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tl,jjjje,� -I om/ 611, -- f i Ooo� � b ,� -z'"Z,- i L—�o 7- -j- ---------- 47- --- I i /i -t' "�'�� • .��--era�' zc1vC � c i ��.-E�G�' ,. - L{.2 . /t �� - ----- � -- { RESOWTION N0. 101.. A RESOLU-TI.ON OF ..INTEN.TION OF THE BOARD, OF .TRUSTEES OF THE. CITY OF HUNTINGTON ..BEACH,.. CALIFORNIA,. DECLARING THEIR..-IN- EN.TION. TO., IIWPRO.VE. .A..PORTION...OF.=MAIN.. STREET. IN SAID CI.TY. OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED.. BY THE BOARD .OF TRUSTEES .OF THE � CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH: Section 1 . That the public interest and con- venience require that it is the intention of the Board of I Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach. to order the follow- ing work to be done, to-wit : That the entire width of the roadway. of, .Main. Street , inr�s did city , from the South. line of Ocean Avenue ..to the =i line of Orange Avenue.,:. including a.11 intersections of streets (excepting such portions of said streets and, inter- sections of streets as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person .or company hay.ing.. railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such .por.ti.ons as have al--- ready been graded and Graveled and .oiled to. the official line and accepted) , be graded, graveled and oiled to the official grade, in accordance .with the plans,.. prof iles and cross-sections for said work on f.i.le .in the .of.fice of the. City Engineer of. said city. , said .plans and profiles being I numbered No . 1 , and - cross-section No.. 1-, and in further accordance with -specific atians for grading,. graveling and oil- ing streets in the City of Huntington Beach, on file in the ^, office of the City Clerk of said City , said. .specifications g, being Number ":Thr.ee" , as adopted. by Ordinance .No.. 34 .of said City , and which said plans, profiles. acid crass-sections and ,f specifications are hereby referred to for a .more _particular description of said work.. Sect..ion 2. The Street Superintendent shall post notice . of this work as. required ..by. law.,. sand, sh,:ll also post , and, keep posted a. not ce similar in 'substance, f or a period of six .days on or near.-the...council,, chamber. door of - said Board . He .shall_ al-so, cause, said_-no.tice, to..be published by one (1 ) insertion in the Huntington Beach News , a weekly ne ispaper. published arid. circulated in .said City of Huntington L c=:L.i. t 110 y Beech, which is hereby designated by the sai.d. .Board of Trustees of the said City of Huntington Beach as .the newspaper i P"Ol'tOaa in which said notice, shall be published by said Street e�f,i Po¢ .t Ootv)l'rlov Superintendent . r i o aq� !gtasr section 3.. . The City Clerk shell certify to the c cd 0 Z"z1fit; z4n.t: passage of this Resolution of ' Intention, and shall post the same conspicuously for two days on or ne=Ar. the council chm ber door, of said Boar a . He s1ial1 also cause the same to 4� be published by two (2) insertions in the Huntington Beach •.�. .' r r 7 I N,:' a 'w._.p ,a meekly newspaper published. and- eirculated . in the '10 said City of. Huntington Beach, and hereby designated by the •,� ::; <i.,, ,.,,;�F o Board of Trustees of said. City of Huntington Beach for that purpose , and thereupon and, ther.eaf.ter .it shall take effect and be in force.... . sir-<<;, ;a, :, e a�• .� Passed and adopted by the Board. of Trustees of the " 4. City of Huntington Beach.this day of. 1910. 'Ct; _Z4 President of the Box _d Trustees 5^ of the City of—Huntington Beech. ` ATTESTI, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the r Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach. 2. - I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 7 6 P County of Orange , 1 SS. City of Huntington. Beach. `ice f;)7)r. �j'��� 0 C,, I , /�/ " �/ City Clerk of the City of c r < ,� S7 r.<, Qa ' Huntington Beach., and ex-off.icio Clerk of the Board of i Trustees of said City, do hereby certify that .the foregoing .� s... f i _'- '' '°' j -;;J Resolution of Intention :gas passed and adopted.'by said: Board ±.� i o.b �.� r;q- � .,� ,'rr of Trustees and attested by .the City Clerk of said City , at a � regular meeting of said Board .of Trustees.,, held-on the �Ge T day of 1910 , and that said Resolution was ' . i ; adopted by the following .vote .- , AYES: /�� / � � ��'C���v�L'� J _ .. . x NOES. ;-j,.1a,Saanc r :>a?ire ABSENT: a` n' t r q D r City Clerk and exmoffi Clerk of the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Huntington Beach, California.. ,-$' , I i ;e�\`�,Mom'•, .�'a.� •�`�_ .'' :�_� i I 3. s' � 1 RESOLUTION. No.... IO2. A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON .BEACH, CALIFORNIA.,......DECLARING THEIR I N'.PF_NTION: ,T0 III�PRUVE..A PORTION. OF ORANGE. AVENUE 1 IN SAID CITY OF HUNTINGT.ON BEACH. c ,.