA said parties of - th cond art `- -- - -_`---_--- --vim.�-� 1 ,p , have signed and N eacuted this cgiitict the day - .Ln year first above written. - - - ties do contract nand agree as fol — __--- .mac 1�io -ems" First. The party•o tale firs' — �- - .-+ part hereby agrees to and doe+ withdraw its aforesaid protes O - to the granting of the said ay - -•- ------- �•GG� GZ"� ; c,a plication. �.. - Second. The party of th - --- -- -- ---" t/ _ - - - - — - - - - - - --- -----4� first part hereby agrees to,'.an -- - -- - -�;- does withdraw all opposition t f' ----- - ---- - -. th©°construction by the said pa "—.. ties of. he second part of amus In"ent structures on the " sa •� beach between First and Six' esl%i , I-/ streets;provided, however, th the said parties of the seca" --�_ part shall erect no structut _ within seventy-five .(75) feet -the extended lines of M, street, Huntington Beach. Third. The party of the fi part hereby agrees to pass a x olution favoring the coristr Lion by the parties of the sec4 V -d -- part of.amusement,structures the ocean front of'"the City Huntington Beach, betvc First and Sixth streets as af, said, and to deliver to the ` ties.of the second part at 1 three certified copies of- �` same. ec/57 1 - - — - - - - --- — _�/✓�� - - -- - NO' - - of this Bo Y 1 � 0- �,V@ cr 0 o 01 i • l O o `f overturntj throwing both 4a �e �-- �"L dashboard. Th'r�\�Veie�+o� �N"o De e i colt's f - eet 6ib IS avagely cr s�l i e` o g5t abp11cat\on; skull and inflictinj'� �e saga a� tre juries on his com*of t tox ' ened by the catas 1� se® artIes man whose umbr t�A 5'�S of a\1 �ie� °ft� Ye the accident ran .sere. �o �e to persons IirivQ dead man was to zcl INC ee�e��s�aT a� �es� undertanznz esF icAP 50 INe �, naha;m and Dew , e: U ens to 1e 01 O ried to thr' pgo� t�o4 that city G °Apjka�, dexa y a 7._ a.t n u° :o x i s luZ de,aa -ate * i �t+t,`jl -t111al , � � I �.�`•"�,Q.�A.a • '�Via_. �� U�2 :- ��. �-�c-P �X�lam,-,.�cv� � �,.///1'�. i 2 . � ez �.�,r �, �-•'� *a+II� ' `�d`�. � G%'Gil•-Ec2J .�rti � '///���_��''•- �' � I ' Fourth. The parties of the L second part promise and agree that if the Federp.] permit ap- 24z,er ��� C�� .G ` plied for aforesaid l gia,nted to ? Co � � � O �p ' them, they will hold the said i 1. insofar as it applies to Q - i �? / the territory lying between ^ ^ D'`2��C-P�i Ui1-�a• . //7G�:yv�� Sixth and Eleventh streets, in � trust for the party of.the first part; that they will not build structures for amusement pur- poses or any purpose on the said last-mentioned territory withou t the consent of the said party of d ( the first part; and that if the party of the firs_t part should ! / during the life of the said per- mit desire themselvesito use the said beach between Sixth and �2 Eleventh streets for the erection of any structure, or for any pur- � 4 GZG� �' pose whatsoever, the said par oties of the second part will use their utmost endeavors, as trus- tees of the said p permit, for the benefit of the art ofthe first � 7. . part, to assist and enable the party of the first part to attain ���� the required control- of the said beach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said City of Huntington Beach, by order of its Board'of Trustees, sitting in regular session on Monday, the 6th day of becem- G� — ; ber, 1909, has caused its corpor- ��` .., ate name to be signed hereto in its behalf by its president and M1� clerk, and its corporate seal to o / be hereto affixed by its city CL clerk, and the said parties of Gl!uZ ° the second part have signed and � executed this sgnti rt the day G� �t�1,e=a�Ls year first above written. rpl- ti kr p tl � 1 •f t - n.,�rp�,s'erl��fLax d� u�ea quapiaa� auk pasnuo png nIla.rquin asoum uIUuz -oen aq� 'agdotjst;jno aqj dq paua sm<..�_�.___ =___-�t. -=; _-T-.-���_ _ .,zv__r-•--_----_. i jq2ia,g •uoiutduroo siq uo sai.znf ui algiaaoq �ui4oifiui pun IlnY[s ., s,�aan�f�s Auigsnao `Sj@2nnns te7 tuagj paKopl 11 puts jaal s,1I03 / aqq qu IIDI -Sags •panoggsnp auk aeno u-,)uz gqoa -�1111moagl ,�`� ��Y, C/o7 cS p pcu'l: �fA_�nq arp_ Auiu.tngaeno ' iWteetp6int, made and eD_ u �T , �lra�5,o this (ith Ala of:L+eceni- / �7 bet, tgpg, by �.na"_between then: 1 O lX . (aty'of R>Antiu ton Beach, a m;� nicipal corporation of ®range - /�� -- `� �!