HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910-03-07 t /1mum '. i -WEN WMWI Any rg �► i MAOI / i -Q X7-1C- evenin o a'f ore `datai ldi anxiol agiour -- — - on t) br Corn ing li 6.i J ' r the of Tru i doe 110, t he --- - -- � - -- �d Cam__ - •�-. ����^_'� - --^��:_. _-- _ _.�'�l l- - C?- - - -- �^ ii: 67 zZ4;:�c 1 w �l ;5 1 • ` I I l ��!-GG�►�Q �!�/liJ /— CyX,PGriyry,�c �_ - i V+ "MITIASo R. 4A. Lindgren, `ecret.t-iry of the Board of - Library Trustees of the City of Huntington Bloch, han this i evening reported that the Huntington Death :.rt~mp any has i offered certain lots of land in this city for the uses of � > the Library, providing there is built thereon a libraxy � building to cost at le .at s*,5,000;, and, a s WMEMI; a, the said Secretary furtbat reports splendid progress by the n aid libr4ir since its organization; and 45 khkRIMSp t2bQ mass of O i lrizens of this City are anxious to do all in their power to make arq,tle pro iEAon - for r4 library; and, 141 EASO this Board last year Aevied a tax of fifteen �- cent a on the $100.GO fa,r the benefit of the .►af d 1i tra�r o o ourttang to nearly cane-aixth of the. gross income of the - Cit:ls and can in the futuro. levy a's hij h as thirty cents — on the �3 00. 00 of Aiss ssed 's:r luation for the benofit of the said llbirary,, aihich would ��rr.€�urt , Under prosent con- ditions, to .)3000 per .,vko, ��.z-41 the present 'Board of Truetecti of the, s^af.d �A Library desire to perfects an application to Andrew y.. ' Carnegie, Esq., for funds with which. to coraotxuc2 a build.!. ing on the saki `lute; wid, t)ff3 ce in the matter of the t� levy but,, f,e-bl''t�,i�tt4'�fl . zr y the moral affect of a preponderating putt is opinion in x-&vor `c of the Libr;zZl Y should be arystallized at<<ythi,z time intt: €a ✓`/ _is t resolution . �y _ i 3 x7i t' IfF< �, : `l� 301U �p thit tk:�e. _ cFkra of Truateec of the €ity of Huntineton 23e.ach, Calif ornia, '7, does hereby x•ecoxunend to their ,,iucaessors in off ioe that «.. they arcs rf tt .i per=� ,, f» a:�far necessary and I possible to the mapport of qny library ni;iy be secured F and constructed through the offor-t 01' the, zald Yign,t:ingt on 1 , 11T. LL7yic ��LGGa��i?/lil Beach Company wad the said Andzew O.,ixnO,6ie I- 4 .,1 � •, a R .r fa a s.°4�� viia E. Flo BR��.aL RY, City Clorko hereby certify that the above Resolution vas adopted at a regular. meeting of I' i the `'d �f' Trustees of the City rluntin to:x Beach lc t `he City l�ial l on the 21st daffy of �}'ebru y, 3 910, t �ittj.'. ,f. t3-w i3•"!crvote: a.s 'Ljj ••� .1 :r✓'� ram- � . Gi A