[ SY `'. l 1L h!V� 7.P.�..... M• 4 Ui.�.a�.7�✓P'4./C�a�-.-+t� ' Be. it Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the �- .tt...� �, Ae �t; • ., ; , a� City of Huntington Beach: Section l . That the public interest and con- r venfence require .that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach to . order the follow- ing. work to -be done,. to-wit That the entire width of'- the -roadway of . Orange i Avenue , in said. city , from the West. line of. Railroad -Avenue to the East line of Eleventh Street , including- all inter- sections . of streetz (excep-ing such .portions .of 'said streets and intersections of streets as are -required-by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon,,. and also ..excepti.ng such .portions i as have already been, graded .and sanded and •oiled to the official line and accepted) , be graded, sanded and oiled to the official grade..in accordance with..the. .plans,, profiles C and cross-sections for said work. on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city, said plans and.. profiles being numbered -,To .. 2, and cross-section No.. 2, and in further a,ccorda.nce with specifications .for gra.d.inb.,, sanding and oil- ing streets in the City of Huntington Beach.,, on file in the office of the City Clerk of.. sai'd City,, said. specifications being Number Four as adopted. by Ordinance No.. . 35 . of said City, and which said plans, profiles and cross-sections and ' a specifications are hereby referred to for'.a more particular 1 . i description of sAid work. Section 2 . The Street Superintendent shall. post notice of this work as f required by la,w, and: shall also-� post and keep posted a. notice similar in. '�'�':�r`: , ',� r,r•�,y� .. ' ;,.� :.,.�:.�,'',� substance...for a I period of six days on or near. ,the 'council .-chamb.ef .door of , said. Board... He. shall: also. cause..,sai.d. not.i,c.e ,t,o be published ' I by one (1 ) insert.i.on .in the. .Hunginton B,each..News..,.:,.a weekly ^^s� •h ✓ t newspaper published and..circulated.-in said..City...of Huntington Beach, which is. hereby , designated .by. .the., said Board -of Trustees of the said, City of Huntington. Beach as- 'the newspaper =�� • •� ,';,� ' '4" in which said notice shall be published. by said Street Superintendent. - ` Section 3. The City Clerk shall- certify to the ry Z. passage of this Resolution of ' Intention,, and. ..shall. .post the �b M") same conspicuously for two days. on or near the council -•.' ��"ri ° _ w b► nx chamber door of . said :Boar.d.. He'- shall. also cause the same to is t., s". `o or' .j`:>a � �, ,. %_ :? be ublished .b. P y two. (2) insertions in the Hunti.ngtori Beach '„c': ~w:�=»r� ► ': 'ti.'x. t News, a. weekly newspaper published.. -and circulated, in the r... -;11. +r ` s, said .City of Huntington..Beach.,_-.and....her..eby. .de.sIgna,ted by the TO ' �'I'j o n k Board of Trustees of said,.City. of Huntington Beach for that purpose, and thereupon and- thereafter. i.t .shall.,.take effect and be in force Passed and adopted-.by the. Boa.r.d . of Trustees of the Irlw �^ eAl . City of Huntington �- gton Beach day,. of 1910. flaa President of the BQa,rd/of Trus- zt . .,, . . tees of the City of-Huntington Beach, California. r�' ? �"'+.��'.� ATTEST: 1 - z���, Z;J:,E.k��,.. City Clerk and ex-of cio Clerk of the- Board of Trustees . of the City of Huntington Beach, California i STATE OF. CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, ) SS. City of Huntington, Beach. ) -City Clerk of bl' ta? f the City of Huntington Beach; .and. .ex-oflfici.o Clerk..of the al Qta'3..`,: `� C f,.t. �� S<< "� � �'� ; Board of Trustees. of said. City,... do .hereby certify. that the J foregoing Resolution .of .Intention was pass,ed..and.. adopted by f , said Board of Trustees, and -attested, by...the,.City. .Cler.k of said ;ue> r3 s' c7 •ia:"; '�'r' ""`gam ws��'i4;'"; r�� City, at �a/regular meeting..of said Board_.of. Trustees., held 1"Kds q- ;,d -i"e s, 0 Aa ifo.c 111: on the % day .of 191©,,- and t.ha.t said _4 r Resolution was adopted .by :the. followirig.,vote: .� r.l.ii '' •ti cI .....i`, �_ u(?Vi.3.a.s:rJ AYES: ..i, �'.��.5" ', Y;. �'-t� •.^.3>;Sr �a. °j'ff� r,fn.3 o r�r� �� .♦ v@✓ u `L S. ..A .A.tS.Tr..L::f ., wi Kh iI Yv' 4J 'A0.1. +! NOES• :.✓ :.5 'J '��'... `��l1 ..�;..�� ''.�..L 03210-A�'i,:� tiL7 SENT . ..r:.`�:st� v�;. - . .�£.'„a ..��:r;... 5. , a•?I..'1 r.� .sq.'�.xw'�..N•c� d. City. Clerk and:.. ex-offici, Clerk .of- the Board of. .Trustees of the s �4} gut City of. .Huntington ,Beach. r.�•Z'T541..3 '+S).a.� .n,:P.`�3.yLd*,'� �...+S,:c� � L.1ai4 ,'.<`L' J1 ri r'i." 'c oi� y,P t rp w K� {t-\ \ pp ��� .«...x�,wr.R.:.c -wx::-c.aw_.:.,...o__.�.xa:::T.,a.r�F=nrnxxcs•..;,cgfMfPEp' ' ... .;..n.ff .:.. `tit v •:,:,r. ,�:. .J�.fr ..,i '.'. I f 3 i ems. az- - G�ec,���z-ems G