(`�;/ centnty, C"'ii'or tie. the party of. y� �t Ithe first pal:'., alld C. V. Imeson rood S. L, 8lodget, of Huntington the secont3 part; Evitrib:raetli: ggx�,�LAS 'The parties of the .second part have apl)liea to they - United. States Governmep-t for a Permit to build. structures for, arniasemeut purposes on tile ' , filet GC oceai+ frout in the-City of .Hunt in!xton Beach; between First and Lleveuuh 5-tro6ts; 4pd WHEMEas, The :party of the first part has -heretofore filod d with the United States War De- partment its protest against the I , granting of the said application; and } WHEREAS, It seems for the GG� `�est iuterests of all parties con-J t 'zerned ii��t �6he ;:vice of tl,j I� 4, second part be allowed to make + these improvements on the beach, exeept'in so far as the 1 are i 'u i u to the best same _r nl r o s •; interests of the people of the, . municipality; now, s/<ZG L�%?�i�t cc.�i� ��'lO� THEREFORE, in consideration I I II acute of the mutual promises and REsorvE + agreements hereinafter contain-1' r G < r ec, to be kept and performed by t all parties hereto, the said par- I ties do contract and agree as fol- lows: _-ze_ First. The party of the first t part he,eby agrees to and does . withdraw its aforesaid protest to the granting of the said alp I ; plication. Second. The party of they first art hereby aC rees to :tird. p S c/ does withdraw all opposition to the construction by the said par- ✓ �� t ties of.the second part of atnuse- �� )�,A baac structures on the said , beach between First and Sixth � f streets; provided, however, that. the said. parties of the second part ,shall erect no structures within seventy-five (75) feet of the extended lines of Main + // street, Huntington Beach. �� •xan - PapSA aq 000,g,c,4 at,passers d 4.10 �qAn°j_ pug svk, _, 000`m arla gatzlnio ae -=C'rs aunc►z.rr `rrmq IM101 � Ith, xaolq uj azl , azN�sxr oqj:To aau��s ! Pa�gx�� as zR Slue xo _awe sV qazght s iir��oJS xossas 7 a s I ua uza�-s, s ! P eX9 I'r �z u xonas '` anssi sxeam I aunarx,L aqq 10 jo����C C� r�o1.zalin� �e s �s�I uI paxt'adcit' Z ut eaz ,uaursass� .�Uz - �C Al. sn°e�' `pa.�ait s xo -losses !.�un G� aegcu eq� urxa����'a__:,- apt,W s'u I�ndep siq put'Uq ' aq� ur s auzssess'e so xa q �eVJ a ���zu eni� u Jo uorsaan srq °� •�uinaoar f�prx� `sme � ya�a dun * ��jgp Its oz H eq� �O eaz,Uo� °�3 �zzazua�n 77f- �°aS aossass� /I—eft°Glir�t�( zaaoall10a r7� zzosxed dq — --- - — - = 'HE:1EAS , Lessrs . C. V. Imeson and S. L. Blodget have � � nplied to the United States Department of War for a permit to �m erect structures for amusement purposes on the beech opposite the C.it y of Huntington Beach, between First and .Eleventh Streets- I WIL,11RAS, the Board of Trustees , after consultations with � I the citizens of this City , feel that it is. for the best interests of th _s municipality that more amusements be established in this �.. (city , within certain territorial limits ; and, ! � 'u1lHEREnS, Messrs . C. V. Trnesbn and S. L. Blodget have � appe .red before this Board and explained the objects of their said application, and have agreed to enter into a. written in-- , �1ryr denture not to erect any buildings upon the territory extending from Sixth to Eleventh Streets , nor upon the territory within seventy-five feet of the extended lines of fourth ;street , in the City of Huntington Beach; and have further agreed to ho.ld any permit which they m<.y receive covering the said territory in trust for the said City of Huntington Beach as sa.r as the I same may be in their power ; arid, WI R �.N , this City is absolutely viithout made'rn a.muse- o ! ' ments to attract ;plea.aure seekers ; and, �,.�JJP_',j -,,A5,Iuieusrs .1meson and Blodget have acted in entire good faith with this Board of Trustees, and its constituents , and their project , if carried out as planed. , will undoubtedly be of great benefit to this City in every way ; and , WHT;;I�T,,AS, vie have been officially advised by our legal � � I counsel that we have no power to grant any rights to the said Imeson and Blodget upon the said beach; and J � x �JIIEREA5, this matter being of vital interest to this I I municipality and our constituents , we feel that ,Pie should do -all that is within our I over to encourage the contemplated pro- ject . NOVI TIUPIU--_: '0RLO , be it Resolved , th-it it is the sense of this Board that it is heartily in favor of all undertakings T AN dg� ao� pnq unut pnap aus CIO �10-1(, aanooaa S13Eu pun unToTsSgd n Sq 016 `�go3�ct�°l0n`�'` papuaIlt' sum aq aiaum Silo Iregj �°a j °a'.F.'11`� 0. � � ut I010u IUtoaauzuzoD au, 01 pars a � zio o, °U ano snm sainfa2aQ pun wPgvu �0 A° 3c3A 412 Iuauzrlstlqu-Iso 2aINUIaapun 10 ON 5 3t,% - �ti °5 , a5 s,-'Tong 04 ua-4,P1 sum unuz pnap .S .os'0°I,0.L a -iVto'1° : auk AuIAII suoszad oq 0A °a �` .,,� v° see, S1018 aq� 1I01 07 we quaptoon a o"v ol�4,ah�,�53x°�A� I.pasnvo pnq nTla.rquzn osogm unuzJ �© 5�; C° �5 �.� f;p`�U .om aqJ 'agdoagsnjno aqI Xq paua - .. . 5ac9a eae at c 1R 'ummedwoo sTq uo saian[ �o .0 uth��c� T aiquaoq 2U140Tput pun Iln:ns � tJ `: &Y's �� sal ��aL��oR, aan�f4S Aumsnao '.9102nnns �oiN,eOAY fe%SDN0' o to � a5�t�g� p0310131 11 pun IaaJ s,1I63 Q /� auk�5u�� TtaJ Sags 'panoggsnpL x b. �0lau �5 g � i Yl�lal�°1 u�zeno ua� qoq q� , ea oao1 6:-o"I�as^` oRA 1 f--nq agj A 0 UIILM Ao a - c I 9 _ _ H I I leading to the expenditure of money, the est'abli> 1 pnt of eritCrp prises , or the construction of buildings in the City of Hunm tin,;ton Be c1a or in any manner tending to increase the commercial I activity of +fur' municipality , I ind Be it I�urther F-esolved, that this Board at this time i I f especially approves the project ni Messrs- Imeson and Blodget r I' to erect amusement stUructures vjithin this city according to I their }glans as c;cplained to this Board, vAth the limitations k E � hereinbefore set fo.th, I. And Be it Further Resolved that the city clerk of this � I City deliver to ��tessrse (meson --and Blodget three certified copies of this resolution upon the execution of the r.fore • me;ntioncd a(£,rcyE:;?ent o i P i I rt,"4- R . R. BRADBU-,IX, City Clerk of the City Of 1,11.1antington i Bleach, hereby cc ^t f'y that the a'ore:goi.ng resolution res p^:}sed and adopted by the ; o-a.rd of Trustees of the said City of Huy'n ncton Beach at P. reCular meeting of said Board held on the ® day of December, 1909 , by he folloiring vote : C O r r JI � I }iBSE14T City Clerk. �jlv,� k 'aanooaa dtui put, u ols�fgd �fq qLL � 0�� ` pna a °Jd�i c3�03 cj�a�a� t yap aao7 n s�n1 atI aaagm �'4Io jugj j °o a s�5at� �� I q Itto-TOMMoD aq o� pars, ) �s �° o � ©o, aVo s'em sel�fa�aQ puL, W_fa� u� z� ate°4 e VccZ�°�a �a5a soy aso ustIQn�sa IVlaapun `�� o'N .0:0 u�� .ids g ua �� s'nm 11tru p ap a tS os, a�o���a @u° e�. 'aus 'Xq mqu 2atntl suosaod c ' uo ol� sn�o e oo,n , `• of �`a� �a u� IIa7 07 uta quaploou E)qq P.o �e 0XX �s`�`xa P'su 'slla.Tquzn osogm uvuz �� o z2ZT-": fie ° 5 Kati u� agdoa4s`1no aqI dq paua I '° Vd *aolmedumo siq uo somnf o w 1� aea <<t� '�° xo1 �° ' a�1��d alglaaoll 2ul1olgul pun IIn�Is I \a�� '���5°lal�ntIgSn io `S102VAUS I ��� put, pay s,4163 �� 5a�te�5�c;,e IV aVlbti tia3 �fagy 'panoq gsvp I ) a p tau s�t,TSTV �° taro caul 66 1 S t Sn�), up°q `�uIAAo j i a1o3O � :.2`lS Aunq aq, Au19-In POA0 I y p oD C I ` - I I i ,- ' I :'IIIi;REAS , the terms of the attached contract , the contents I of which are made a part of this Resolution as if herein fully set forth, are satisfactory to this Board of Trustees , and the said Board of Trustees feels that the execution thereof r will be for the best interests of this rr,.uniciaplity . I NMV TI,TREFORE, be it Resolved that the President and City Clerk of this City be , and they are hereby authorized to execute the said contract . 1 A I , . R. BRADBURY, City CL-rk of the City of Huntington Beach, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Was passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the said City of Hun- �, vton Beach at a regular meeting of said Board held on the � day of December , 1909 , by the following vote : AYE S : )_1041ee � ..._ NOES : ABSENT : � City Clerk. I